Exandria (LJ’s Setting)

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Hail adventurers and welcome to Exandria. (LJ’s Setting)

For my session of gaming here are some notes I think you will find helpful.

We will be playing the DnD 5E rules with these exceptions:

1) You may take a potion as a bonus action, but it is still an action to feed one to someone else.
2) You do not heal to full over the course of a long rest. You initially use half your hit dice to recover as you would do with a short rest but these do not count against you for the day. Anything beyond the half hit dice does.

You live in the village of Wilder at the base of the Cliffkeep Mountains on Lake Othendin in the Othendin Pass. Emon (Capital of Tal Dorei) is the closest major city but lies many weeks travel away. The village of Wilder is not large. Total population is probably around 150. Most folk are human but there are a very small number of half elves, dwarves, halflings mixed in. Oh, and there is an elf. Village personas and possible mentors of note:

  • Thorne Ironhammer – A skilled dwarven blacksmith. Foster father to Alois Hammer
  • Aria Moondust – A healer and herbalist who tends to the village’s magical healing garden, where unique herbs and flowers can mend even the gravest wounds.
  • Agnes the Alewife – The tavern owner who brews and serves ale to the villagers and travelers.
  • Cedric the Miller – The person in charge of grinding grains and providing the village with flour.
  • Alistair the Tanner – The leatherworker who creates shoes, belts, and other leather goods for the villagers.
  • Sister Marisol – The druid who runs the village’s small grove.
  • Grog Stonejaw – de facto Headsman of the village
  • Alistar Isold – Guard Captain/Sheriff/Military
  • Cane Whisperwind – Elder elven man who lives in villages only stone structure. A tower on the outskirts.

Religion: the people of Wilder are not the structured religious sort. Most people follow the path of Leaf and Loam. The natural spirits of the area are looked to for guidance. Occasional Eidolons visit on a whim and are gone just as quickly.

Your Character

You are a young Wilder. You could be the son of a farmer, a fisherman or any number of other professionals. That is up to you.

For those of you that use DnD Beyond here is the link to the campaign and where to create a character. I am sure there are the nay sayers about DnD Beyond but if we all have characters created there is makes my use of the encounter builder so much easier to track combat and provide unique items etc.

Let me know if you have any questions! I am really looking forward to seeing everyone next week! Please forward to anyone I missed.