Vitaly (character)

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Vitaly of the Saelonai; Spearman of Belvin’s Brace.
Reports directly to “Feather” of the Gallantine Order.

CLASS: Fighter 3rd

STRength: 15 {+2}
INTelligence: 10
DEXterity: 16 {+3}
CONstitution: 13 {+1}
WISdom: 10
CHArisma: 10
SANity: 11


Proficiencies +2 @ 3rd



Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy + Shields





HIT POINTS: 48 (10/10/6/6/6, +10; heal 3/Short Rest (x2 w/Tidebreak Isle effect when drunk); Relentless Endurance + Second Wind [E] x2 = buffs)


Created on: 1-1-2023/ Created by: Kelly Berger/ System: i20 Incarna

Campaign: Dunstrand Rising – Crestwold/ 9168 campaign year

Description: Race: Human (from the Saelish), Gender: Male, age: 20, handed: right, weight: #158, height: 5’7″, hair: black, eyes: brown, skin: tanned/light olive tinge

Role Playing: (Alignment: Lawful Neutral); Follows chain of command. Part of mission from the Saelish Elders is to represent a good face to the outside world – not the xenophobic typical reaction of the Bronzefolk to outsiders. Make sure when people benefit from your actions, they know it was one of the Bronzefolk of the Saelish. Be kind.


Chronicle – Growing Up

From the Saelish.

Chronicle – Coming to the Party

Belvin’s Brace – Elders of the Saelish allowed Feather to recruit several of the Bronzefolk to fill the old mercenary Charter of the Belvin’s Brace group when the old men of the group, in the employ of the Gallants, reired to the Gallantine school in Bar-Innis. Out of a group of 30 men and women, Feather selected 4 women, and 2 men and a woman named Vaeyetse as a “Lt.” to lead them.

Chronicle – Time in Campaign