
The Wight, also known as Wightland or Wightlyn are a Corporeal form of Undead, a type of Ghoul. As they are a projection of death incarnate, they have no ability to use Cruces Shifting to empower their manifestation. They are a thin entity, with a pale white form – a form in which they lash out to directly snuff all light and life. They, like the non-corporeal form of a Wraith, are the reach of the grave. They affect an area around them, direct, personal and violent – the targetted and unyielding struggle of death and endings upon the living. When a wight is slain, its form freezes, encased in ice and all moisture leaving it, breaking apart easily.

A Wight may be bound or anchored in a shared familial burial site – surrounded by the memories of all who came before. In this way, their evil natures can be suppressed or directed towards the defense and preservation of those memories by those sharing their family blood and/or name.

A Thread of Passage in the Weave of Death: They have a thread directly tying them to the Lands/House of the Dead – where the majority of who they once were now wanders and waits. Like the Cenotaph Thread, their animus/soul cannot move beyond into an afterlife until this thread is cut. It is ONLY one way, there are no exceptions – there can be no restoration of these undead to life.

Gravefrost/Dead Cold

The Cold of the Grave: The manifestation of Gravefrost for Wraith is an aura of Dead Cold. Any successful attack on the undead will cause the white form to glare in icy hatred at its attacker. This effect negates any cold immunity (except specific to Dead Cold) and does minor damage if not resisted. If the wraith is slain, the slayer must resist or be Stunned and suffer major damage as the form dissipates in a frosty mist.

Properties Manifested

i20™ Wight Details

Impacted by Attribute: None | Lore(s): None

  • Dead Cold Minor Damage: Resist @ DC 15 Constitution; Damage is as per Armor of Agathys cast at minimum spell level +1.
  • Dead Cold Major Damage: Resist @ DC 15 Constitution; Damage is as per Armor of Agathys cast at minimum spell level +2.

iCore iCore™ Wight Details

Impacted by Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None | Lore(s): None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text