Posted on August 15, 2017 in D20 iCore Skill
Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools.
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
[d20-check-note]The practice of this may combine elements of: Biology, Chemistry, Physics. A character may gain a Toolkits and Work Stations by purchasing them in-game (depending on availability) or at the time of Inception using Assets.
There are many Occult Models to serve as an example.
Requirements: This requires an Intelligence of 14+ and a Wizard class of 2nd level ability or higher.
In addition to the normal Alchemy skills and artisan tools, the alchemist is proficient with advanced, more volatile and rarer processes and materials. These are used to augment the effects of certain spells. To augment a wizard spell, the alchemist must possess the following: The Wizard version of the spell in their spell book, 2) the normal material components for the spell, 3) the matching Occult Formulae for the same spell.
The alchemist takes a number of days equal to the spell level to produce the enhanced alchemal version of the spell, costing 25 coins per day. They make a DC 10 (+ the level of the spell) check with their tools and see if the process results in the correct outcome – transforming the mundane material components into an enhanced one which changes the outcome of the spell when cast. The specific outcome is based on the formulae. [Minor Alchemy (2nd level Transmuter Arcane Tradition power) allows the alchemist to add their proficiency bonus (doubling it) again to the outcome of the formulae.]
Multiple effects can be combined, each one has the effect of doubling the cost and adding an additional day as well as +1 to the difficulty check.
Posted on May 19, 2016 in D20
I implemented the rule of averages as way of making things go faster in the Incarna variant of DnD 5 (i20™). Learning the system was a huge factor in this decision. I still enforce this today in my campaigns, though I don’t know if i always will.
The ‘rule of averages’ is an approach to DnD that (in my mind) streamlines resolving actions. Less rolling means less time taken in both physical activity and calculations. Processing outcomes should be easier and faster as most of it is pre-calculated. The fact is, it’s nothing more than preference. In some ways I think it requires the PC’s to think more; Understanding that an outcome reflects not just a true/false condition, but quality (amount of damage or impact) means that more consideration is given – I always offer a bonus to damage or attack based on story and tactics. This is a way of requiring players to get involved and invested, to think to get the same effect rather than relying on a roll. In all cases, the rule of averages has the the following impacts I have observed:
With leveling and HP, it’s quicker calculation. Yes, it’s just a dice roll, but and everyone gets the same. In Incarna, there are plenty of things to offset this so that not everyone of the same class/level has the same HP. Leveling can be done more independently; it’s just a dice roll, but the results of that may force spell, ability, trait, or feat choices.
With damage from items it provides for a nice, graduated damage progression based on the quality of hit. Normal = average; More than 5 needed = full/major; extraordinary/critical = double full. This emphasizes quality over simple true/false. This improves with experience as well – the number of times a character will get full damage against ‘normal’ foes goes up significantly… instead of the same random outcome each time.
With damage from effects it provides the same impact as damage from items – graduated based on how well the attack succeeded.
Many forms of countering can be used here in addition to the DnD Resistance mechanic – basically using the Result Shift of Incarna.
When everything affects everyone the same, it dumbs down the game and lowers the level of excitement.
I won’t argue this – it does, especially if you rely on random rolls for excitement instead of story. As a GM, I have to fudge a lot because of this forced variance. Its that or reduce it to a lesser challenge I know the PC’s can survive – also not fun. It also enhances the level of excitement knowing that not only does a character getting better improves their accuracy, but improves their quality of hit. A simple “+1” has more meaning/impact.
It does not reflect the diversity or variance in real life.
True again, and it depends on how you view PC’s – extraordinary in themselves, or doing extraordinary things and an ordinary person. Nothing really changes with averages – it’s just a matter of degree and preference. It more heavily reflects the idea that improvements in capability should mirror outcomes. This means not just more successes, but more higher quality of outcomes.
You could just offer average OR a roll.
