A False Group Start

There is a lot of setup on this, as it puts forward a set of characters and completely takes them away, presenting alternate ones. SESSION -1




The characters are starting characters.

Let the players make any characters they want.

Tell them that each needs to come up with another name and what race they are for a possible temporary sidekick. They will be young, just a background but note what class they are pursuing, and have no notable history. Their class pursuit should loosely reflect their main character as they would be considered a mentor. Their ability stats will be average for now.


The characters are starting characters, new to the players. As players are called upon to make rolls and checks for their characters, their scores and ratings will become evident.

I apologize for the deception, but it was necessary and I will tell you it will all be worth it. The secondary character idea is going to be exposed to a difficult test. There is no correct or incorrect ending, no matter how deadly it gets. It will make a difference in the future. This is explicitly part of the story.

At the End

“The Mark”: There is a broken circle with a tear as a mark on their bottom right wrist. Actually it’s a mark for “commoner with no parents or family”. This was a sign to all that they were to be cared for communally among the Brozemen culture.

They are from the slums, typically ‘carrion corner’/’dock dregs’/’shittertown’ – the most common place in the area around and of no parents with name or a true orphan.

First Character Set

Party Leadership: Have the players choose a party leader to communicate decisions to the GM.



Class Pursuit:

Hazy History: All characters gain this hazy information about their beginning.

All your life you have known nothing but misery and toil. There were over three dozen of you in your earliest memories. You barely remember a world with sunlight – you were stolen from that a long time ago, shortly after your coming of age. All you know now is that you are somewhere beneath the surface of the earth – the sunless depths are unrelenting in their staleness and blackness. Your earliest memories are fading – replaced with the endless breaking and moving of rock you now perform. Your entire purpose in life seems to be breaking rock and tunneling. It’s all that fills the void of hour-after-hour of meaningless, drool existence. A few have committed suicide, a few tried to escape, several have been taken away. You have worked a countless number of days and nights in the service of a priesthood with no emblem, no badge of office, and not been included in any service. You are allowed to only whisper, and are mostly chained alone in work areas with only the rats as companions (to the extent you have even named some over the years), and too tired to talk at night when you sleep in the communal room. All you know is the ones that whip you and drive you. Those that were worked to death are the lucky ones you surmise – unplanned. The robed figures are led by a tall, thin human named Cafey (kay-fee); his minions seem to obey his direction out of absolute fear. When Cafey is not around, a small nondescript man named Crolman provides direction – who looks strangely a lot like __[party leader]__. They give no hint to their purpose but it has been at least 5 long years you surmise. The dozen of you left now are all crossed over into puberty and beyond – most years ago. The priests speak little, and command you with a magical voice of authority – which the collars around your neck force you to obey. Worse even than yourselves are the innumerable “dust babies” that have come and gone. Brought in at 5-8 years of age, their short miserable existence is the cleaning, and most menial tasks. They are covered in rock dust, and finally they collapse – and their bones become yet more dust for others to sweep up. A few hardy ones have survived – a half dozen or so. None make it past age 8 – all die, their eyes cast down in defeat.

Perception check

Butterfly wings. Sees strange butterfly that leaves a note when death

Its all started to change. Worn and near unrecognizable on you is a mark on your wrist – its meaning has long ago escaped you. The Master named Cafey has repeatedly checked to make sure you all have it, and told you you were ‘special’. All your lives you have all wondered – you all have the mark… was it some noble family? A clan? A guild? Many a night you’ve kept hope alive dreaming they would come to rescue you. With the stepped up activity, perhaps they are getting close. Cafey seems on edge. You make pacts and pledges with each other – whoever ends up with power will raise up the others – a noble if naive dream, but one that provides hope.

