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Posted on December 28, 2017 in D20 iCore Trait

[ Feature Impact ] > Positive
Cost: EssenceReq/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark


D20 Trait Mechanics

Incarna Core Trait Mechanics

Agile Communicator

Posted on December 28, 2017 in iCore Trait

[ Feature Impact ] > Positive

Character’s physiology and mental processes allow for faster assimilation of communication faculties. Their skills in their native spoken and literate forms of communication are considered overlapping ability (the CP cost for literacy in a language is halved if the spoken level of the same is higher, and vice-versa). Note that this does not grant literacy automatically, just reduces the cost by half.

D20 Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: [contentblock id=essence1]

d20 version INCOMPLETE

iCore Feature Mechanics

Type: Physical

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.

Adaptable Form

Posted on December 28, 2017 in D20 iCore Trait

[ Feature Impact ] > Positive
Cost: EssenceReq/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark


D20 Trait Mechanics

Incarna Core Trait Mechanics


Accelerated Healing

Posted on December 28, 2017 in D20 iCore Trait

Feature Impact > Positive (Cost: -5 per measure as Trait)

Summary: The character’s healing rate is increased.

Type: Physical

The natural processes of the body more rapidly heal damage. The character will heal a greater amount per healing cycle – dependent on species, setting, and circumstances. This increased healing applies to damage only, not secondary conditions or effects which may be ongoing – unless the source of such indicates that this feature also applies.

Time to Acquire: None – Character Inception

Cost to Acquire: None – Character Inception

i20™ Accelerated Healing Details

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

The character increases their normal healing rate per Short Rest by the measure of increase. Example: Accelerated Healing 1 = +1 per Short Rest.

iCore™ Accelerated Healing Details

The character’s healing rate is increased by 1. Their CON is doubled for determining chance of stabilizing aggravated wounds and for calculating Endurance Thresholds.


Shared Litany (Follower of Faith)

Posted on December 22, 2017 in D20 iCore Trait

A pledge of observing the Shared Litany is a major Liturgical Observance; It is adherence to a proscribed set of Minor Tenets of a faith which is to be shared and practiced by the community of followers. A character with Shared Litany embraces the tenets as a core of their identity. The Shared Litany must not bow to the civil/temporal authorities – at least always in private and in public if possible. A Shared Litany is an expression of the “Low Covenant” (Minor Tenets, Benefits, and Expectations). It is formally adopted through a form of a Rite of Significant Litany.

Benefits of a Shared Litany Oath

  • It grants benefits when they participate in Rituals (Rites), Ceremonies and other types of faith acts with others of the same Shared Litany.
  • Living Sacrament: A character that possesses Shared Litany, Divine Aptitude, and Conviction can undergo the Rite of Abiding Litany, to become a Living Sacrament.

Common Shared Litany Tenets

Role-Play ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.

  • Act against the enemies of the faith when the opportunity presents itself or they are asked by appropriate authorities.
  • Protect the weak and helpless of the faith as appropriate to your capability; Be an example in the community and promote the faith’s presence there.
  • Do not take away a person’s livelihood or well-being without good cause; Obey the civil laws and only ask for the most minimal from the civil authorities. You may command the followers as befits the need, though may require recompense if livelihood or health is impinged upon.
  • If a person comes to you for protection, follower or not, you must consider their situation and act appropriately; Act for glory of the faith, sow the bindings of new followers and the trust and conviction of those already of the congregation.

Common Cost: Rite of Sanctifying

Common Requirements/Limits: Being a Follower of a Divine Principal/faith in Good Standing with a measure of Conviction. Adherence to its [documented] General Litany proscribed tenets.

D20 Trait Mechanics

Living Sacrament: A character who is a Living Sacrament gets one Blessing at the end of a Long Rest if they do not already possess one. Once a year they are imbued with an instance of Channel Divinity which can be used as if they were a Cleric of 2nd level.

Incarna Core Trait Mechanics

Elan Building: This particular activity, along with Mystic Offerings to or time serving a Prime Entities, Time in Service to Prime Institutions or Entities, acquiring knowledge and experience arduously and over great amounts of game time (beyond Character Inception), Acts altering the outcome of great conflicts or the lives of many in general, and enhancing capabilities to an epic level can all build Elan.

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.
