Khotva Heartmind (original character)

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Kinetic: Chi:
Occult: 5 Manna: 144
Divine: 1 Synergy: 10
Essence: 30/ 18 Resilience: 48 ENC capacity: 36
RCT: 3
VIG: 4
STR: 3
CHR: 4 (5-1 from devourer of hope)
RSN: 7
SAN: 6
INT: 5
PER: 6
APP: Pleasing (normal from devourer of hope.)
SIZE: 12
AGE: 25
Melee 1, Evade 2, Propel 1
Familiarities: Staves, Knives, Spears

Magus Archetype Equipment-1, Good luck -1, Fortunes Favorite -1, Iron Will 1, Narrowly Adaptive -1, Occult apprentice experience, Manna pool 1 , Occult Familiarity -2, Shadow Bond 1, Radiance bond 1, Conviction: Devourer 1, Conviction: Ikrubu 1, synergy pool, code of conduct: Good. Conviction bound: Khotva will gain a measure of disorientation every time he delves into ‘darkness’ unless he makes a sanity check. This returns at 1 per day. Technique: Iron will to resist essence loss -2 cs -1 rs if the loss is permanent.

Manna sense 3+1, Mathematics 3+1, Gladnorean 4/1, Lore: Occult 1, Tor Quimot 2/2+1, Empathy 2, Sorcery 5+2, Shadow sense 1+2, Running 1, Climbing 1, Stealth 1, Essence tap 3, Feyloise 1/1

4 shots of dragon components, 4 shots of firestone, 50 silvers (500 hidden for emergencies), Walking

staff, Knife, Eating utensils, Mule, Spell library, 8 days dried rations, Boots, cloak, pants, Leather vest, Ikrubu Holy symbol, Antler headset.

Shield of the void: cost 1 essence ( returned at 1 per day x healing rate), 6 am adjuration, for 10 rounds all attacks against the invoker are reduce by 1 rs or 25% which ever is greater. At the end of each round the caster may burn another essence to deal hard damage equal to the damage absorbed by the shield to everyone in a 10m radius. Damage cannot be stored beyond 1 round.

Dark Binding: 10 synergy, 2 essence (returns 1 a day x healing rate), 2 rounds adjuration, -4 lighting to a 5m radius, those within must make a san -2 or suffer -1 rs to all actions for 10 bounds. Undead and void bond are immune.

Fetish, apprentice level: selected spell is at a -1 rs to resist.
Circle of summoning: Dark and evil requiring 5000 silver and a human sacrifice. Ask gm the mechanics if necessary.

Construct Negation: 5 manna 6 AM, targets armor has its pv reduced by sorcery + empathy ELU. San -2 to resist.
Pumice Shield 5 manna 6 am, ELU x5 PR, touch, Target
Worm tooth, 5 manna, 6 AM, ELU fatigue and resilience gained, 50M range, Target, San res
Torchlight, 5 manna, 6 AM

Burning Siphon: 10 manna, 6 AM, ELU x 5 damage, 50 M. target must make a san check or the resilience they lose will empower a shadow version of themselves that does 1 ghostly base dam at melee lvl 1. Upon casting the invoker must make a vigor + iron will check or take a measure of void wash.

Searing dart 10 manna 4 AM, ELUx5 fire dam, 50 M, target, Projectile resistance

Fire Protection: 10 manna 6 AM, ELUx 10 rounds, immunity to fire damage, 1 target, touch

Flickering Flames: 10 manna 6 AM, ELU damage back to attacker upon hit, target, touch

Watery lungs: 10 manna 6 AM, ELUx hour water breathing, touch, target

Touch of operation 10 manna, 6 AM, discern function, touch, target

Fire Breathing: 15 manna, 4 AM, ELUx 10 fire Dam to 5M radius, 50 M range. Shot arcs. Dragon Components triple damage, Firestone from ducateon mines reduce casting time by 1⁄2.

History and Background