Alfred Effingham (character)

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“An Englishman with flair”

Aptitude: Kinetic = 4

Muscle = 4

Stamina = 5

Coordination = 6

Reactions = 4

Health = 4

Vitality = 5

Reason = 6

Sanity = 8

Willpower = 6

Charisma = 6

Intuition = 3

Perception = 3

Kinetic Powers



  • Combat: Shoot 5, Grapple 2, Melee 2, Fend 2, Soak 4
  • Persuade 5
  • Lore: US History 4, US Law 4, US Geography 3
  • Languages (Literacy same): Enlgish 7 (US 5), French 4, German 1, Spanish 1, Italian 2

Independence still stings, but the English Empire goes on. Stomping out foreign influences while drawing tighter the cultural connections between the old homeland and its colonial offspring is the desire of England. God save the King! This character’s strengths lie in his legal lore, civilized manners, literacy, and good shooting skills.

He is also “on loan” in a cross-governmental spirit of cooperation. He is a senior field operative for the Brits and “the agency” is hoping other team members can learn from him.

Party for Wild Weird West:
Alfred Effingham
Diakon Gustav Reimer
Jim West