Fresh Pages
Current Flex Date: 2024-06-01 (display all pages with a Word Press ‘modified date’ after this date); This Fresh Pages list has no context for any entry, it includes only page name (not path) or date/time, pages created just as bridge or link/placeholder, and crosses multiple categories – I.e. a RSS feed cannot be made from it since its site wide, not built on a taxonomy.
- Grub Broodspawn (Orrish off-spawn)
- The Call of the Hound
- Items of the Lily Theurgists
- History of the Lily Theurgist Order
- Lily Theurgists Limited Reach Agreement
- Ranks and Membership of the Lily Theurgists
- Cramped Quarters/Tunnel Fighting
- Sacred Places of Phelaedea
- Sacred Places of Germaena
- Stone Horns Druidhold
- Pelmon Ridge (“The River’s Spine”)
- Lily Theurgists > Arcane Mercantile
- Sifter’s Gap
- Blaekpit Mine
- Greyskar Mine
- Caenan’s Mine (flooded)
- Saervin Hamlet (ruins)
- White Lake
- Maithen Plateau (abandoned)
- Barden Stretch
- Hopalen Mountains (Hawktail Hills spur)
- Geoxylish (“underland tree”)
- Elven Wealds of the Steel Realms
- Wormtaint
- Blood Vurms of Gorvyrm
- Basic Orrish Cave Settlement
- Orrish Fighting Forces
- Orrish Types
- Skip Sleep
- Morale
- Fecund Swarm
- Bloodworms
- Orrish Trap Masters
- Rolling Rewards
- Exploring the Ruins of Arvban Keep /DONE
- Ebon Shrikes (agents of the Unholy Trio)
- Arvban Keep – Picket Keep of the Riverdans (ruins)
- Dovender Valley
- Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans (ruins)
- Ruins of Spakaya – The Dog Fort of the Riverdans
- Blood of the Sphinx
- Celestine of Ancient Futures
- Institutional Authorities
- Baggage Train rules for the Quartermaster
- Shoppes (acquiring items and knowledge)
- Lores (iBase knowledge sets)
- Conclave of Heroes (iBase group dynamic)
- Specialty Roles (optional rules)
- iBase Activities (movement, search, etc.)
- iBase Rest (health recovery, etc.)
- Delvers Maw
- Congregations
- iBase Party Reputation
- iBase Item/Equipment
- iBase Character Perspective (changes, etc.)
- iBase Surrender Outcome
- iBase Retainers (henchmen & hirelings)
- iBase Steel Realms Emphasis
- iBase Identification (of magic items)
- iBase Attunement (to magic items)
- iBase Combat
- Converting Characters to iBase
- iBase Editor Perspective (changes, etc.)
- The Leighton Mine
- The Nestwood of High Hawktail
- Hunting Lodge of Ard Leighton
- Night’s Messengers
- Salle the River Rover of the Hawktail Hills
- The “Timid Towers” of the Steel Realms
- Scholarly Communicator
- Willows Edge Tea
- Culture, Education, Institutions, and Traditions of West River Run
- Second Wind
- Mary goes to see Lucky
- The Witch
- Travels of Athena to County Faer/Lizard Folk/Torrelson’s Ford
- Na’Grindle Seeks a Sunken Gwinnish Boat
- The Vigilist of Mev
- Gettaway/Rescue Plan with Asil
- The Barons’ Tragic End
- Mary & Feather’s Reconfiguration Plan
- Ride
- Unencumbered
- Encumbered
- Disastrous Encumbrance
- Dire Encumbrance
- Jesse In Mev
- Tech Level
- Rudimentary Armor
- Ascendant Armor
- Advanced Armor
- Tech Levels of Armor Suits
- Basic Armor
- Riders Working Kit
- Writing Worker’s Kit
- Equipment Kits of the Steel Realms
- Medical Workers Kit (simple)
- Legerdemain/Sleight of Hand
- Accomplished Activity
- Finance
- Economics
- Business Disciplines
- Deceive
- Nox-Kurez (warlock character)
- Draddel
- Harmony Healing
- Inhibited Healing
- Healing Expressions
- Corrupt Lodge of Ard Leighton
- Anima Fount of Power Streams
- Anima Fount of Energy Streams
- Types of Anima Founts
- Institutional Mystical Focal Point
- Sable Familiar
- Daylight Sensitivity
- Condition Sensitivity
- Cold Moon Blooded
- Trail Blazer
- Playing “Evil” Characters
- Prinz Islands of the Northern Merchant Cities
- Rite of the Dark Compact
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order
- History of the Magi Order of the Broken Sun
- River Rovers of the Riverdans
- Disguise Kit
- Stealth
- Mydrinate (for seeing in dim light)
- Darkland Scout Background of the Steel Realms
- Background Options for the Steel Realms
- Stalking
- Stalker’s Kit
- Pilot: Drawn
- Stone Workers Kit
- Illustrator Workers Kit
- Hide Workers Kit
- Glass Workers Kit
- Textile Workers Kit
- Wood Workers Kit
- Metal Workers Kit
- Chef Workers Kit
