Sojourners Kits/Packages

Travelers, soldiers, and other seekers of adventure that trek over distances and places often have common/typical “Sojourners Kit/Package” configurations. The packages improve from Rudimentary quality with additional Features (contacts/sources/income/quality/etc.) the owner might possess. These items are for trekking, and do not reference a permanent or temporary domicile, income, or items and money accumulated in-game.

The specific contents of the ‘kit’/’pack’ will manifest using common Technology (ex:physical vs. digital), materials and Items that are specific and appropriate for the season/weather/terrain in the Setting and locale. Costs are dependent on the locale and always affected by Availability.

Quality: Higher quality will last longer with better functionally, and/or be adorned and a sign of Social Standing/Status. Where necessary (and above average quality usually) they will be sheathed, durability, locking, more comprehensive, greater in number/uses, and/or water/puncture proof or similar. Improved versions of these items may be made by master crafters and may signify and gain the benefits of Prestige Marks.

  • Rudimentary: Bare-bones, incomplete, barely functional, materials generally wear faster or run out quickly.
  • Basic: Functional, nothing special, meets basic needs.
  • Good: Improved Basic materials in functionality, quality, and quantity.
  • Fine: High end Good materials, items considered to mark elite/expert in their function.

Listing of Sojourning/Trekking ‘Kits’/’Packs’