Prisoners from above. Two robed figures named Pelwere and Prega have always been responsible for the worst of the tortures and ‘discipline’. What they lack in any intellect they make up for in the gusto with which they approach their work. A few times groups have been captured exploring the local area – the two make swift and public work of them. Days ago though, a new group was brought in and the two began their usual torture only to have Prega’s hand smashed. It drew a cry of cheers (paid for with hours of torture) by one of the captives. They have all had their tongues cut out, so no communication has been possible. Prega has told everyone the punishment for them will be legendary. Each day the screams grow louder and louder from the temple area where they are being kept. Prega has promised to make their deaths particularly gruesome, delighting in describing in detail the sounds, smells, and sights he will “reveal” to you all. The day is approaching – Prega seems more than able to wield the billy club he carries, and a couple weeks must have passed.

Crolman’s Encounter: Read to the party leader only – he is visibly nervous

Crolman comes to you in a dark tunnel, away from the others: “I see you among the others and they trust you, so I am coming to you. Something big is happening. Whatever it is, it scares me – I don’t see a future for myself the way Cafey is making his case… or any of us. I’ve served loyally for years, but now I feel like I am as much a slave as you. It’s time to explore new directions. Look, I’ve heard there are forces looking for those we have kidnapped and they are close by – at least Cafey has told his disciples to prepare a ritual to combat those seeking to tear down the faith and our enclave.”

> He has to be quick and away. Crolman tells them he knows nothing of Cafey’s plan ultimately, and that just doing this is a risk against his god (he won’t say that) but he wants to survive. He is looking over his shoulder and has all the obvious signs of a mounting paranoia.

Rescue attempt. Just when the tension level cannot seem to get higher, it does. The rumors from the dust babies are circulating… the parents of Crolman had sent someone to try and rescue him? And they were caught. Last night a great amount of fighting was heard while everyone cowered in their bunks. Magic was being used – though by all accounts Cafey prevailed. Some of the dust babies were released, and many scattered and died. The caverns reek of death – the diversion did little more than turn them into fodder. And Crolman is still stuck with Cafey – some are even saying he sided with him over his rescuers and betrayed them.

Marcus’ Encounter: Something new. Marcus – a well known face (Crolman’s rival), but now a named – has come forward. He has priest’s robes – disguises.

Perception check

His eyes are clearly filled with terror. He’s ready to betray or run given what he has seen:

Persuade check

The battle..many warriors attacked us and we stood with Cafey… we joined him in prayer and offered up blood and souls as we joined in prayer. Then… it came. We senior priests still had the energy to use our magics. The beast summoned did horrible things, I cannot say aloud. I fear death will claim us all here.

Screams in the Caverns

You awaken by shaking and rumbling. Stone cracks and breaks, but does not collapse. Hours later, more captive warriors are brought to the temple, where you have been gathered to. Though given a chance to win their freedom, their tongues are cut out and Cafey mocks them as they try and answer. They lack the strength in their weakened condition anyway. They seem to know each other. In the first round of torture, each lose an eye. Gleeful Crolman does his work with Cafey – muffled screams echo for hours. They lose pieces of themselves slowly, as you are forced to watch. Finally, cold to the worst now, you are taken back to the common room. The dust babies say they were not fed that night, and they plead for help. A day without some meager fare is a virtual death sentence.

Marcus comes to free the party to escape. The dust babies make feeble noises, they want to go but you know they will never make it. Marcus offers you a knife… to make it quick. He throws down a grease soaked cloth, and inside are some charred pieces of beef. He says he was able to get table scraps and 1 jug of water, it will give you some energy to help make it to the surface. The main way is collapsed but he knows the secret way.

= fake; get party in trap and he laughs and is the first to die

= party recaptured from dysentery… but got a half mile on the track to surface and smelled cleaner air

Omens. Apparently the omens are right for the ascension of whatever plan or machination their priests of this nameless god are.

[SPEECH] ‘it matters not’ – all your efforts are too late.

All captives are brought out in chains and unlocked. You stagger to your feet.

Altar is lit up.

