Jesse Baldwin – character

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Jesse Baldwin Real Name: Lerris Oihgnan (trying to hide family name)


CREATED 5-2023

Next group of adventurers from 9-2022/Crestwold continuation as Pin Feathers (campaign tale of Dunstrand Rising):
(Ben) Asil Omari – paladin
(Rocky) Danoir – rogue
(Alanna) Ulrich – fighter
(Earl) – Atreus – cleric
(Corey) Krespar Dubrov – ranger = LEFT THE GROUP 11/9168
(Corey) Sorin Nakasr – necromancer
(Arabus) Jesse Baldwin – Rogue/wizard
(Arabus) Asaui (ah-sigh) – warlock (DEAD)

CY 9168, participated in the baptism of Ssisslenn.

Thefts in the Villa

CY 11/9168: Jesse decides that the influence and potential scrying vulnerability of the Sea-King breastplates (Kraken’s Aegis) is too much to risk. And that the provision of not selling anything that can be used against the gallants is not valuable in this case. He steals them and a bunch of personal items of value for anyone in the villa. This covers the true target – to an extent – and hides it all. He slips out some time over the next few days to the village of Hotherwale. There he packages it up and leaves a message/payment for delivery. After the group leaves the villa, it will go to Lucky Red Scarf the halfling captain. He tells the halfling Lucky to sell the breastplates, and take 10%. Do not discuss it or mention it – even with others of the group – another 5%. Deposit the money with Josie as an anonymous contribution to be given to the party later. The group will get 16,600sc from the sale. After tithing half, its 8,300sc.

10/26/2023 – For the next session, please DM me (not the group) with the following for your character… Top 3 Current Goals (in order)

  1. Get the Gwinnish out.
  2. Establish a new Baronial regime with us as allys. (Allies that they are indebted to)
  3. Empower the Riverdans

Greatest Personal Desire: Very up in the air, I’d either have to say political power (Such as potentially being a Duchal Herald in the future) or true illusory power, like abilities to never be detected or caught in any kind of deception. Like Malek incarnate baby!