- Brewer Workers Kit
- Vocational/Trade/Craft Toolkits
- Dreams Preceding the Soul Scourge
- Observant
- Time (round, minute, etc.) and Action Economy
- Investigate
- Arvban Rebellion of Bondeu
- Rite of the Interloper’s Defiance
- Mistveil Hills of Eastern Bondeu
- Rock Worms
- Arvban Keep Strike
- Picket Keeps of the Heartlands
- Newtlings of Helca
- Rescue the Dwarven Engineers
- Cover and Obscurement
- Lacking Capability
- ARCHIVE: Class Template (beta)
- Revivification
- Death’s Fidelity
- Capability Measures for i20
- Momentous Blows
- Brace Familiarity (carried/worn)
- Martial Shield Familiarity
- Simple Shield Familiarity
- Shield Familiarity (carried)
- Heavy Armor Familiarity
- Medium Armor Familiarity
- Light Armor Familiarity
- Armor Familiarity (worn)
- Simple Particle Weapon Familiarity
- Martial Ballistic Weapon Familiarity
- Martial Ranged Weapon Familiarity
- Martial Melee Weapon Familiarity
- Simple Ranged Weapon Familiarity
- Simple Melee Weapon Familiarity
- Simple Improvised Weapon Familiarity
- Martial Weapon Familiarity
- Simple Weapon Familiarity
- grp
- Natural Athlete
- Mystic Power Surge
- Frame of Reference
- Weapon Familiarity (carried)
- Vision
- Orate
- Seduce
- Haggle
- Encounter Reactions
- Persuade
- Relentless Aggression
- Aggressive Combat Expressions
- Savage Attacks
- Menacing Bearing
- Influence Activities
- Race as Culture
- Steady Aim
- Cults, Sects and Orders of the Shadren (The Cool Embrace)
- Cults, Orders, and Sects of Ezrilus (Lady of Brilliance)
- Cults, Orders, and Sects of Elancil (The Storm Queen)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Yhis ‘tk (Sovereign of Lizards)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Wheyipuh (Sovereign of Wolves)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Wampanoak (Sovereign of Weasels)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Umbravoep (Sovereign of Bats)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Ssissllenn (Sovereign of Serpents)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Scrofa (Sovereign of Boars)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Ratuk (Sovereign of Rams)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Neith (Sovereign of Spiders)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Modak (Sovereign of Bulls)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Mhyi t’k (Sovereign of Birds)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Mz’zt (Sovereign of Insects)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Fiongala (Sovereign of Foxes)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Fey-ha (Sovereign of Apes)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Epona (Sovereign of Horses)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Africa (Sovereign of Elephants)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Germaena (Lady of Earth)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Phelaedea (Lady of Air)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Kaerslein (Lady of Water)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Mog-Creoch (Devouring Worm)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Darupet (Father of Beasts)
- Fantasy (starting trek package)
- Summer Court
- Winter Court of Faerie
- Insight (sense motive, etc.)
- Urchin (fantasy background)
- Soldier (fantasy background)
- Sailor (fantasy background)
- Sage (fantasy background)
- Pirate (fantasy background)
- Outlander (fantasy background)
- Knight (fantasy background)
- Hermit (fantasy background)
- Guild & Vocation Crafter/Artisan/Artist (fantasy background)
- Gladiator (fantasy background)
- Folk Hero (fantasy background)
- Entertainer (fantasy background)
- Criminal / Spy (fantasy background)
- Charlatan (fantasy background)
- Athlete (fantasy background)
- Archeologist (fantasy background)
- Anthropologist (fantasy background)
- Acololyte (fantasy background)
- Noble (fantasy background)
- Background
- Committed Pathway
- Neophyte/Newby
- Aasimar (celestial descendant)
- Developed Attribute Disposition
- 4 Square Attribute Grouping
- Essential Attributes
- Favored Habitat
- Flying
- Track
- Hunt
- Forage
- Natural Explorer
- Abolition Reagents (injuries, toxins, etc.)
