Kynar or Reavenoc, ‘The Reaver’ (character)

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Kynar Full Name & A.K.A. > Kynar or Reavenoc, ‘The Reaver’

Class: ChampionFighter 6th
Kynar has lost 4x more levels of fighter than he has gained from the mists of time (being sent across worlds by his wish/curse – a plaything of the gods), undead level drain, wounds, etc.

STRENGTH = 19 [+4] (carry capacity = x15 lbs) {multiple wounds}

INTELLIGENCE = 9 [-1] {multiple wounds}

WISDOM = 4 [-3]

DEXTERITY = 12 [+1] {multiple wounds}

CONSTITUTION = 18 [+4] {multiple wounds}

CHARISMA = 7 [-2]

SANITY = 18 [+4]

Essence: 49 -15 (apt), -11 (drained), -5 (sacrifice) = 18

Aptitude: (optional) Divine [0] / Kinetic [4] / Occult [0] / Psychic [0]

Proficiency: +3 bonus @ 6th level

Skills: History, Intimidate (negative CHA = bonus), Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival


Communication: Orrish (spoken, literate), Gladnorean (spoken, literate), Toril (Forgotten Realms common; spoken), Celestial (primitive spoken), Feyloise (primitive spoken), Borderspeak (spoken, literate),

Lores: Military 3, Dunstrand 4, Gladnor 2, Merchant Cities (south) 2, Orrish 3, Elves 1, Dwarves 1, Bronzemen 1,

Saves: Strength, Constitution

Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy; All Shields

Weapons: Simple, Martial


Character Weaves: 3
  • Champion – Damaging Blows: At third level, the Champion deals an additional d4(2) damage on every hit.
  • Champion – Solid Blows: The Champion, each time they gain an Expanded Critical increase, can either take 1 point of critical range, or gain +1 on their Attack

  • Race – Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
  • Toughened: @Character Inception + x3 = 4 + (3×6) = 22hp
  • Iron Will: 0 (has had 8 measures) – Can use 1 measure permanently to avoid death – see GM Narration.
  • Feat – Charger: When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack or to shove a creature. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to the attack’s damage roll (if you chose to make a melee attack and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you chose to shove and you succeed).
  • Feat – Defensive Duelist: When you are wielding a finesse weapon (or Preferred Weapon) with which you are proficient and another creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you.
  • Feat – Orcish Fury: When you hit with an attack made with a simple or martial weapon, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice an additional time and add it as extra damage of the weapon’s damage type. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Immediately after you use your Relentless Endurance trait, you can use your reaction to make one weapon attack.


HIT POINTS: (10,9,8,7,6,6 hit dice), (+ 24 Constitution), (+22 Toughened) = 92
+ Relentless Endurance (2/Long Rest HP > 1 = 1 instead); [minor] Second Wind (4); Second Wind (11)

Resistance >

Immunity >

Armor Class: [typical] (armor) + (dexterity) =


Fighting Styles: Dueling (+2 damage), Blind Fighting

> Preferred Weapon(s): broadsword, spear, battle axe (initiative bonus = Proficiency Bonus)

Combat Feat Modifiers: While using finesse or Preferred weapon, can use Reaction to add Proficiency Bonus to AC for 1 attack; Dash for Action = +5 damage or 5m push back on Bonus Action attack.

Tactics: Kynar tends to repeat the same mistakes over and over, though he is more than capable of creating sound strategies and approaches with his wealth of military experience. He tends to either follow a plan until it fails, or abandon it at the first sign its not perfectly effective.


Aptitude = __ / Class @ Level = __ (__ domain) / Divine Principal(s):

Code(s) of Conduct

All pledged followers (especially those with Conviction) of a faith must follow the principles of the General Litany.


  • Prohibitions:
  • Observances:

Gruxand Powers

All powers as Actuated Aegis – no expressive (verbal, somatic), or materials needed. Guidance and Sanctuary gained as well, but forbidden by cosmic decree!
  • Prestidigitation (# times per day equal to Intelligence bonus/min. 1)
  • Thaumaturgy (# times per day equal to Wisdom bonus/min. 1)


Typical Dress





[Typical] @+8 attack: (savage attack/Short Rest) broadsword (2d4; 13/16/24), spear (d6; 11/13/20), battle axe (d8; 12/16/24 + pulverize)


Arcane Focus:


Role-Play ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.

Description: human, male, right handed, height, weight, age, eye color, hair color (style),

Tattoos >

Scars >

Beauty > (looks)

Movement = 30′

Background: Outlander (exile/outcast)

  • Personality Trait:
  • Ideal>/b>:
  • Bond:
  • Flaw:

Back Story

Place of Origin:

Character Origins:


Adv Group: Afterwards Finn went on to adventure with Kynar, Cimber, James and Pilate – though pilate was to die.