In fact, I do with a lot. It’s a fact some people role better and others worse. The averages allows for a more even experience, and factors in less how well you roll a dice or how certain dice have a certain propensity. And there are traits and powers for luck if you do want to rely on that more actively.
Posted on October 12, 2015 in D20
These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on ©D20 system & d20 use.
Barbarian is a cultural moniker. IT DOES NOT SIMPLY MEAN IGNORANT BRUTE. It is a way of life living close to and with the environment, tapping consciously or unconsciously into anima sources to empower warrior of great vitality and spirit.
Read the Incarna d20 Variant rule summary.
LEVEL-UP: The GM rewards a character a level based on Merit. By default, i20™ assumes by campaign milestone and limited by Experiences using Improvement Limits. Multiclassing follows i20 multi-class parameters in addition to the base requirements. Sanity increases by 1 every 4 character levels.
Primary Aptitude(s): Kinetic (Path of the Berserker).
Posted on September 6, 2015 in D20
These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on ©D20 system & d20 use.
The “d20” approach (see too the d20 System) is common in many game systems that leveraged the original D&D idea of a 20 sided die with active ‘classes’ and ‘levels’ of capability vs. a passive targeted difficulty for resolving outcomes of actions.
Primary System Focus: 5e (reviewed as of 11-1-2024; This may change in the future.)
Keep in mind, that any system or author can use the iVerse™ materials in any way they see fit. Individual GMs may alter or “homebrew” their own variants. Everything is Creative Commons licensed – a citation/link back to the source is all that’s required.
It is assumed that by default, anything in Incarna that contradicts the standard 5e SRD rules takes precedence.
CHECK RESULT OUTCOME/QUALITY: Health (HP), damage, and other factors use a measured outcome scale for damage or effect. That average is to be used unless noted in materials. All outcomes for skill checks follow provisions in the d20/DnD 5™ Skills -> i20 Features mapping.
CLASS: The Character Pathway mechanics, specifically the Incarna Class Expressions override those of 5e, though leverage the core ideals.
ABILITY SCORES + SANITY: There are 8 (Attribute) values, adding Sanity. Sanity is used to make horror/terror/fear checks, typically replacing Wisdom and Charisma. All races have a starting Sanity of 11, 10 for half breeds. It is generated however each GM desires it to be depending on their preferred method used (points, rolls, etc.).
EXPERIENCE POINTS: Incarna does NOT use “Experience Points” (XP) for advancement. Improvement/advancement is based on the story and story milestones and approved use of Character Points (which are awarded like XP, but there are different ways of gaining them) or Character Weaves (which alter immediate outcomes – like “hero points” or “action points”).
Health, Damage, Resting and Recovery: Health is the measure of Hit Points (HP). Damage and Recovery are more lethal. Hit Dice are not rolled for healing! A Short Rest is a full night of rest, after which time characters regain 1 + their Constitution bonus (min of 1) in HP. Exhaustion is recovered at 1 measure per Short Rest. A Long Rest is a full week of rest (after which time character regains their full HP). Wounds (see hereafter) can inhibit this, and quality of care and conditions can adjust this.
These are critical changes to how magic works – review carefully!
ASSIGN A MYSTIC TRADITION: Any magical capabilities come from the Mystic Traditions of Inspiration or Spark. When they Manifest spell type capabilities, it is using the Invocation practice of Casting.
ENCUMBERED CASTING: Spell casters need to abide by Casting Constraints for rules on casting encumbered. It pays to be without any encumbrance/load/burden.
IDENTIFYING MAGIC ITEMS: Use of the Identify spell to discern specific magical Dweomers and Auras of items, places, etc. is generally replaced with the Rituals of Knowing. See Identifying Items for basic dweomer/aura assessment and the Items and Services for the setting the character is in.
LONG LIFE THREAD SPELL IMPACT: Creatures with a Long Life Thread Impact (e.g. Elves, etc.) cannot be affected by either d20 Raise Dead or Revivify.
