Alois Hammer (PBM character)

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“Aspiring Blacksmith apprenticed to (insert town blacksmith/harrier here)

Alois is an orphan. Originally of the halfling traveling troupe The multicolored entourage his family was butchered by an orc raiding party. His surname is taken from his apprenticeship as the custom with orphaned children. While he is not particularly strong he is especially skilled at deft and intricate work often being tasked with and custom or detailed etching or crafting.
He has long hair that curls at the end of its length. As he has gotten older he has become quite a good looking young man. The ladies love him but he fears they will find out he still suffers from nightmares.

Spud Life: Tale

Adventure With:
Darby Oatsmith Borfup Alois Hammer

@ 7-2023 Start: You’re all more or less acquainted from crossing paths at the Storetower Inn, you local Bondeu crossroads pub & inn.