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Proclamation of Censure

Posted on September 30, 2021

A Proclamation of Censure is when the authorities (community, institutional, or principal) have decided that the Follower is not allowed to act as a representative among the community. It does not remove any granted individual powers, but it does remove the benefit of offices, community roles, and Empowered Divine Places or Empowered Divine Items. Entities under censure do not necessarily lose their Good Standing.

Withdrawal of Divine Favor: The Principal will make this status manifest. Minor signs, omens, and significations (mystical or mundane) will accompany most Censure. Actions performed under Censure will not trigger any effects that rely on their community standing. Seals and stamps, sigils and signatures are invalid.

Restoration of Divine Favor: The Rite of Atonement will always restore divine favor.

Minor Censure

The authorities or Principal have decided that the character is not a fit community representative. Minor Censure prohibits the character performing any liturgical duties, community roles, proselytizing, and must abstain from speaking or acting in a way that is not clearly exactly inline with the tenets or institutional policies as perceived by the public and without knowingly offending or confronting any section of the populace outside faith authorities. The wearing of a holy symbol is to be covered so that the character is not perceived as speaking for the faith or its institutions by outsiders. Any Follower individual obligations must still be met.

Violating the Terms of Minor Censure: This is typically regarded as imposing a longer period of Censure. The signifying events of Censure will become more prominent and frequent, including minor mystical manifestations. If these events in any way benefit those under censure, the divine will will manifest an angry and obvious persistent effect.

Major Censure

The authorities or principal has decided to make an example of the character or entity for committing to a path or action counter with the withes of said Principal or authorities. They are barred as per Minor Censure, and must also sequester themselves away in contemplation until any other terms of the censure are fulfilled. Any obligations must still be met.

Violating the Terms of Major Censure: Unless they are using their divine powers directly in the service of the faith (a quest, etc.), they operate as if they had one less measure of all factors (Aptitude, Conviction, etc.).

i20™ Censure Details

  • Infrequent or persistent Thaumaturgy effects.

iCore iCore™ Censure Details

Impacted by Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None | Lore(s): None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text


Synergy Reservoir (Divine Anima)

Posted on May 6, 2021 in D20 Feature iCore

The character gains a Well (and supplementary Pool) of Anima associated with divine energy called Synergy. This energy is also used to make and/or trigger Divine Empowered Items and Places. The reservoir can suffer Synergy Corruption from several external sources. The act of manifesting specific Divine Power/Capability using Synergy (see hereafter) is referred to as Adjuration.

Feature Type: Divine

Acquiring and Improving Synergy Reservoirs

Learning how to unlock the reservoir follows standard Anima Reservoir’s methods. Natural (aptitude) Talents automatically gain this Feature if they have Divine Aptitude Talent.

This uses the standard Acquiring and Improving Energy Reservoirs mechanics. Its applicable aptitude is Divine.

Divine Aptitude

Posted on November 19, 2018 in Aptitude

Divine Engagement: Having Divine Aptitude and/or divine capability (powers, traits, features using divine [Synergy] energy). It is fundamentally the power of a community united in beliefs and purpose to alter The Pattern. A character who takes on Divine Engagement as a primary character development path is referred to as a Follower. A permanent change in the score of this Aptitude triggers an instance of Actuated Awareness. The act of manifesting specific Divine Power/Capability using Synergy (see hereafter) is referred to as Adjuration. The powers gained from this typically derive from the Mystic Inspiration tradition.

Petitioning for Divine Power: Divine practitioners most often use Adjuration (petitioning) for spells and Inscription (scrolls) Methodologies to make scribed magics. For more information of the actions and perspectives on this, see the Guide for Followers.

Divine Energy: Synergy

Synergy allows a character to manipulate object, powers, and features based on divine bonds to The Pattern using a form of anima energy. To consciously and freely gain and use Synergy, a character must have Essence and a Synergy Pool. Natural Talent???? Divine Aptitude provides a basic amount in a Synergy Pool, but Synergy can be developed independent of it.

Most Common Traditions: Inspiration

d20™ Divine Aptitude Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

Requirements: Adoption of a Primary Class and Primary Ability at the time of acquiring the first measure of Aptitude for d20 (see full details on acquiring d20 Aptitude). * No Aptitude’s granted powers can be exercised unless the character’s level is equal to or higher than the Aptitude rating. *

Primary Classes: Cleric (Inspiration tradition), Druid (Inspiration and Spark/Anima traditions), Paladin (Inspiration tradition); Note Multiclassing Options changed.

Commitment to Mystic Tradition: If a character decides to commit to a single Tradition as well as using Aptitude for d20 and no Multiclassing, they gain a Committed Spell Progression.

