Incarna Gaming Network™ Staff

Since moving to a free model, staff of the Incarna Gaming Network™ has been reduced to a simple few content creators. There is focus on ensuring old iCore™ content from older sites and documentation is presented and updated efficiently as well as the i20™ related materials are as well.

Kelly Berger Signature

Kelly Berger Signature

Current Members: Kelly Berger (since 2002; all oversight and publishing, approach and system design, world building and business management), Arabus David Grenier (since 2018; design, world building, testing and content creation), Duncan Huber (since 2020; iCore continued work, world building, testing)

Past Staff/Contributors

Larry James (system designer, tester), William Altman (system designer, tester, test coordinator), Eric Swanson (system designer, tester), Lamont Glass (tester, creature and world design).

Additional Staff Materials