Spheres and Dimensions (iVerse)

iVerse – The Incarna Multiverse

There are many settings part of the iVerse continuum. The settings take place in the history, present, and future of our contemporary world. They are part of an ongoing story line that brings together multiple worlds and timelines into a great massive story arc of creation, uplift, and the search for meaning in the vastness of the cosmos. The universe is defined by a set of properties and laws, bounding reality and limiting what is possible. Our world, from the ground beneath our feet to the stars beyond our reach, is one dimension of a greater sphere of existence.

Spheres and Continuum

A sphere is an instance of a continuum; an existence defined by a set of properties and
laws, bounding reality and limiting what is possible. Our world, from the ground beneath our feet to the stars beyond our reach, is one of many within the sphere we exist in. Within our sphere, there are many modalities of existence – reflected in a progress of increasingly complex dimensions and higher order of species. Any number of universes (spheres) may exist wherein the continuum is similar or the same. Every sphere has a relational aspect to other spheres. An Inner Sphere is a sphere whose properties are relatively similar in relation to a target’s native sphere. An Outer Spheres are those wherein the environment is completely inimical. All features and laws are alien, and the sanity of a being may be jeopardy when dealing with such.


Within a sphere, there are many modalities and forms of existence – each reflected in its own dimension. Objects and creatures reside in their natural state, operating on each other in their defined dimensions. The primary characteristics governing dimensions are based on aptitudes, themes, elemental composition, and their specific incarnation of physics. Any particular intersection of sphere and dimension is referred to as a continuum. Beings are typically limited in their frame of reference to their native dimension. This limits their comprehension and perception of non-native dimensions.

Perception of Dimension: Though difficult, many can conceive of the differing realities than those of their normal frame of reference perceived using the senses they naturally developed. Dimension is not a direct correlation to intelligence, which is generally relative to a modality of existence. Objects and beings whose normal existence is higher than another are referred to as being of a ‘higher order’, while those of lesser dimension are of ‘lower order’.