Khotva Heartmind (character)

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Names: Khotva
Player: Casey Cordray
Created: 2014 (joined Gallants group 3/2014)
System(s): Incarna 5
Locations: Steel Realms (current)
Status: Alive 5/2014
Concept: Sorcerer

Aptitudes: Occult 5, Divine 1


RCT: 3

VIG: 4

STR: 3

CHR: 4 (5-1 from devourer of hope)

RSN: 7

SAN: 6

INT: 5

PER: 6 (-1 PER checks for sight/-4 CS with left eye)

APP: Pleasing (normal from devourer of hope.)

SIZE: 12

Essence 24 -1 good luck = 23

HEALTH: 48 (-2 wound) = 46


Wound: flashburn explosion + left eye damage: near-sightedness – Left eye -4 CS any targeting relying solely on it; half range for everything except sorcery powers, -1 PER checks based on sight, -2 health permanently
eyes are mana burned: +1 mana sense (sensitive)

Wound: Mark of the Dragon = burned in tattoo of a dragon wrapped around his neck – fire breathed down the back; radiates as mystical > dragon powers are stripped; gains fire resistance (-1 RS/25 damage) and +4 damage on any fire spells


Magus Archetype Equipment-1, Good luck -1, Fortunes Favorite -1, Iron Will 1, Narrowly Adaptive -1, Occult apprentice experience, Manna pool 1 [+15],
Occult Familiarity -2, Shadow Bond 1, Radiance bond 1, Conviction: Devourer 1, Conviction: Ikrubu 1, synnergy pool, code of conduct: Good. Conviction bound: Khotva will gain a measure of disorientation every time he delves into ‘darkness’ unless he makes a sanity check. This returns at 1 per day.

Technique: Iron will to resist essence loss -2 cs -1 rs if the loss is permanent.

Inhaled mana fumes and dragon breath in an explosion: (prolonged) +15 mana & chi (if/when mana/chi pool is gained)


combat: Melee 1, Evade 2, Propel 1

Familiarities: Staves, Knives, Spears

Manna sense 3+1 [+1 eyes], Mathematics 3+1, Gladnorean 4/1, Lore: Occult 1, Tor Quimot 2/2+1, Empathy 2, Sorcery 5+2, Shadow sense 1+2, Running 1, Climbing 1, Stealth 1, Essence tap 3, Feyloise 1/1


MARK OF THE DRAGON: +4 damage on any fire spells or sorcery powers using fire


Knife: Powerful sentient magic staff explosion (imbues weapons with Aura 2), durable and double HP as long as they are wielded by tied owner, favored prey: Ogres (+1); Ego Drain (any powers activated by essence cost double!)
– Trying to put aside the knife to triggers powers will result in a battle of wills.