Captive leader made to kneel and kiss foot on toes in fealty to the faceless god – who is revealed as Everdark by the freshly painted emblem on the altar. The ‘unblinking eye in the darkness’, so the litany goes. Panic is setting in now among you. There must be 2 dozen priests – most seem to have just arrived.

Realize you are to be sacrificed – see captives from attempt to free/priests chants

Once companion first to speaks up and is beheaded right in front of you – showering you all in blood

= +1 CHA / +1 Motivation / +1 Lore at 2 (memories)
One companion attacks has genitals cut off, leg artery nicked, slow death (pass out)

= +1 STR / +1 Motivation / +1 Lore at 2 (memories)
[Fight to subdue = hint they might make it out] One is grabbed and trussed – Dozens of slow cuts, sure to be slow death (pass out)

= +1 CON / +1 Motivation / +1 Lore at 2 (memories)
One is grabbed and trussed – wrists slit, slow death (pass out)

= +1 DEX / +1 Motivation / +1 Lore at 2 (memories)

Priest christens blade – name strikes fear in all

Priest summons horrible presence

Presence demands more blood and souls – captives are promised

Two Acolytes grab you and pull you forward, you tunic is pulled off to one side

The sword is white hot as it’s driven into clavicle, killing you

Room pulses and throbs with power – 2 blood spirits circle the circle of power
Souls torn away from the house of the dead, feeding on the memories of the sacrificial victims = cauldron of blood? Ewwww

Captive sends congealing blood into path of priest

Cafey falls down the stairs, cutting himself

Cafey tears starts to come as he realizes what’s wrong

Blood spirits attack

Crolman takes over with glee – takes sword and continues

Kills rest of the PC’s in made rush on dais as they chant-

Captive uses magic to create a circle in blood around their cage; they are concentrating hard on their bundle of equipment as if something there is helping them overcome their lack of a tongue in chanting their spell. Mouth is moving, only blood is coming out – terrible glimmer of pure hate in their eye.

From above view = out of body?

Crescendo reach, acolytes come for others

Rat runs out… irrigi…, gets kicked by foot kissed, flies, and breaks the circle

All hell breaks loose

Screams all around, fire, smoke; can see figures at edges of smoky vision

Crolman and Marcus struggle – Crolman has blade turned on him by larger Marcus, but infused with pure vitriol Crolman drives his thumbs into Marcus eye socket while screaming out his undying loyalty to Everdark as they both die.

The sun is coming up. Blade trapped inside circle ring – right on the line… bargain

Captive and kids still in cage, but survive

Talk to naked woman/man – cruel smile, evil laugh; petting dead rat (munches on it while. talking)

Thing crawls out of the skin grab blade. Blade explodes. Dmg

Sunray hits it, wails in pain

“Take us to the nearest place of refuge” = Crow Alley or wherever need to go

Mary has mark as well = all reborn with it = connection 2 new pcs

___ too – thought it was a birthmark

Fledgling Razorbacks

Rat King = local underground ruler – in a few places it is hereditary or position given as it’s passed along; usually it means it’s ruled with strength and fear, and is temp only

“Sewer Houses”

“Basement Bloodlines”

The Shadow Moguls

A great dark fae enclave, once home to an arena carved out of a natural chamber, was where the court of the shadow; The court of Shadow is a cabal of the fae that lords over the place of refuge. They serve as an intermediate between the agency of the exiles as servants of the unholy trio. The fae continue to experiment on anything they can catch, working to create the perfect offspring that can survive the sun bane. They make many raids on all creatures for captives. They are feared throughout the darklands. Few know of them in the Steel Realms.

You were born with a mark, like the one you see in your terrifying dreams of capture, drudgery, and torture. These dreams you have had from puberty and seem to be of yourself. It could easily be taken for a birthmark, but for the dream you sense its something purposely made and important. Its grown, as you have, strangely – like a bizarre mold or something. You asked in a few places but no one can identify its origin or meaning.

The wyld faith is a critical part of what defends the steel realms against their worst enemies.