[Base] d20 Ranger Class Variant
These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on d20 use.
This class employs the Incarna Ranger class pathway and all its features. The specific for these features will be laid out herein.
Universal for all classes: Starting Equipment and Money = By campaign setting
Rite of the Land: This is used to signify the acquisition of a Druid’s (iD20 variant)powers of the Circle of the Land.
Druidic Druid-Sign is the equivalent of Sylvanic sign.
LEVEL-UP: The GM rewards a character a level based on Merit. By default, i20™ assumes by campaign milestone and limited by Experiences using Improvement Limits. Multiclassing follows i20 multi-class parameters in addition to the base requirements. Sanity increases by 1 every 4 character levels.
Magic/Spell Changes
Changes to the PHB Ranger Class
Class choice in Incarna should be a role-play challenge more than anything. While any class is possible in the right situation/background, many other factors constrain the path a character may take. These may include race, culture, gender, regional issues, and social norms, social class, etc. A full Character Background and Stories of the character's development can explain anything, even a complete deviation from any setting or rule restrictions. However, it is also these constraining elements that give the most role-play challenge (and reward) and should be encouraged. Multi-classing after character creation has only the limits the story and setting provide (aside from any normal limits).
Incarna iDnD prefers the UA Revised Ranger, NOT WOTC Ranger Options. We have adopted this well knowing that discussions seem to indicate there is no future for the UA version (as noted at reddit and tribality).
- The Favored Enemy feature is replaced with the Incarna Enmity feature.
- The Rangers Bond/Oath – What makes the Ranger, a Ranger. Primarily, this accounts for the mystical powers of the Ranger, without necessarily having to have a specific Divine Principle to answer to.
- Basic Oath/Bond: The Ranger has a simple bond of One with the Land. They sacrifice 1 Essence at 1st level for the deep ties to the world around them through Shared Litany (good standing with their faith’s tenets). They lose 1 additional Essence at 3rd level when they choose their path and abiding bond with their animal spirit.
- High Oath/Bond: One with the Land. Rangers taking this path must choose the Hunter archetype at 3rd level. A Ranger does NOT need the Psychic Aptitude requirement for this oath. The Aptitude costs cover all the benefits – Rangers continue to get additional Favored Enemy (now Chosen Prey) and favored Terrain at levels without additional costs.
Role-Play ++
This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.
Story Hook ++
This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.
- Tasha’s Cauldron: Favored Foe/Foe Slayer is replaced by the Incarna Enmity (a new Chosen Prey is gained at 6th and 14th level) feature, Fighting Style Options, Spell Casting Focus, Martial Versatility (Optional Features)
- Normal [Incarna] Rangers do not have Spell Casting capability. Instead, at 2nd level they gain Second Wind and at 4th they gain Action Surge; both of these operate exactly as the Fighter class abilities, but at Ranger level, not Fighter.
Role-Play ++
This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.
Class Choice can have a significant impact on how the character is played.