CY 9168 Kynar Returns to Dunstrand

Kynar story – he sleeps and wakes on the edge of Scar Flow – which he recognizes… Naked, he walks the Black Shore south, following strange lights (will-o-wisps) and stumbles upon Orban Bonesetter. Orban Bonesetter reports him to House Malor. House Malor observes him, confronting him and asking him to take his melancholy and leave Dunstrand. Kynar offers his services – saying he has been brought forth. They say no and chase him out south, for 1 day. On the edge of the moorswood, they use magic to attack him. He flees into the moorswood, where House Malor hopes the druids will just kill him or banish him. Wounded, near mortally, he has a vision to find an opponent worthy. Seek the Druids – its what Pell would have done. Drawn to angry druids of pranin moorswood – Druids restore his health and understand his geas/wish/curse. They send him against the ogre monk fighter Larry because its allied with the dragon – the druids know it as its prowling the moorswood and eating anything it can (half eaten bodies are washing up on the shores of the Black Road and Calibans Slurry – anyone straying off the paths) after all the years in stasis in the hidden library now that its driven slightly mad by the dreams of Gruxand. Kynar seeks it out and fights it in the Umbakian ruins of the delta west of Torrelsons Ford. He is mortally wounded. Permanently drains his Iron will to stay alive. On the edge of the swamp, he hears the echoing laughter of the druids… who drive him out, hoping for his death. He vows his revenge, knowing it may keep him alive. A great shadow falls over him in his fevered dreams. A green shadow. “You have killed my servant, and now you must repay me for his life. You will take his place to get what i need. I give you your life back.” Looking around, several moorcats that had surrounded him suddenly howl and drop dead. He feels his life force return, and is compelled to obey. “Seek the Hangmans Tree. With the souls of the swamp cats, your own will be masked to its powers for a short time. Observe what goes on there, of the creature that seeks to awaken what is buried, and report back to me.” Kynar does so, seeing Red Hands and Toad-Faced Dog. He fights toad-faced dog, getting caught in his exhausted state after observing them in some ongoing ritual. He is hung from the Hangman’s tree in offering. For 3 nights he slowly suffocates along side several other corpses. At the fourth dawn, as his captors are laying down exhausted from the ritual each night, moorcats come and chew through his rope. He drops into the slop, and floats away on the current – unable to do anything but barely breathe. After a few days, he hears a battle between two huge creatures, and remembers only a green dragon and a woman bathed in witch-light in a furious battle. He recalls only that his memories were scoured by the green scaled creature. He cannot make sense of them, he possesses no aptitude to. But he is flung 50m into the swamp, his luck saving him as he skids across the surface and lodges into a broken tree – keeping his mouth above the water. For a week, his unnatural constitution slowly heals him while he eats predators that come near. A strange serenity comes over him. He makes a vow once again, that he he would do anything to keep this strange peace. The witch of dwindor hears his sworn oath and offers to help find peace. He is free from his curse/wish under her protection (requires an Essence bond – something he never has done before) and his oath that he will serve her interests in Dwindor. He is free to come and go in Dunstrand Vale, in peace, without fighting – he understands she is some form of divine principal to have such power, just limited in its area of effect. He leads an attack force ambushing Gwinnish forces moving through Scar Flow… bodies turn up on black shore for 5 days, this time with weapon wounds and not half eaten. The witch tells him he must fight the green dragon who used him when it comes time. He makes friends with One Claw, who says to can take the protection of the Witch, and make it permanent if Kynar swears to aid the goblins of Dwindor forever when they call. Kynar swears another oath, a blood oath, and feels more of his precious life force slip. Double-crossing the Witch is no big deal, everyone is getting something from using him.

“Sir Danos march on West Barrens” – seemingly a story of umbakian conquest. Battles, disposition, monster foes (moor cats, ogre, ork, goblin, tentacled creature, vampire) – pieces historically copied but never source whole; Dwindor Witch is searching for a trigger name used as a password to unlock a sealed Lighbringer shrine of ___ family. Last act of one claw with kynar as they try and open it – kynar fights the willow wisps and luminous motes while one claw tries to say the password. Fought an hour before it opens. One claw teaches kynar wisdom before he dies. Says he must trust someone, but never let your guard down. Control yourself. Kynar meets the party with one claw – wears a massive black hooded cloak that his wings appear as a huge hump in the dark. His tail carries a torch in molded glove to make it look like sleeved arm. Eye patch.
Kynar fights the ogre guardian/dragon guard. Takes his glasses.

A half ogre’s guide to surviving combat… Or, “how I learned to cower and run when I’m out of my fucking element.”

Start of fight with Kynar

Tapping Kynar on the shoulder