Draven (original character)

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Names: Draven Billings (does not use last name after became Ravager)
Player: Morgan Nunley
Created: 11/2014
System(s): Incarna 5.x
Locations: Steel Realms (current)
Status: Alive
Desc: Human, Umbakian Ravager, Pure blood Sunnai; White, 6′, #220, brown eyes, right handed, blonde hair
Mannerisms: Tense, on-edge.
Marks: several shallow scars all over
Concept: Only Ravager survivor of Umbakian crusade in Dwindor Swamp 9162 returned to Umbak and could not fit in; outcast

Current Stats (Incarna 5.x)


Kinetic 4, Divine 1 (Whelm)









VGR 4 (+1 on all direct VGR checks)

Appearance: Normal/Average

Size = 10+1+3 = 14

Essence: 4×4=12, -1 Ravager, -1 Good Luck = 11


Good Luck, Bloodlust (set), Berserk *, Conviction 1 (Whelm), Code of Conduct (Basic Tenets of Ikribu/Lightbringers), Synergy Pool (1;17-5=12), Shrug Off (Can be done while Berserking, as if the character were a Kinetic Natural Talent), Chi Pool (1;36),
Combat Discipline, Iron Will 1, Code of Conduct: Good (with Whelm conversion)

* Special Ability: “Rapturous Fury” – The ravagers are trained to enter a berserk state, transported by rapture with their deity. Those with a Conviction and a Chi Pool can become instantly berserk (zero AM cost) for 20 Chi.
Doing so in this way means the Impairment normally coming after the berserk stae lasts 4x as long – preventing the Ravager from healing quicker. While bersek, they will never attack any target in positive Harmony with them or their faith. For each 5 Synergy spent (to a maximum of 20) immediately after berserking, their Iron Will and Danger Sense checks gain a +1 for the next hour (each 5 synergy after the first increases the time by an hour).


  • Combat: Melee 3, Evade 1, Propel 1, Grapple 3, Soak 1 (-1 RS on all Soak skill checks; large)
  • Lang: Speak Gladnorean 5, Speak: [High] Umbakian 2
  • Misc: Ride (horse) 1, Streetwise 1, Lore: Umbak 3, Lore: Dunstrand 1
  • Outdoor: Survival 3, Climb 2, Jump 3, Swim 2


familiarities: Spear, Sword, Axe, [humanoid] natural weapons (@+2 CS head-butt/punch/kick)

CON = 4+1+1 = 6

Health (14*4)56 -2 injury = 54

Tactics: Fights offensively all the time – overwhelm enemies quickly

Fortune = Fighting: Scoring hits and dealing damage; 5 uses of increasing RS of a result enough to get through armor and do damage (min. +1); includes turning a miss into a simple hit.

Equipment & Items

Silver: 49 silver crowns

Basic clothes (3 sets), poncho, hat, boots, day pack, knife, bowl, cup, blanket, 3 torches, 10m of cord, 2 belts, 2 small sacks, wine skin w/watered wine, 1 week worth of fresh rations, boot knife, bedroll


broadsword (4 AM/11 dmg/+2 init), Light Spear (3 AM/8 dmg – can be thrown), leather gauntlets w/metal bracing (damage +1)


Heavy Leather/Hide – patchwork from past use (10 pt/65)


Fought with The Gallants at the fallen temple of Aerna Golden Hem…


Draven was the son of a teamster and seamstress in fort Pavec – on the border with Dunstrand. He was a large teenager, and came to the attention of the seekers on one of their routine visits.
At age 13 he was taken and indoctrinated into the ranks of Ravagers. He is the only survivor of a band of 10 sent to Dwindor Swamp to fight the Orrish. He faught against the Orrish, and The Gallants.
He was in the vanguard 4 times, and suffered many wounds but none crippled him. Shamed in retreat, he followed the man who commanded him against the Gallants – Sir Innolas – into the far reaches of Umbak.
Tired and sore, and getting into many fights, he was eventually “mustered out” of the Umbakian army and sent on his way, following in the shoes of his only friend Darian. He spent is money on drink and the results of his many violent fights. He changed his allegience to Whelm and drifted east – seeking some
place where his skills could be used effectively. He eventually made his way to the Seven Spires area – and heard from the local Aerna priest of a few failed excursions into the hills were pilgrims were vanishing.
He followed the trail of the latest party – outsiders hired by a local noble family. The trail was not hard to track. He came upon a band of Orrish ambushing a fake campsite. He followed them back to an ancient, razed temple to the goddess Aerna. There,
it was obvious that the party sent ahead had done great damage – but were still inside and Draven could see a multitude of forces assembled outside, under the moonlight. He would strike from behind while they fell upon the outsiders –
Umbak would be protected!

Social Standing: Average

Activity Record

Character Point Record:

Action Point Record: [MAXimum = current Essence total]