Jaenoish (character)

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Jaenoish mar Ruesaeyin (mar Yhennae) & A.K.A.’s “Yan” (for short); Gulvien (in disguise) >

Class: Warlock 2nd (Genie/Djinn) / Druid 1st (Stars) / Wizard 1st (Conjurer)

STRENGTH = [8] (carry capacity = x15 lbs)


WISDOM = [15]




SANITY = [10]

Essence: 18 – aptitude (15); 3 Free Essence / +1 Essence (Light Bridge x2); NO HEART SHINE

Aptitude: (optional) Divine [1] / Kinetic [0] / Occult [4] / Psychic [0]

Proficiency: +2 bonus @ 5th level

Skills: Perception (elf), History, Nature (experience), Arcana, Intimidation (was persuade; class), Religion


Communication: (spoken + literate) gladnorian, feyloise (elven), dukat, draconic, primordial

Lores: Ritual Phenomenology, Elves, Ynth, Occult Phenomenology

Saves: Charisma, Intelligence

Armor: Light + (organic) Shields

Weapons: Simple


As Elf: Natural Occultist, Flora Bound (Ynth), Slow Learner, Obsessive student
Compulsion: Curious (Sanity [DC 10] save)

Character Weaves: 1


HIT POINTS: 8,5,5,4 (+ Constitution) = 22 -2 (wnd+sac) = 20

Resistance > Charm (Advantage)

Immunity > Sleep

Armor Class: [typical leather] (armor) + (dexterity; 1) = 12

Tactics: MOVEMENT = 25′ (wound) > Stay out of direct combat!

Faith: Gaia/Winds

Aptitude = 1 / Class @ Level = Druid (Stars domain) / Divine Principal(s): Gaia (general)

Code(s) of Conduct

All pledged followers (especially those with Conviction) of a faith must follow the principles of the General Litany.


  • Prohibitions:
  • Observances:

Mystic Powers

INT DC 13(+1?) +5 / WIS DC 12(+1) +4 / CHA DC 11(+1) +3

Invocations: Mask of Many Faces (You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot), Fiendish Vigor (false life;5 + lvl)

INT Cantrips [3]: Prestidigitation (as Elf), Control Flames, Mold Earth, Mage Hand (i can feel through it/silvery manifestation; reflects the stars! = entrophy), Dancing Lights (aptitude)

WIS Cantrips [3]: Guidance (d4/+2 @2nd), Druidcraft, Shillelagh (d8/WIS spell)

CHA Cantrips [3]: Create Bonfire, Chill Touch (d8)

SPELL SLOTS = 1st x3

Known Spells

1st Warlock: [3 @ 2nd] GENIE: Thunderwave, Expeditious Retreat; Detect Good/Evil, Protection from Good/Evil, Mind Spike
1st Wizard: Chromatic Orb (3d8; thunder +2), Ice Knife, Unseen Servant, Detect Magic, Sleep
1st Druid (usual) Animal Friendship, Entangle, Speak w/Animals + Guiding Bolt (PB Bonus/Long Rest)

Short Rest Powers:

Long Rest Powers: Shadow @ 1 per Long Rest (or through spell slot): Invisibility, Ray of Sickness


Spell Book

– kept in waterproof satchel
1st: Chromatic Orb (3d8; thunder +2), Ice Knife, Unseen Servant, Detect Magic, Sleep, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Find Familiar
> Enhance Ability, Hold Person
Ritual 1st: Touch of Operation, Touch of Identity [ritual] 2nd: Shatter

Typical Dress

Custom Cane w/hollow bone [walrus tusk] carved dragon skull w/ dragon eyes + runed carvings
skull: a href=””>http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/warlock:the-genie”>Genie Bottle
1) sapphire [wizard] = focus (minute carvings w/light form runes of order; was cheaper crystal/entrophy)
2) clear [druid] A crystal that projects starry patterns when placed before a light






Arcane Focus: cane


Role-Play ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.

Description: Race: Elf, Gender: Male, age: 225, handed: right, weight: #109, height: 5’6 ,hair: purple (perm/entrophy), eyes: light sparkly green, skin: purple (perm/entrophy); body hair: midnight blue (perm/entrophy); blood: green (perm/entrophy/hereditary)

Tattoos >

Scars >

Beauty > (looks) androgynous


  • Personality Trait:
  • Ideal>/b>:
  • Bond:
  • Flaw:


