Rhenclave (Ducateon Resonance Chamber)

Rhenclave’s are sound chamber that the Ducateon use to channel vibration through the earth, and pick up similar vibrations so that their colonies and settlements can have near instant communication.


These are normal resonance chambers that are used for common messaging. Only one message can be sent at a time, and it travels at the speed of sound. Replies to a Recondite Rhenclave can be fueled with anima to reply at the same speed the incoming message.

Recondite Rhenclave

Also known as “Recondite Resonance Rhenclave”… These are located only where the Ducateon Collective has a place on a world. Usually there is only one of these active. It can broadcast to every other Rhenclave simultaneously and each is powered by anima in order to travel at a factor of X * the speed of sound (otherwise at the speed of sound normally). Such communications make it sound like the hammer of a god is striking the chamber when operating at full capacity. It is hardened to essentially encrypt and securely send messages that cannot be intercepted or destroyed. It is a direct connection to Him – the one and true Divine Principle of MaĆ°r.