Valin race/species of The Scarlet Streams

A species native to The Scarlet Streams.

Population: 5000 (up to 1000 able bodied men can be used in military action)

A Brief History

The Valin are a lawful race. At one time this race passed through space and the planes. Their great battle cruiser lead their other ships fleeing the Helsear – a chaos mutated race that attacked without warning and slaughtered the peaceful Valin planets. After a great battle, the Star Blade (the greatest of their space faring vessels) crashed on a planet in the plane of the
Scarlet Streams. The battle damage to the ship was so severe that even the advanced factory on board the ship could not repair the vessel to make it space worthy again. The ship had crashed in a tiny valley that was on a delta between two great rivers. The land itself was rich and green and minerals were abundant.

Unfortunately a virus infected the stranded crew. It had already run through most of the crew before it was detected. The onset time was long, but once activated, its biological process killed quickly and gruesomely through epileptic fits which would break bones and rupture organs. With few of the crew left, the cure was produced by the ships doctors. The native race of the Sheenitar had a natural immunity to the virus. Unfortunately, the specific extraction process created a rapidly degenerative from of anemia in the victim, killing the Sheenitar in days. The particular serum was also noted to retard again, slowing it to almost nothing. The few remaining scientist and military rulers soon had the survivors hunting the Sheenitar, and within a generation all pictured them as the enemy to be hunted and eliminated.

After 200 years the survivors are all brainwashed into believing the Sheenitar are their enemy. The racial culture and class structure are ruled by the Council of Three. The council comes from the descendants of the ships captain – the senior military officer. The second is from the mystic order of scientists. Their skills are shrouded in secrecy and the false mysticism they have chosen to promulgate. The last is drawn from and elected by the descendants from the crew.

The Valin have one weakness – iron ore. Iron or steel to them is known as the “blood metal”. Its touch makes them uncomfortable and if it comes in contact with their blood, causes searing pain and mental agony. All hits by such cause an extra D6 damage from the burning like sensation and reaction with their blood.

Their battle cruiser supplies them with all their metallic needs. The metal it produces is stronger than steel, and a strange dark blue color. It has many remarkable qualities.


The Valin are tall, willowy and pale with alabaster like skin and almond eyes. Their hair is usually an amber color.

Valin Characters

CHAOSIUM Based Stats…

Physical Attributes
Attribute Modifier
DEX +1
PB +D4
Class and starting skills
Note: All Valin start with a swim of 40%
% Roll Class
01-10 Craftsman
11-20 Farmer
21-30 Hunter
31-40 Merchant
41-45 Renegade +
46-50 Thief
51-60 Sailer (fisherman)
61-70 Scholar
71-80 Warrior ++
81-85 Scientist
86-90 Priest (doctor) *
91-00 Noble **
+: Renegades get 2D6+4 in skills of 5-50%
++: 10% are the Knight special kit
*: Priests with 18+ INT qualify as scientist 25% of the time
**: Nobles with 16+ INT qualify as scholars 50% of the time

Arms and armor

  • Battle Armor: Chest 4D4/Arms 2D4, legs 3D4, torso 4D4, helm 4D4; uses 1 pt power per hour; helm has infravision, movement 10 (5)

    Power add: 1 to 4 points move = 12, 14, 16, 18
  • Full shield generator: +25% parry (value 25,000)

    Power = 1/round; acts like force field with stopping value of 1 D20+5. Does 1-20 points of damage to a weapon when they hit, cumulative.
  • Half shield generator: +10% parry (value 12,500)

    Power = 1/rnd, acts like force field with a stopping value of 1D10+2. Does 1 to 10 damage to weapons when they come into contact with it, cumulative.
  • Full blaster lance: power = 1/shot, looks like a metal spear with a large (2 ft) bladed sword at teh end and a hollow (gas vent) pole at the other. 1d10 energy full charge damage. Bladed end does 1d10+1. Cost=25,000
  • Sword Stormer: power = 1/shot – looks like a thin 2 ft fladed sword (d6+2). They blade can be fired for an additional D8 stun. Cost = 12,500.