- Reagents
- Potency (of substances)
- Overwhelming Aegis (Awe/Horror)
- High Mystic Art
- Low Mystic Art
- Senses
- Race/Species Template
- Appraising
- Environment
- Habitat
- Intimidate
- Evasion
- Soak
- Mobility
- Commoner of the Steel Realms
- Sorcerer Path ( Arcanist, Occultane, Visionist, etc.)
- Aesthetic Path ( Monk, Contemplative, Astraline, etc.)
- Cantrip
- Accomplished Mystic Progression
- Mastery Mystic Progression
- Schooled Occultist (narrow occultism)
- Encyclopedic Occultist (broad occultism)
- Occult Approach
- Competent Mystic Progression
- Feather’s Letter to Huff (re: Silver Mine)
- Item Manufacturing
- Portioned Occult Study
- Familiar Mystic Progression
- Expert Mystic Progression
- Progression
- Targeting
- Harness Divine Power
- Mystical Initiate
- Mystic Expressions
- Science Expression
- Story-Telling
- chitin
- leather
- ceramic
- cloth
- plastic
- metal
- wood
- Material Composition
- Relieved Theurgist
- Subordinate Actuation
- Effective Impact
- Action Economy
- components
- Volume (of effect)
- distance
- duration
- Effect Dimensions
- Creature Size/Stature
- Mystic Power Scaling
- Cosmic Principal
- Will of the Principal’s Hand
- Estranged Formulae
- Arcane Recovery
- Mystic Reservoir Types
- Actuated Threshold
- Articulations (of an Actuated Mind)
- Weapons
- Esoteric Reservoir
- Spiritual Reservoir
- Actuated Reservoir
- Transcendental Reservoir
- Arcane Reservoir
- B’Heim during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- Beedel during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- De’Vosa during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- Artificer Path ( Mechanist, Automatist, etc.)
- Feature Development
- Grak during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- Jessup during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- Samedi during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- Phil during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- Rabat during the plan for the revolution in Bondeu
- Plans for Revolution in Bondeu
- Unconscious
- Conditions
- Krepar’s Letter to Jesse
- Tactics
- Mystic Essentials
- The Legend of the Questone Gateway
- Runel Rats
- Cults, Sects, Orders, & Splinter Groups of Irrigi
- Anchoring Tie (Ritual Qualifier)
- Ritual Qualifiers
- Good Standing (behavior)
- Preservation (Code)
- Brother Eulogy’s Letter
- The Sound
- The Ability Score Increase (ASI) for i20
- Attribute Score Increase (ASI)
- Negatively (Diminished) Impacted Senses
- Positively (Enhanced) Impacted Senses
- Rest Sensitivity
- Can Spell Casting be done with a secondary attribute for i20?
