Mary Smith (krendel character)

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Mary Smith


Concept: tom-boy, business woman, weapons expert

Created on: (Krendel; 2014 march play test) / Created by: __

Campaign: Earth; 1928 / __ campaign year

Race: __, Gender: __, age: __, handed: __, weight: #__, height: __ ,hair: __, eyes: __, skin: __


Chronicle – Growing Up

Chronicle – Coming to the Party

Chronicle – Time in Campaign

Mary is a true American woman of her time. Her fathers companies made ships and armaments and her interest was piqued at an early age. She is an avid huntress and knows her weapons well. Despite a good education and what she though was freedom, her father intended her in marriage to a business associate. She refused and was promptly disowned (and changed her name to ‘Smith’). She had already had several investments made and departed for overseas – with a comfortable income to live on. She drifted through Europe to Tunis and partnered with a man who was running expeditions. We was killed in the first outing, and she barely made it back alive from the dessert. Her reserves gone, she at least can support herself – though barely – from her income and is looking for the next opportunity. She frequents a little less savory spots with eyes and ears open.


Dougal met up with Beni Gabor – the man with the plan and local knowledge. Together they went to Dr. Frostmier – and with his knowledge of the artifacts they hatched a plan to swoop in and steal the idol of Cleopatra Maguffin that Brunhild Von Shaft (a famous German archeologist) was seeking – rumored to have powers to make its owner fabulously wealthy. When Mary Smith tried to ply his secret out of a drunken Beni with her wiles (interrupted by Dr. Frostmier), the doctor immediately saw her value and the crew was formed.