Opportunities for the IGN™

All Game materials are built with the documented Incarna Game Design elements.

Contact us on Facebook if you have any questions! We currently ARE promoting Business platform development, license, and relationship opportunities. Feedback is encouraged.

Licensing Incarna

Contact for more details. All original Incarna materials and approaches were defined by Kelly Berger and first presented to a larger audience after a few years of play testing in 2003. IGN™ strives to follow the spirit of the Open Gaming Model for all basic materials. Contact the site owners for more details. Unless noted, all materials are held under Creative Commons:
Creative Commons License

Making Incarna Materials

We encourage everyone to do it and publish it, posting notice on the Facebook page or send us an email to link to. Please keep in my the development guidelines for Incarna and the Adventure Principles when making content. Although envisioned initially as a table-top RPG platform, it has the possibility for business and development on several platform (cards, war-game, computerized/online, etc.). See Infinite Incarnations – The latest publications for updates.

Content should be created following the Content Standards of the Game Design materials.

Continued Development & Testing: The model currently supported for i20™ is a limited re-publishing of protocols and ideas to support limited growth. Previously, with Incarna 5.0, business opportunity materials were rebuilt. Old methods and approaches are dissolved and new ones are being formulated. Although formal play testing for the core game has ended, updates and ideas are being formulated and Developed all the time. These are usually passed through a [Google] group for discussion among GM’s and developers. Business opportunities are available for those wishing to use the materials under standard terms.

Online Functionality Design Support

Seriously paired down in 2006 and 2010 as chance for commercial paid support model was scrapped due to lack of commitments for content from other designers and developers.