- Handling Perception in i20
- Jesse, Athena, and Volstagg to see the Baron at Torrelsons Ford
- Travels of Todd Eshrin
- Travels of Dalcia Grath-Malor (of House Malor)
- Travels of Sorin
- Travels of Mary and Feather
- Travels of Asil
- Travels of Ulrich to Umbak
- Travels of Atreus
- La Celle-Saint-Cloud (entering Falcon Reach)
- Wattrelos
- Meaux
- Cergy
- Courbevoie
- Perpignan
- Climante Keep
- U’runde (Tower of the Branch)
- U’dethe (Tower of the Root)
- Black Hillz
- Folded Edge Smithy
- Gaeraen’s Vein Ironworks
- Cathwell’s Silverworks
- Kvasir the Conjuror (character)
- Ritual of Striking
- Ritual of Preservation
- Ritual of Reinforcement
- Rituals of Armaments
- Stones of Isich
- Kroneminas
- Aydim Bolstrin (character)
- Gjallar (character; DEAD)
- Faerie Faith in the Steel Realms
- Faerie Species of the Steel Realms
- Quest of Black Tears (unified purpose)
- Divine Quests
- Service Experience of the Riverdan Militia
- Redtail Spire
- Bloodhawks
- The Shrine to Haedorn the Vigilant
- Boulderwick
- Bentwatch Keep (ruins)
- Haedorn Uplands
- Places, Locales and Features of Glois (riverdan)
- Hawktail Hills
- The Athla Hound
- Places of the Athla Hills
- Ancient Blood – Test of the Bogmile Wolves
- The Calamitous History of The Steel Realms
- GM Only Notes for the Steel Realms
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Well of Souls – The wellspring of the Aelfpaths
- Wyld Elf of the Weald Experience
- Faerie Divinity – Anima, The Wyld, and Numinous Spirits
- The Battle of the Light’s Embers
- Vaide’s Escape Exlixir (for ghouls)
- Blue Willow Basin/Valley
- Tallow’s Deep
- Manse Jonesh
- Dying and Death
- Osiris (Adversary of The Plan)
- 2b Or Not 2b
- Pa-Ulsey Bells
- Hastur, the King in Yellow
- The Black Fens
- Nagel’s Toll
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Balthazaar (Word of the Law)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Ikribu (Maker of Hearths)
- Cults, Orders and Sects of Whelm (Defender of the Hearth)
- Principal’s Presentation
- Elemental Hearth Magik of Umbak
- Virtue and Vigilance (‘Hearth Magik’)
- Spring of Pristos
- Glassblowers and Bottlers Guild of Ruary
- Rumein (city of Cerran’s Grant)
- Histrak Frostmonger
- Sect, Cults, and Orders of Mizras (The Final Cut)
- Bronislaus Greatoak (‘Bron’; character)
- Loman Ailbe (Darkland Ranger; character)
- Africa (Numinous Elephant great spirit)
- Demis Emishkir (character)
- Dorn’s Fist
- Last Treasury of Ancient Blood (pt 1)
- Ancient Blood’s Due – Starting Treasury
- Baggage Train for Ancient Blood’s Due
- Ghost Keeper
- Asked and Answered: The Riverdan Militia
- Primeval
- Primeval
- Primeval
- Primeval
- Primordial Species
- Wizened
- Youthful
- Shocking Beauty
- Patron and Pact Keeper
- Design Guide
- Green Passage
- Passage Experiences
- Faith on Primordial Helca
- Powers of the Lightbringers
- Powers of the Wyld Faith
- Dragon as Pact Patron
- Cave Complexes of the Dark Lands
- Locales and Settlements of the Dark Lands
- Geological Features of the Dark Lands
- Places in the Dark Lands
- An Eye to PHB 2014 and 2024 Race/Class Soft Mechanics
- When Mechanics Substitute for RPG Flavor
- DnD 2024/5.5 Response
- Species Relations
- Dynamic Familiarity
- Out-of-Game Session Play
- In-Game Session Play
- Game Sessions
- Essential Mystic Air Charm (formulae)
- Essential Mystic Earth Charm (formulae)
- Essential Mystic Fire Charm (formulae)
- Essential Mystic Water Charm (formulae)
- Essential Elemental Charms
- Essential Formulae
- Formulae (Spell, Charm, Orison, etc.) List
- Planning for the Battle of Athlapoole
- Cultural Experience of The Riverdans
- Battle of Athlapoole (Belim’s Rebellion)
- INTRO – Rise of Ancient Blood
- Ancient Blood’s Due – The Bogmile Wolves
- Rise of the Ancient Blood
- Ritual of Preserved Protector
- Culture
- Near Death Experience of Atreus – Road Ambush
- Subsidy/Tithe
- Institution/Organization Reach/Presence
- Resilience Reservoir
- Protective Combat Expressions
- Mountain Ranges of Helca
- Greenthorne (vanished forest)
- Geographical Features (fallen east)
- Blood Tail Wanderlands
