Proclamation of Censure

A Proclamation of Censure is when the authorities (community, institutional, or principal) have decided that the Follower is not allowed to act as a representative among the community. It does not remove any granted individual powers, but it does remove the benefit of offices, community roles, and Empowered Divine Places or Empowered Divine Items. Entities under censure do not necessarily lose their Good Standing.

Withdrawal of Divine Favor: The Principal will make this status manifest. Minor signs, omens, and significations (mystical or mundane) will accompany most Censure. Actions performed under Censure will not trigger any effects that rely on their community standing. Seals and stamps, sigils and signatures are invalid.

Restoration of Divine Favor: The Rite of Atonement will always restore divine favor.

Minor Censure

The authorities or Principal have decided that the character is not a fit community representative. Minor Censure prohibits the character performing any liturgical duties, community roles, proselytizing, and must abstain from speaking or acting in a way that is not clearly exactly inline with the tenets or institutional policies as perceived by the public and without knowingly offending or confronting any section of the populace outside faith authorities. The wearing of a holy symbol is to be covered so that the character is not perceived as speaking for the faith or its institutions by outsiders. Any Follower individual obligations must still be met.

Violating the Terms of Minor Censure: This is typically regarded as imposing a longer period of Censure. The signifying events of Censure will become more prominent and frequent, including minor mystical manifestations. If these events in any way benefit those under censure, the divine will will manifest an angry and obvious persistent effect.

Major Censure

The authorities or principal has decided to make an example of the character or entity for committing to a path or action counter with the withes of said Principal or authorities. They are barred as per Minor Censure, and must also sequester themselves away in contemplation until any other terms of the censure are fulfilled. Any obligations must still be met.

Violating the Terms of Major Censure: Unless they are using their divine powers directly in the service of the faith (a quest, etc.), they operate as if they had one less measure of all factors (Aptitude, Conviction, etc.).

i20™ Censure Details

  • Infrequent or persistent Thaumaturgy effects.

iCore iCore™ Censure Details

Impacted by Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None | Lore(s): None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text