Quiron Mastabal (mentor to Mendollin; dead?)

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Entered through Gallants in Richfield in early 9160’s…

[Incarna 5] Sira Quiron is a full magus (apt. 5); his master was an occultist, though he did not follow that path. He is the master and mentor to Mendollin.

  1. Rank 1 – Locate the Weave, Torchlight; He will teach him the occultist way + eventually give him the Ring of Vorr. If his decisions prove sound, he may also teach him Detect Life and Holding
  2. Rank 2 – (if not already) Detect Life, Holding, Worm Tooth; rank 2 spells
  3. Rank 3 spells
  4. Rank 4 spells