Guillermo the Absolver (character)

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Cleric of Order; 2nd
Human male (5’9″, #178, brown eyes, short blonde hair – clean shaven, right handed), Lawful Neutral
> tattoo of scales (copy of holy Symbol centerpiece) on my right forearm
alternate identity = “Hugh Jangle” + 5 std. words = “Tyr’s wrath seeks you out!”
Str 14 +2
Int 10
Wis 16 +3
Dex 8 -1
Con 15 +2
Cha 12 +1
San 11

Proficiency +2 @2nd

Armor: light, medium, heavy, shields
Weapons: simple + war hammer (Tyr’s sacred weapon)
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Insight (wis +5), Religion (int +2), Medicine (wis +5), Athletics (str +4), Perception (wis +5; passive = 15), Navigator Tools, Vehicles (water), Intimidation (cha +3)
Languages: (literate in all) Common, Draconic, Celestial
Feat: Heavy Armor Master


Power: Tyr; justice/order
Spells: Save = 8+PB+WIS = 13 / +5 Spell Attack (Prepared = lvl + wis adj = 4)
Cantrips: Thaumaturgy (personal theme), Word of Radiance (5′ rad; CON or d6/3 Radiance), Sacred Flame (60′ no cover; dex vs. d8/4 radiant)
Ritual: spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared
Channel Divinity x1 – Turn Undead (1 minute)

Order’s Demand: As an action, you present your holy symbol, and each creature of your choice that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of your next turn or until the charmed creature takes any damage. You can also cause any of the charmed creatures to drop what they are holding when they fail the saving throw.

1st: [3] Command, Heroism (Spell Adj #hp = 3); Word of Healing (60′ 2+Spell Adj=5), Bless (3 targets for 1 min. in 30′ get d4/2), Guiding Bolt (120′; attack vs 4d6 and next att has advantage)


HP 8,5+4 = 17 (-3 per hit of NM pierce/bludgeon/slash) -4
Blessing +5 Father Morgan X
Armor = chainmail {3 res}, shield {1 res} = AC 18 (no dex mod in hvy)
Weapon = war hammer (+4 attack; 6/10/18), spear (5/8/14; range 20/60)

Voice of Authority: If you cast a spell with a spell slot of 1st level or higher and target an ally with the spell, that ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make one weapon attack against a creature of your choice that you can see.


(combat armor and weapons)
Holy Symbol – proudly displayed (spell casting focus) + prayer book
Explorers Pack (a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, 50 feet of hempen rope)
Medical Kit (10 stabilize -1)
Navigator Kit (10)

5 gold
+5 extra days rations
mule (Father Morgan’s mule)

History / Back-Story

Created: Feb 2024 by Kelly Berger for campaign GM: Ben Persinger
World: Faerun/Forgotten Realms – begin in Neverwinter and greater area
Campaign Changes: Sanity; Int+ = skills or language; item resilience; Use the rule of averages (average/full/crit) from Incarna

Background: Sailor
Personality: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.
Ideal: Fairness. We all do the work, so we all share in the rewards. (Lawful)
Bond: Ruthless pirates murdered my captain and crewmates, plundered our ship, and left me to die. Vengeance will be mine.
Flaw: I follow orders, even if I think they’re wrong.

Guillermo grew up in Luskan, one of 4 siblings. His father and family were sailing merchants that took ore from mines that came from The Spine of the World and sold the refined metals and coal down the sword coast. He grew up on boats and was a sailor for his family by trade. The instability of the frontier and politics of trade made him seek out order in his own life. He had recurring visions of a dragon, a lion, and 2 human hands that would push aside the dangers in shadows that tried to strike them. He entered the priesthood of Tyr at 13, traveling to Neverwinter where there was a shrine and he could pledge himself and begin his journey into the clergy. He grew up in the tutelage of Harold Giant-Bane. Harold took the word of Tyr into the north, and eventually settled after a horrible wound left him lame in one leg. He became the primary teacher of a new generation of the priesthood. After completing his training, he returned to his family and continued to sail with them, offering his powers against pirates and raiders.

For 3 years he and his brother worked off the debt to their family. During that time, they became known as foes of pirates, both off and on the sea. Twice they were forced to abandon ship in the wake of overwhelming pirate attacks slaughtering the crew and near died until they were rescued. They both took harbor in Neverwinter, and sought their fortunes there in a place with more opportunity.

Brother Story: The pirates that slaughtered your crew were led by a Werewolf. He infected {Rocky’s character}, and he is now a lycanthrope. Your blessings hold his curse in check, but he can occasionally transform in combat and may sometimes be forced into changing by circumstances. You must both try to keep this a secret, or risk being hunted.

Guillermo is ashamed by his brother, and seeks to rid him of his affliction. The change of Lycanthropy is anathema to his idea of order and stability. He actively seeks to rid his brother of the curse, and knows that some day he may have to make a decision if he inflicts his lycanthropy on others or it becomes public knowledge, he will have to disavow (and maybe kill) him. He does not wish to go against his chosen faith and principles or he may risk transgression against his faith. Kezef the Chaos Hound (that took Tyrs’ hand) is a close symbol to the werewolf his brother becomes and his faith demands he not ignore such a thing. He sees his brother as his own test, and the symbolism of cutting off his hand as having to kill his brother if his test is failed. He will take ANY chance to cure him, no matter how dangerous.

Lucas – Arthur human (rogue)
Arabus – Veindor; human (warlock – devout of Tyr)
Corey – Haushren; Leonin (fighter)
Earl – Blist; kobold (sorcerer)
Rocky –
Mission: Temple of Tyr hires us as escort Father Morgan to the Leonin settlements
+1 inspiration for “Tyrorist” label; hire a cartographer for 20gp (-5 from rocky)
Rocky stays in the glory barrel at the dockside inn
> take the new route! saves a day!
Ogre – we choose to kill! butcher meat
Going through woods on day 2… Arthur secretly takes the group past worg riders and orcs
-1 day ration; warm camp; ratings attack (rainbow lightning shit = spell scared)
-2 days rations/travel 2 days; orcs come to talk and say they were hired to get priest and bring him back to old watch tower in Neverwinter. We don’t treat with them, we attack them (I lead them with my phrase!); find the letter ordering them to capture Father Morgan, path expected, appearance; signed “Bartlett”
+ half day = success!
+1 LEVEL = 2