- Wanderlands of the Steel Realms
- Black Thoughts
- Curse of the Grimm (the Grimmdowns)
- Bog Mile Gap
- Rabbit Pond (crossing)
- Condar Valley
- Aramore (Umbakian ruins)
- Highwaymen Stalkers
- Burren Forces
- Soul Scourge Discussion
- Mobac Bridge (south fork of the Murchart River)
- South Fork of the Murchart (Wonald Delta)
- Places on the Wonald Delta
- Flower’s Will
- Julga Grove
- Right Red Hand – Defense of Athla Hill Country
- Feather’s Goodbye and Missive
- Clothing & Garments of the Steel Realms
- Useless Items
- Armaments of the Steel Realms
- Battleworn Armaments
- Item Conditions
- Historical Worn Armor
- Types of Defensive Measures
- Armor Suits (defensive measures)
- History of Immal
- Immal (character)
- History of Caramin
- Letter to Tanner #1
- Bargain with Tizre’al
- Tizre’al the Haunted
- Return to Tarly Castle
- Doom of Tarly Castle
- Sickness of Braddon Bog
- Ducateon Weathering
- Hardkit Armor
- Lore Tablets (Ducateon Records)
- Mystic Forms
- Hillfort of Elenkaa (ruins)
- Pareado (city of Glinthill)
- Barony of Glinthill (county Faer)
- Encounters in the Grand Barony of Fandelok
- Encounters in Umbak
- Westcut of Fandelok
- Morbin Brothers Stables and Haulers
- Hormaznian Trail (Tarmysia)
- Gillman Pass
- Grebuir (‘barony’ of Tarmysia)
- Western Grent’s Inlet
- Eastern Grents Inlet
- Oiguir (‘barony’ of Tarmysia)
- Luminous Aptitude
- Glooming Aptitude
- Hand of Bekgreem (hidden relic from Tarly castle)
- Tarlwise Family
- History of the Tarly Family
- Groups and Individuals of note in Braddon Bog
- Tarly Castle (ruins of Tarly estate)
- Lenore (ruins on Tarly estate)
- Gloriannas Stretch (Tarly estate)
- The Tarly Lands
- The Bittermaw Archive (companions library)
- Teerlink’s Lichrya Treatise (companions library)
- The Tarly Archives (companions library)
- The Teerlink Archives (companions library)
- Divine Standard Items
- Kinetic Standard Items
- Occult Standard Items
- Psychic Standard Items
- Aptitude Standard Items
- Skraeling Singers
- Haelf Singers
- Corruption of Anima Reservoirs
- Sustreynus Gim (“Books”; character – DEAD)
- Lichryan Sanatives
- Rhiannon (Epona’s Beloved)
- Ducateon Crystals
- Exotic Commodities/Materials
- Metals of the Steel Realms
- eldric
- Failed Outcome
- Dire Outcome
- Disastrous Outcome
- The Trial of the Rite
- Combat Conditioning
- Kerrils Coral
- Interlude – Rewards, Expanded Deed and Ownership
- Bob209 of Crestwold
- Courtly Wages (none should pay)
- Interlude – Note to the baron’s herald on trade
- Dunstrandian Peace Players
- Gwinnish Peace Players
- NPC’s Related to the Gwinnish Peace Process
- Deer Bend (southern bounds)
- Malorian Prohibitions
- Mev Na-Innis (‘Sedadlo’; formal capital of Bar-Innis)
- Places in the fief of Mev (Grounds of Mev)
- Claybottom Meadows
- Altain Mountain Range
- Crippin’s Thumb (Montwold Protectorate)
- Montwold Pass Protectorate of the Steel Realms
- Interlude – The Wonald Delta (after The Convergence)
- What Dalcia Witnessed
- Dragon Tears
- Feather Visits Ceflu
- Kynar’s Dwindor Power
- Kynar’s History
- icore
- Huff/Jesse/Athena Convo – Contests in TF
- Player Prep – Killing Mendollin
- Personnel Companion
- Negative Outcomes
- Positive Outcomes
- Extraordinary Outcome
- Major Outcome
- Simple Outcome
- Toad-Faced Dog Stats
- Yaran’s Light (Lightbringer Church)
- OUTCOMES of the battle of The Convergence
- Pip Shadowfoot (character; DEAD)
- Bilious Shell
- Incarna Development
- Red Wing Stables
- What the Players Know (hunt for Mendollin)
- Navel of Dwindor
- Dar Angbak – The Warbred City
- Counter {X} Dose
- Minor Stim Dose
- Major Stim Dose
- Significant Stim Dose
- Binding Object
- Bound Fidelity
- Concentration
- Standard Divine Reliquary of the Steel Realms
- Standard Occult Reliquary of the Steel Realms
- Standard Reliquaries of the Steel Realms
- GM PREP for The Convergence
- Kravus Burren (npc; true head of Burren family)
- Groups & NPCs of Note in Bondeu
- Body Comp
- Pop Dose
- Amp Dose
- Smart Dose
- Clean Dose
- Purge Dose
- Stay Dose
- Stim Dose
- Restoration Reagents (healing, augmenting, etc.)