Created on: 1/2023 Created by: Kelly Berger

Campaign: __ / __ campaign year

Chronicle – Growing Up

Place of Origin: Ynth

Character Origins: Jaenoish was born to the Ferrentio clan in the Tree Guard (province) of Al-Hafleichen in Ynth in CY 8904. Grynathean Mar Adeuss was his father and mother was Ruesaeyin mar Yhennae and aunt Tilchia. His birth followed the day marking the passage of his grandmother Yhennae into the endless winds of passage – as one birth should follow the death of another in the Winding Way (she voluntarily stepped upon the Aelflaey). She was the assistant to the Pauldwyn of Phelaedea and the winds of the Aelflaey blew strong in her – when Jaenoish was born, he was born with an unexpected twin sister Hannae-Weir. His sister was born first though, she ended up taking the Weir of the Winds title, inheritor of her mother, who was in turn inheritor of her own mother’s position of Pauldwyn’s assistant. In honor of the odd circumstances, his grandmother’s soul gem was placed upon him the moment he was born, only being placed on the Soul Tree of Al-Hafleichen when he ascended to his third path in CY 9124. It was surmised that he was born for a purpose only his grandmother could foresee. This idea drove his development. Like many of his kind, he was aloof, and flighty, enamored of the natural beauty of the world he grew up in and viewed the lands outside of Ynth with disdain. Like his sister, he followed in the path of the clan and family, serving Phelaedea, Mistress of the Winds. It was an alien upbringing even by elven standards. He received visions from his grandmother’s thoughts, bound to his own heart-shine. Instead of the pathway of the Flora-Bound warrior-magus, he brought forth an aspect of a servitor of the goddess, a powerful captain of the djinn named Pahlavi. It is from this being that was whelped his amesha – the bound zephyr that would forever carry the scent of fall for Jaenoish.

Outwardly, his capabilities were, for the most part, the same of those of his kin. but its source was different, and he was always considered to be ‘odd’ by elven standards even. He seemed prone to melancholy, and sought silence over the music and dance of his people. His path was never questioned though, for the status of his grandmother and his dedication to his pursuit of knowledge was pure – having some impact on Taqwill, his cousin of the same age who would go one to study in the great libraries of Port Towne among the humans. It seemed he had to be even more dedicated than others, almost as if he were fighting against a constant urge to disassociate. He read multiple tomes at once with the same obsessive zeal unlike his companions (by clutch, not by association) of his age. Earlier than most, he was allowed to choose his pathways of study as his sense of oddness and intensity meant his normal mentors wanted less to do with him. He took an oath to his clan he would study the histories and the stars as part of the Maengraeth-Nyrh – the defense of the homelands from nearby threats – once he was finished pursuing his own chosen path. He left Ynth, traveling the Vale Evander as an assistant to Lennin Maenan, the mana-gazer, a diplomat of Ynth. His unconventional ways made him suited to silently observe Lennin as he traveled through the Vale Evander and into the Merchant Cities of the South. Lennin made trade agreements and gathered knowledge, Jaenoish recorded all his journeys and negotiations using the cipher of Lennin. Several times they were attacked by humans, though once by Grollen and even by their wyld kin, who cared nothing for their mission or race. He met Ducateon on the edges of Dunstrand and many of the non-pure races: dwarves, halflings, and half elves. His general haughty elven demeanor was tempered due to the diplomatic nature of his journey. He honed his skills and his bond with his personal patron Pahlavi and his own amesha of air. Returning to the far east side of Ynth after many years, they encountered a group of necromancers after leaving the city of Ados. They sought to leverage his soul gem to wrack him with pain while he was on watch and it only served to alert him because it tingled and shone momentarily, the heart shine of his grandmother bearing the brunt of the effect. Though he fought bravely, he fell in battle holding them off while Lennin roused himself from his meditation. The fight roused a pair of half-elven travelers camped in the same glade, returning to their homeland to the southeast. Lennin, far his superior in the wizardly arts, and the half breeds slew the pair and their mercenary minions. Lennin managed to heal him, though he walks with a limp now, using his amesha to keep his walking speed with others.

Returning to Ynth in the far east, he was released from Lennin’s service. He spent a few years getting to know other clans and spirits as he traveled slowly west to his own family lands. The exposure to so much outside his upbringing caused his already ephemeral thoughts to diffuse even more, following a path away from the traditional path of his people. Instead of pursuing the art of the magus with his knowledge, he instead sought out the elven druidic order of Hyleath and entered into a bond with the land. Though still respectable (the druidic pathway is considered more of a human endeavor), it was not the way of his family and caused concern. For 40 years he studied, meditated, and sought insight from all elements, paying close attention to the whispers of the wind that would bring his grandmother’s thoughts. After a decade cycle of communing, he traveled with his kin, across the great abyss of the south and into the Borderlands to reclaim tainted lands from the desert with the White Sisters and his order. He learned first-hand what the power of the fiends and the taint of Sun Stealer could do. He fought demonic spirits, wriggling horrors, and a land seeking to wilt everything that tries to grow in it. He served faithfully and assumed his mantle of druidhood in CY 9098.

Upon returning to his clan lands in Ynth, he started on his study of magecraft to fulfill his obligation to his clan. His focus was on conjuration – an emphasis that his previous pathways had taken him down. His study was swift, and in CY 9124 he graduated from The Golden Leaf path common to all his kind in Ynth. It was then that he placed his grandmothers’ Soul Gem among the others on the tree. He served the masters of Kaygoen Laeyloch for 10 years and calculated the event that would come to be known as the Soul Scourge. His grandmother’s voice whispered to him that he must stay until the event transpired – each and every time the stars shone above he heard it incessantly. He vowed to stand watch in the Hall of Stars on Lake Evendim until his grandmother was satisfied that his watch has ended.

Chronicle – Coming to the Party

Relying on his training as a diplomat, he was sent to the Saivelaugh elves of The Riverdans of Dunstrand to aid in rights disputes with forest lands. His folk did not want the dispute to get out of hand, and it was not asked for and he was to learn about the area and observe – only stepping in if necessary between the humans and his wild brethren.

Chronicle – Time in Campaign

Time in the Twin Suns (Orlec)

Entrophy Pool