Tiny (character)

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Adventure with ?: Tiny, Harahd, Taelin “Plague”, Sankofa, Chot’la, Kye + for/including Old Guard/NPCs of Mary, Jaq, Mendolin, Draven, and others.

A Gift from the Queens Dragoons: Tabards with the a patch that is sewn on in the colors of the Queen of Gladnor. The tabards are in the dukes colors, with his house symbols of the red pine and hills. The Queens Own Dragoons (light cavalry) sponsored the livery for you, as they visited the capital with the Queen’s sister and had asked about your group in particular… they would not say how they knew of you or why. It is an honor however (the livery is worth about 500 silvers each tabard) and should be worn proudly. He also mentions that he has gifts of weaponry – solid weapons with the mark of the Duke as a personal gesture. All fine expensive weapons, Durable and +1 Overall Damage.

Tiny: a dagger