- Collections of Notable Materials
- Lowbranch Spread (on the delta)
- Violating the Godspeak Oath
- The Ibis Eye
- Moon-Breaker (“the breaker of blades”)
- Ioun (the many-eyed beast of chaos)
- Fyodor (character/priest of the sea; DEAD)
- Christian Bell (enemy)
- Hansel the Highwayman (enemy)
- Groups and Individuals of Note (NPC villains, friends, etc.)
- Grents Inlet
- Navy of Dunstrand
- Search for Biyatch
- Torrelson Bribery
- Alois Prep
- Sea Interests/The Virridescent One
- (Gallantine Castle)
- Jesse and Athena Convo – RE:Krespar
- Crown Tags
- Asil’s Vision of Duty
- Anwin is Retiring! (Gallants)
- Jacques and a New Breed – Loose Ends (new Gallants/Red Hats)
- Annals of The Gallantine in Richfield (new Gallants 1)
- The Gallants Return to Tarly Castle (new Gallants 2)
- The Gallants vs. Maulsmen; Tie up Loose Ends and Return to Richfield (new Gallants 3)
- Geraldine Returns (new Gallants 4)
- To the House of the Dead (new Gallants 5)
- All in for War (new Gallants 6)
- New Gallants
- Dea Tacita (priestess of Djerduth; House Narcosa)
- Brekkia Moon-Bender (mistress of apprentices – House Narcosa)
- Ferria Black Hand (guild mistress – House Narcosa)
- Netheb the Aged (Master Necromancer – House Narcosa)
- NPCs of House Narcosa
- Speaker of Thoth
- Speaker of Anubis
- Amunite Temple of Illuminated Knowledge (Thoth)
- The City of Naelb
- Brace (defensive measures)
- The Shielders of Pomata
- Conjuring Better Items
- Holy/Divine Armaments
- Black Mountain
- Entourage of Shadow
- Glassteel
- The Mines of álag
- Sir Roryin Lavinge (DEAD)
- Saison Fields
- Saison Ale
- Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray
- Fort Pavec
- Edgelands of Umbak
- Eyes of Darupet
- Place and Boundary Markers
- Cloak of Stars
- i20 Skills for the Future
- Fra’ud (NPC)
- Lofflin Family of Umbak
- Tal Beckam (NPC curio shoppe)
- Travel in the Steel Realms
- krav
- Groups and Individuals of note in Zerburre
- Gallantine Academy
- Low reach Pass
- Ruins of Baninville (Nettlemist)
- Stingleaf (city of Nettlemist)
- Places in the Barony of Nettlemist
- Fortress City of Nettlemist
- Skullbridge (of The Saelish)
- Eastbeam Hills (of The Saelish)
- Wolfwood (forest of The Saelish)
- Mculliah (city of the Saelish)
- Places of d’Calbrese Dale
- d’Calbrese Vale (The Saelish)
- Twin River Confederacy
- The Beyne River
- Notable Places and Geographical Features
- Jerold Veers (Elon NPC)
- Elon Folk of Torrelsons Ford
- Ritual of Actuated Boost
- The Hidden Seat (Dorma Ceflu)
- Anima Channeler
- Institutions/Organizations
- Simple Boosts
- trinket
- Occult Organization Advantages
- Occult Organization Disadvantages
- Types of Occult Institutions and Organizations
- Madame Xanos (Elon NPC)
- Wuhrt Family (caretakers)
- Dawnmarch Cemetery
- Resilience
- Item Properties
- Camrod’s Shrine to the Lightbringers
- Groups and Individuals of note in Pranin Moorswood
- The Briarwood of Moorthorne
- Lady Dalcia Graf-Malor
- Womac Tower
- Braenz Dale (The Saelish)
- Sect of the Golden Branch of The Saelish
- Ethereal Saelisnean Order
- Bug out bag at Feathers
- Lucky Red Scarf (NPC)
- Coran Maerkle & Tolmans Guides (NPC)
- Josie Welles & the Morbin Brothers (NPC)
- Aaron Mokar (NPC)
- Sidrus Mell (NPC)
- NPCs for Adventures
- Unfettered Casting
- Unfettered
- Occult Constraint
- Occult Expressions
- War (MTG Challenge)
- Anima Reservoir Potential Testing
- Forthright Family – Ducal Blood of Dunstrand
