The Game Master (GM) is the one who controls the story plot, setting, events Player Characters (PCs) and Non-Player Characters (NPCs), and resolving encounters using all their known information as a result of the PCs actions or their own triggers they design. Game materials related to the Game Master are designed to keep Game Master Principles in mind.
What is the action Like? Activity in the game space – be it virtual or physical – should be enjoyable. A Gaming Contract will help set the specific expectations consistently for each game group, though there are some things that are universal. Character actions have passive and active elements and the controller of the character is the one who is ultimately responsible for their choices and actions; Within an encounter, objects and characters employ weapons, skills, armor and defenses, programs, and spells based on their understanding of the rules and situation; They act on detection, perception, communication, and use their set triggers and creativity to approach solutions from every possible angle. Narrating the interaction for this is both a Player and Game Master responsibility, though its emphasis can vary.
What Is My Job? The GM sets the stage the story unfolds in, letting the players choose the actions of their PC’s. They decides how these decisions impact the rest of the game world and relay that back to the players – usually from the perspective of their characters. It is critical that the GM understand the core terms and concepts of game mechanics at least as good as the players. Doing so allows you to refer less to any rules and keep the game pace moving. The priority job of a GM is running and resolving encounters and providing Narration for this. Additionally, the GM can participate in creating Character Chronicles to integrate PCs into the story better.
What can I expect? Do not rely on mechanics for everything – use creativity, role-playing, and common sense where most appropriate. You won’t always find “mechanics for for every situation”. Evaluate situations to see if it can be done with an imaginative combination of skills, attributes and other facets that make sense. Being prepared for the priority job of controlling all non-player aspects means committing more time thinking and reading; You will generally spend much more time than players to be flexible, fluid, and competent in your role. Those who prefer the GM role sometimes find world-building and making adventures more fun than the play in the game space itself!
What tools do I have? The GM game-play guidance section can assist you on managing play dynamics in the game space to run an engaging game. The Encounter guidance section will assist you in designing encounters – including non-player characters – for the game. Narration guidance will help you to add flavor and style to your direct interactions and action resolution in the game space. Also, a record of many Adventures exists to provide examples for GMs. GM role-playing tips embedded in a variety of materials will reflect the ideals and approaches defined in the Game Master Principles.
All Game materials are built with the documented Incarna Game Design elements.