APTITUDE: Aptitude indicates the direction of your character’s natural capabilities. Incarna Class Expressions require aptitude. Aptitude is acquired using Essence.
ESSENCE: All things have Essence, with Higher Order beings having more. Many classes require the character expend a small amount of Essence in order to be able to use their related capabilities upon The Pattern. It is also used for Bindings and Attunements, returning at 1/Short Rest once it is no longer used for this. It can be used to barter for powers and enhancements with powerful creatures (like “selling your soul”) capable of granting such.
RESILIENCE OF ITEMS: The Incarna basic Resilience rules for items are used. Every point of Resilience can be used to shift the Quality of Result down, at the expense of using the item to take the blow and reduces its long term effectiveness. For example, a medium light shield has 1 Resilience – it can absorb 1 blow. Resilience can be restored by an appropriate crafter or technology, usually for a cost.
A character who is “Wounded” suffers immediate (damage) and longer term effects. The source of the wound may describe other specific effects, but always cover the following: 1) The target gains a level of Exhaustion (cumulative, to a maximum of 5 – i.e. cannot kill), 2) Their sequence of Death Saves starts with one failure. They lose any advantage on their physical ability checks, and lose 5′ of movement. A character automatically becomes Wounded when:
Minor Wound: The effects of 1 Minor Wound are negated after a Short Rest is completed; Additional ones each take a Short Rest.
Major Wound: The effects of 1 Major Wound are negated after a Long Rest is completed; Additional ones each take a Long Rest. Greater Restoration can heal one Major Wound or all Minor Wounds. Example:
Grievous Wounds can only be healed with Regenerate spell, which only completes after a full Long Rest.
If not covered elsewhere in this synopsis, the following changes also apply:
Advancement on Story: It follows the general Story Advancement guidelines of average challenge, levels 3-8 for i20™ versions. Instead of character powers and health regaining swiftly, that pace is slowed to something more realistic following the “Gritty Realism” principles.
[related-subpages pageid=”476″ title=”Related i20 Materials”]Posted on September 6, 2015 in D20 iCore Skill
Meditation attempts to harmonize the mind and body with its position in the time-space of The Pattern around it, in order to unlock, clear, rejuvenate or impress some notion or feature. A Character suffering from Nightmares cannot Meditate. Meditation is also the foundation for species and creatures that do not take material sleep or rest to gain an equivalent experience – such as those connected to The World Beyond (ex: The Body Beyond, The Mind Beyond, etc.). Mystic Reservoirs also rely on Meditation to affix elements in them.
Frame of Reference: All Skills are bound by the character's Setting (physics), and the details that their culture/society's Science (gathered by Technology), direct experience, and/or collective Records are capable of revealing. A character may not be able to apply their full measure on a different world, with different species and tools.
Meditative Regeneration:
Upright Mind: The Upright Mind can restore measures of disorientation taken from psychic attacks.
Silent Mind: Sequesters the ego and provides a limited or no target for psychic powers. This prevents the user from using any psychic powers of their own in while this is in effect.
i20 Skills REPLACE d20 skill proficiency: A single Result Check to assess Success or Failure AND quality which may be impacted by conditions which indicate a Lack of Capability (Unfamiliar, Unproficient, etc.). The GM can { } Narrate it, and players may request an appropriate impact when anything other than a basic outcome is indicated. Character Points are Rewarded by the GM to improve Skills (and other Features).
[d20-check-note]Impacted by Attribute: None | Lore(s): None
i20 [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence
Check: Simple DC 10 + skill level + ability bonus of either Sanity or Constitution (whichever is lower)
Success: During the next Short Rest (within 24 hours), an additional 1 point is added to the Recovery Rate for the following:
Chi Pool
Mana Pool
Occult Pool
Synergy Pool
Can meditate to regenerate multiple pools, adding an hour for each pool beyond the first.
Materials to help with the mind set and facilitate the state of mindfulness.