- Callyburg Family – Ducal Blood of Dunstrand
- Notable Folk of Dunstrand
- Coreilan (Hs’tvealmen’at)
- Solarian Scriveners
- Solarian Scriveners of Mev
- Serdof
- Resources of The Gallants and Allies
- ver
- Peace with Imperial Gwinn
- Mary Rellian (original character)
- A History of Troubles with Gwinn
- The Hermit of Yarans Vale
- Groups and Individuals of note in Yarans Vale
- Raiders of Fur and Teeth
- Old Wyla of Cat’s Cross (Elon NPC)
- High Temple of Ikribu (“The Dawn Forge”)
- High Temple of Aerna (“Hearth Home”)
- High Temple of Balthazaar (“The Fire of Justice”)
- Hearthlight
- Seven Spires/Temple of Aerna of the Golden Hem (ruins)
- Falcon Point/Falcon Reach
- Verel Blackthorne, the Barons’ Herald
- Alois Allard
- Ruins of Je’Mikael
- Aaron J’teime
- Horn of The Golden Platoon/Horn of Morale
- Men’s Role in Umbak
- Rituals of Standard Augmenting
- Master Ritual Expression
- Standard Augmentation (“+X items”)
- Ice Fang
- Tekua, the Unchained Thrall
- Tekua (thrall of Orgren)
- Eyes of the Dead
- Exanimate (Lich Lord items)
- Sublime Perspective
- Ceremony of Revealing
- Void Empowerment
- Discovering Talent
- Aptitude Thematics
- Psychic Empowerment
- Kinetic Empowerment
- Divine Empowerment
- Occult Empowerment
- Practitioners of Shallow Occultism
- NPC’s for Orrish Hunting
- The Terror of Point Saril
- Moorcat (of Dwindor)
- Sunfri Spur Hills
- Jance’s Canyon
- Bounty on the Orrish
- Kidnap of Allard Family’s Eldest
- Orrish Bog Bag
- Society, Items, and Supplemental Materials of the Orrish
- Karn Kalen (“Bloodhound”, character)
- Todd Eshrin (squire; character)
- Orion the Traveler (character)
- Duelist Doublet (of the merchant cities)
- Vachtel 2swift (character)
- Characters of Newal Hardemon
- Newal Hardemon Hosted Pages
- Elemental Archons
- Faerie Court
- Dueling in the Riverdans
- Anward (town in Cerran’s Grant)
- Wishbone Hills (Riverdans)
- East Cut (Riverdan shared trade route)
- Rackle (electricity/battery; Luxite)
- Places, Locales and Features of Cerran’s Grant
- Samedi (original character)
- Ritual Expression Template
- Ritual of Patron Beseechment
- Connor the Conjurer (Neverwinter character)
- Willow Armor of Saivelaugh
- Elementals of the Air
- Faerie Wind Weavers
- Will-O-Wisp
- Runners (Agents of Athlapoole)
- Abani Yorton (original character)
- Council of Cerran’s Grant
- Nandhe (spirit of Dunstrand Vale)
- Numinous Fauna (great animal spirits)
- Numinous Mundi of Helca (world/place spirits)
- Scenes for the War for Bondeau
- Chaos Snail
- Creatures of Chaos
- Narduar Holt
- Tunnelite (material)
- Precursor – Off Spawn Attacks /DONE
- Orrish Hunting
- Transformation of Crestwold
- Frederick Nolan Granson (healer character)
- Sahlu Trader (goblin character)
- Character Creation – Goodwill Goblin Hunting
- Artemis Spiritforge
- Peace Lily (character)
- Avatar
- Cultural Experience of Dwindor Goblins
- Pursuit of Plusses and Resilience (side talk)
- Incarnations Side Talks 2024
- Confusion
- Herald’s Quarterly 9169, 2nd Quarter
- Hydrae (‘dream dragons’)
- Serpentis Mordua
- Draconic Lineages
- Automata
- Golem
- Simulacrum
- Narciss
- Ritual of Summoning
- Discussion on Familiars for i20 (archive)
- Rite of Abeyance
- Works of the Living (Abeyance)
- Apis (the Celestine Herald)
- Jehade – A Looking Inward
- The Techno Surge – A Looking Outward
- Mark of the Dead
- 1st Ancient Future Campaign
- Campaign Records of Ancient Futures