Mason Ironwood (character)

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This character was made by Troy Lancaster for the 2010-2011 Heroes of Lashan Campaign.

Warrior, Weapon/Armor/Blacksmith, Son to the Duke of Lashan’s Mastersmith

Aptitude: Kinetic 4 (Warrior’s Path/Warrior Kit: Attr; MUS, Skill; Melee/Armed, Cost -1CP to raise MUS/Attr., All Melee learning checks = +1CS)













Appearance = : Male, Age = , Hair = , Eyes =

Size = , Height = , Weight =

*Features of Note:*

“Blacksilver”:> A Glinting Black War Hammer, made of the Mythical Blacksilver Alloy and, is an alien metal compound carved from the heart of an asteroid that fell to the Steal realms. On it’s discovery, the energy emitted had many distinctive traits and, properties of the Planes of Reality. It was worked by the strongest of Magics and, Might in Harmony to forge this powerful Weapon, Blacksilver “The Undead Slayer” Hammer of Throwing. [The Hammer is always warm to the touch/attuned to the wielder/will appear or, return to the wielders hand at will/causes x2 Knockback on any strike and, x3 knockback when thrown/does + 1base Dmg vs. Shadow/Undead/Void target/objects and, may strike Ethereals/Non-Corporal Forms (Ghost/Shades/Banshees,etc), + 1Init., + 1CS, Immunity vs. Void Wash. A Black Light surrounds the hammer with an inner glow when within 30m of any Undead Entity/Energies and, it can Sense/Detect Undead target/objects within 100m Radius at will ( – 1AM). A roll determines the outcome: Nothing/Direction/Number/Type. “Blacksilver is a Priceless Artifact (1,000,000 + Silvers/Lashan’s Mastersmiths Family Heirloom] (“Blacksilver” is known as the Slayer of the Lich Lords and, Defender against the Orrish/Giant Hordes of the North. Also, Known as: The Symbol of Lashan’s Power and Northgate Garrison Victory over the Lichlords Reign and, reclaiming the Northern Territories from their Icy Grip).