Beagel Farthen (character; Dead)

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Names: Beagel Farthen (though he does not use his family name)
Player: Corey
Created: 10/2012 (by Kelly Berger)
System(s): Incarna v4
Locations: Darklands (current)
Status: Alive
Other Versions:

Current Stats


Kinetic 4


Size: 12




Trait: Less Sleep, Iron Will 1, Good Luck, Kinetic Faculty 2 (chi powers?), Toughness 2, Easy Drunk (likes booze but not compelled; -2
any checks to resist drunkenness), Steeled Reserve (Negates any SAN check penalties up to -1 CS due to extreme exposure to variety of
conditions. A resistance check against fear is always allowed – even if prohibited by effects. If normally allowed, they are resisted at +1
CS. ), Twist of Fate


Combat: Melee 2, Propel 2, Shoot 1, Fend 1, Evade 4, Soak 4, Grapple 1

Communication: Gladnorian 4/Literate 4; Orrish 3/Literate 2, Mercat 1

Lore: Orrish 1, Gladnor: 3, Undead 1, Monster 1 (read a lot of fairy tales as a kid), Etiquette 1, Law 1

Other: Seamanship 1, Climb 1, Jump 1, Swim 2, Ride 1, Stealth 2, Camouflage 3, Streetwise 2, Geography 1


RES = 12×5=60+12=72 (down 20 currently; haggard)

Familiarity: swords, shields, spears, bows, crossbows, improvised (he was a bit of a brawler – and could not handle his alcohol)


Upbringing: Court (essentially; not in court but wealthy)


Beagel was raised and educated well – a second son to a merchant family in Oerdney. He tried many schemes to make a name for himself and failed at all of them.
To his family, he was a bit of a disaapointment – though most of his flaws were in choosing the wrong people to ally himself with. He left home, hoping to prove himself and joined force with a group who claim to know where treasure was hiding in the Darklands – an ancient ruin. They were captured (and all killed) and Beagel has spent a year as a slave to an sect of Orrish priest – a lesson in “the weakness of the light dwellers”. He never let on that he could speak Orrish (part of the reason he was allowed to join the adventurers), and so he was passed around. Eventually he was taken to some town – a real town in the Darklands. A priest’s assistant brought him along to carry goods, serve as a sign of power, and he believed he could sell him as a sacrifice (since we was getting haggard). He was chained up in a wagon inside the inner stockade for a couple days, overhearing a lot of conversation. Apparently the priest misjudged the caravaners – they were not very
interested in his religion or a sacrifice. He was taken and chained in the common “tavern” area, with a sign of for sale.

CHARACTER ANALYSIS: He’s got a wide breadth of skills that allow him to have some knowledge here and there to help the party. He CAN fight if needed, and he’s a decent sneak. Sort of a Jack of all trades. Plus literate. Notice that he would also be the man to go up against things that charm and need WPR (plus some
Iron Will) to resist. I dont know if this is a suitable character for him, let me know if i way missed the mark. I think it rocks.


ORIGINAL HOOK: The idea is that Seth will buy him and take him back to the group and he will tell them the bit of helpful knowledge to get them going. He owes them freedom, they owe him a debt of information… the bond is made.

When Found: current adj (weakness) -1 MUS, – 1 RCT, -1 SAN (for a week after freed)

War and the Quest to Stop Forbidden Knowledge Flowing into the Darklands

Beagel knows the caravan splits into 3 at a way station about 2 days south-east. 1 Wagon will go on alone to some mysterious place no one speaks of from there.

GOING SOUTH FOR THE HIGH-KING: (find Blink’s evil wharehouse and stop Grollen and Elf conflict)

Adventuring Group: Seth, Beagel Farthen (freed slave – followed Seth north to retirement), Petals (squire to Killion), Ozmund, “Bugeyes” (came back to group), and Cherrys, Golgirr.