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Category: Steel-Realms

Ice Fang

Posted on July 26, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Ice Fang are Exanimate Items – weapons used by the minions of the Lich Lords. The weapons are made of blackened corrupted steel with a taint and is cold to the touch. If any living target is killed by it, the corpse gets raised as a zombie under control of the Lich Lords.

Chilling Touch: The weapon will do a small measure of cold damage, in addition to its normal damage. It counts a magical weapon for who it can hit.

Loyalty Bound: If it is wielded by anyone other than a servant of the Lich Lords, it will deal a small amount of damage to them, and slow their reactions.

i20™ Ice Fang Details

  • It counts as a +1 weapon that does an extra D6 Cold damage.
  • Loyalty Bound: 1 damage through resistance of cold for each round It is held or wielded; additionally, the wielder loses their reaction.

iCore iCore™ Ice Fang Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Eyes of the Dead

Posted on July 26, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Eyes of the Dead are Exanimate Items. The eyes are collected by the minions of the Lich Lords from their slain foes. Only true undead can make the eyes through a special ritual.

Ritual of Eye Binding

The ritual consecrates the eyes of a slain enemy to bind them like the eyes of the true undead of a Cold Bargain, such that the Lich Lords can then see through them. It also can concentrate and enhance the magic of any that make use of them.

Ritual of Dead Sight

This enables the target to make use of the Eyes of the Dead. They have to remove one of their own eyes, and when they wish to draw upon the power of the eyes of the Dead, place it in the empty socket. The eye, once placed in a socket, will begin to decay and get opaque, at the end of 1 week it will dissolve.

One of the being’s eyes bulges out abnormally. The eye is glassy like the dead, but bloodshot and it seems to pulse with their heartbeat. A faint frost rings the eye socket, with wisps of frost-mist coming off of it giving it an even more eerie countenance. Even when looking direct at you, the eye seems unable to focus, and looks through you instead of at you. For just a moment, your blood runs cold and your scalp prickles.

While the true undead do not need this for the Lich Lords to see through their eyes, this can be done to the thralls that the Vampires, Ghouls, and Liches create as scouts and spies.

i20™ Eyes of the Dead Details

  • When the wielder uses Charm Person, the target has Disadvantage, and will not remember they were charmed; Typically this causes the victim to loose memories and become more susceptible to suggestions when charmed. It also requires no concentration.

iCore iCore™ Eyes of the Dead Details

iCore Text

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Exanimate (Lich Lord items)

Posted on July 26, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Exanimate Items, also called “Objectum Mortis”, are items crafted by or for the Lich Lords of the Winter Host. Items that were once crafted by the clergy of the death god Djerduth are often included in this, though their power is usurped and does not directly server the Lich Lords.

PRICE: None – They are generally destroyed when found.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Moorcat (of Dwindor)

Posted on July 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The dreaded Moorcat is a “naturtal” Beast of the steel Realms that makes its home in Dwindor Swamp, Calibans Slurry, and Scar Flow,. It ranges all over the the territories of Richfield and Bar-Innis within the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. Sometimes it is found in the hills that separate Tarmysia from the rest of Dunstranstrand. It is a fearsome beast, a black panther-like creature with mutations said to be caused by either the Folk of Bronze and/or the Sea Kings. A single cat is said to be capable of killing a dozen capable men.

They are not hunted as long as the predation they inflict stays within a certain limit. The last time an attempt was made to rid an area of the scourge caused a howling that echoes for miles. Apparently, they can communicate with each other. They attacked and killed a settlement of hundreds in masse after several were tracked and killed. Their exact capabilities remain mysterious. They are feared by everything in the area, even the druids of Pranin Moorswood.

There is a strange “truce” between the Moorcats and the ruffian folk of Point Saril – they keep all travelers and adventure seekers out of Jance’s Canyon nearby, which the cats use as a breeding ground.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Sunfri Spur Hills

Posted on July 23, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Sunfri Spur Hills is a geological feature within the Barony of Crestwold. Its start lies east of Point Saril and borders Calibans Slurry to the north. It turns into the Dorgal Ridge. Jance’s Canyon is part of its southern west stretch.

The Road Spur: The name also applies to the spur road that runs a back route through the Black Shore. Parts of the year it is flooded, but it is less winding and faster.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic
