About the Incarna Gaming Network™

The Incarna Gaming Network™™ is the organization that controls the material that feed into and are displayed on the web site. It was “officially” formed in 2003, but design work began in 2000. At its core is the Incarna game approach and associated mechanics. Incarnaverse, iVerse Infinite Incarnations, Incarna Gaming Network, and Incarna are Trademarks (™) of Kelly Berger. Feedback is encouraged.

Incarna (“Infinite Incarnations™” or “Incarnations”/”Incarna”) is a set of free (following the Open Gaming Model) genre & setting independent role-playing game (RPG) system rules for gamers which can be adapted to any literary or campaign setting on many platforms. Built around character envisioning with dynamic action, grit and realism, and strong plot-driven scenarios. The approach and concepts are adaptable to any time and place, and flexible enough to translate into any medium. Incarna has its own multiverse built around these ideas, called the iVerse.

Incarna Data

Our Mission: To [develop and] promote a game system and RPG aids with a targeted experience simple enough to be played by all and adaptive enough for any platform, setting or technology; To grow and facilitate the support of a community of persons interested in extending the experience and related materials.

Free for Personal Use: The basic rules and all related materials are free for use except for commercial use/re-use by any private or business entity for profit, marketing or promotion without the express written consent of the Incarna Game Network™ (see the Creative Commons attribution). We feel that by making the system available for free and placing it online, that community of support can be grown wherein business opportunities will abound for the company, and both personal and commercial developers. We do not offer a printed material set (although the online materials can be printed). This offers a significant advantage in that if materials change, the online medium means that you do not need to pay for a new book. You can simply print the new information or a whole new copy of the materials you need – if you need to print them at all. The system can also be licensed for redistribution, commercial, and for-profit use. The desire is to adhere to the basics of similar materials such as https://opengamingnetwork.com/ and http://www.opengamingfoundation.org/.

Making More Materials: We encourage everyone to do make setting and expanded information and publish it, posting notice on the Facebook page. Please keep in mind the development guidelines for Incarna and the Adventure Principle when making content. Although envisioned initially as a table-top RPG platform, it has the possibility for business and development on several platforms (cards, war-game, computerized/online, etc.). Content should be created following the Content Standards.

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