Mahben-maen “Painted” (Character; DEAD)

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Full Name & A.K.A.’s > Mahben-maen; “Painted”

Class: [Blood-Berserker] Barbarian 3rd (see Incarna Barbarian – Tribe of followers of Damon-amon-ta)

STRENGTH = [17] {+3} (carry capacity = x15 lbs)


WISDOM = [11]

DEXTERITY = [13] {+1}

CONSTITUTION = [15] {+2}


SANITY = [10]

Essence: 19 – 2 (barbarian spirit bond) = 17

Aptitude: (optional) Divine [0] / Kinetic [0] / Occult [0] / Psychic [0]

Proficiency: +2 bonus @ 3rd level

Skills: Religion, Animal Handling, Nature, Athletics, Perception

Tools: War Paint kit (20 applications for 40sc; Religion check to make augmented)

  • DC 10 = +1 to charisma checks
  • DC 12 = +2 Intimidation

    If he has an amount of time = Short Rest, he can automatically decorate a number of individuals = Proficiency Bonus to get +2 Intimidation for 2 days (before the paint begins to smudge). Each character takes 2 uses.

  • Augmented: DC 13 Religion; [2 uses unarmored – body] Calls down the skill of Damon-amon-ta: No penalty to initiative for the Khopesh for next encounter
  • Augmented: DC 16 Religion; [4 uses unarmored – body] Calls down the onus of Damon-amon-ta: skill effect & +1 attack with the Khopesh for next encounter

Communication: Nakrian, Gladnorian (all spoken, note literacy)

Lores: Wyld Faith +2, Celestials of Helca +2, Nakria +2

Saves: Strength, Constitution

Armor: Light, Medium, All Shields

Weapons: Simple, Martial


Character Weaves: 2 (like action points!)


HIT POINTS: 7,7,7 (+ 6 Constitution) = 28

Resistance > (while Raging only = Bludgeon, Piercing, Slashing)

Immunity >

Armor Class: [typical] +2 (armor/shield) +3 ([unarmored] dexterity/con) = 15
Resilience: 2 total on shield

Feat: Fighting Initiate: Duelist

MOVEMENT = 30’/10m


Faith – Damon-amon-ta

Aptitude = 0/ Class @ Level = __ (__ domain) / Divine Principal(s): Steel Realms Celestine; Damon-amon-ta – The destroyer! (basically Set of the Egyptian mythos)

Code(s) of Conduct

All pledged followers (especially those with Conviction) of a faith must follow the principles of the General Litany.

Causes(s): Glory in war! Success in war!

  • Prohibitions: Surrender
  • Observances: sacred weapon is the Khopesh; Victory at any cost (unless specifically prohibited by a higher ranking officer or authority)


Typical Dress

Dresses light for mobility – breeches, running shoes (light leather), leather gauntlets.

Jewelry: 3 rings @10sc each, Coins: purse w/20 silver crowns


[Typical] medium shield (+2 AC, +1 Resilience)


[Typical] dagger (d4=7/11/13), Khopesh (versatile/heavy[str 15]; -2 init; d8=10/13/21), sling (10 bullets; d6/4 +str =7[short] +dex =5[beyond])


Arcane Focus: Holy symbol of Damon-amon-ta


Role-Play ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.

Description: Nakrian; human, male, right handed, height, weight, age, eye color, hair color (style),

Tattoos > Celestials of Helca; Damon-amon-ta

Scars > left hip – walked with a limp for 2 years while it healed

Beauty > (looks) average

Background: Soldier/Tribe Warrior of Nakria

  • Personality Trait:
  • Ideal:
  • Bond:
  • Flaw:

Back Story

Place of Origin: Nakria, edge of the Roj Sea

Character Origins: Born into the traditional Nakrian tribes, he was born without the Merovin spark. He grew up in the north, among one of he powerful tribes that bordered the lands of The Blood of Saemon. The traditional life of the tribes did not appeal to him as he grew, and he sought to travel north to see the world.

History in The Tide Watchers

Served in mercenary companies of the south (Borderlands, Balletogue, etc.), making his way north for years. He was hired by Umbakians to escort a gift to the earl of Bar-Innis in the north in Dunstrand, he was gravely wounded in an ambush by Gwinnish soldiers – he was only one of three that lived. Arranged to be hired by the aging Belvin’s Brace in Crestwold as a herder, handyman, gardener. Eventually, after a couple years, his wounds healed. He continued his role, as a backup warrior guarding the Tide Watchers villa (“The Bucket Shed”) in Crestwold. Promised he would one day be able to join the battle ranks.

He loves to express himself using war paints, and even just artistic paints when not in combat. He even likes to put War paint on animals (to intimidate) and has a good affinity with them (Animal Handling skill).

Painted Gets in Trouble

July 9168 CY; Painted angers the disguised dragon that is known to the party as Bella by painting a mustache on her when she sleeps. Her unrestrained flash of anger reveals her to the party. After he paints dragon-with-a-mustache all over town on the doors of businesses and homes. Unknown to him, he is seen. Perhaps he should have asked first, or found an outlet in a mural for a business. Returning to the villa, he takes his turn asking Bella questions. During this time, he propositions her, shows her unsolicited, his genitalia. He also attempts to insult and make her feel awkward. She makes him aware that his pathetic attempts to get a rise or upset her in any way are more insulting in him thinking they would work, than in the content themselves. She ridicules him. Painted is arrested and hauled in when he returns to Torrelson’s Ford to buy new painting materials while the rest of the group is hunting the “undying priestess guarding a water lily that can bring the dead back” for Bella. It turns out, someone in the party had sabotaged his painting kit by putting dead fish oil, blood and chunks in it. He is tried while spending 3 days in jail, and must clean his vandalism – the town is already terrified of the dragon, no one likes it. He must serve 10 hours of community service – cleaning the slop pens on the city docks. Additionally, the group’s reputation decreases, and they must pay a fine of 25 silver crowns.

DEATH: = MURDERED by Darren (the Library ogre), believing he was avenging Bella after she told him how disrespectful he was – Bella was aghast and released him from service