Primary Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom; it must be one of the Primary Class’s proficient abilities.

Rating Cost Description (Cumulative Effects)
1 5 Essence

Divine Aptitude Common Elements (at Every Level)

Inspired Litany: The Character gains a bonus equal to their Aptitude to their Religion checks for their own faith(s) as represented by the Tenets of it’s Abiding Litany.

Natural Affinity: The character may Attune a number of Empowered Divine Item equal to half their Aptitude (minimum of 1) without Pledging Essence.

Natural Discernment: The Character gains a bonus equal to their Aptitude to their Divine Phenomenon checks.

Natural Foundation: The Character sets their Conviction equal to their Aptitude. If the Aptitude measure is equal to or less than their current Conviction, Conviction increases by 1.

Mystic Insight: The character gains a total number of Prepared Spells from Aptitude for the Primary Class equal to their Proficiency Bonus or their Aptitude rating (whichever is higher).

Additional Aptitude Powers

  • Divine Bulwark: Using their natural insight, all abjurations of Bless [spell] or Resistance [cantrip] are enhanced when cast upon a target that has the condition of Shared Litany. A Character must choose 1 magical effect; some classes do not have both as an option.
    At this level, no Concentration for the Divine Bulwark effect is required.
2 4 Essence 
(9 total)
  • Divine Aptitude Common Elements
  • Attribute Affinity: The character gains a +1 increase to the maximum value (usually taking it to 21) of their Primary Ability within their Primary Class.
  • The character is able to use the Channel Divinity power in the faithful around them as an Action. It must be voluntary, and the target possessing it within 30′.
  • Divine Bulwark: At this level, the Divine Bulwark effect has maximum effect on all affected with Shared Litany.
3 3 Essence 
(12 total)
  • Divine Aptitude Common Elements
  • Aptitude Emphasis: (Lesser) The character’s maximum in their Primary Ability is raised by 1.
  • Enhanced Liturgy: If the character abjures a spell at a target with compatible/harmonious condition of Shared Litany, it enhances the effects. A Bless spell is treated as if it was one level higher spell slot, and has maximum effect. Healing Word always has maximum effect. Shield of Faith requires no concentration.
  • Prepared Magic: The character can have a divine spell “prepared” and gain an initiative bonus equal to their proficiency bonus. Their next Action must be to use that spell or it is not considered prepared any longer.
  • Divine Bulwark: At this level, the Divine Bulwark effect affects all targets with Shared Litany within 5′ of the abjurer.
4 2 Essence 
(14 total)
  • Divine Aptitude Common Elements
  • Aptitude Emphasis: (Greater) At 8th level, if you choose an Ability Score Increase in your Primary Class’s 2 proficient abilities, you can increase one ability by 1 and the other by 2.
  • Prepared Magic: The character can have a divine spell “prepared” and gain an initiative bonus equal to double their proficiency bonus. Their next Action must be to use that spell or it is not considered prepared any longer.
  • Devoted: Gain an extra use of Channel Divinity
  • Vital Conduit = Principal Source: [1 Synergy] Effort is purely the domain of the Principal, the intended adjuration/casting of a divine power cannot be interrupted nor can the Concentration be interrupted.
  • Divine Bulwark: At this level, the Divine Bulwark effects adds Relentless Endurance on all affected with Shared Litany.
4 @ time of Character Inception

iCore Divine Mechanics

Core Divine Aptitude
Rating Cost Description
1 5 Essence
2 4 Essence 
(9 total)
3 3 Essence 
(12 total)
4 2 Essence 
(14 total)
4 @ time of Character Inception = Natural Divine Talent
The Divine: Bonds of greater purpose though spirit and insight into mystic connectedness.
The Occult: Command of arcane powers & entities through understanding of The Pattern.
The Kinesthetic: Mind-over-body through the rigors of health, concentration, and discipline.
The Psychogenic: Reality as a representation/reflection of Will Power and inner vision.

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[Base] d20 Paladin Class Variant

Posted on October 12, 2015

These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on d20 use.

ONLY Applicable to the i20 Variant
All characters should have a story for the important elements of their composition.

Paladins are the individual [holy] warriors of the faith dedicated to a Divine Principle – they choose this upon assuming the class. As long as they remain in Good Standing with their patron, they are empowered with mystic powers and a purpose (related to their oath) that gives them crystal clarity that their actions are righteous. They are the martial examples, and the militaristic arm of a faith in fighting its foes – they are not community or follower oriented. Like Clerics though they may organize around institutions for logistical support. Characters of renown are typically found wielding holy weapons. Unlike a priest, the paladin’s oath and purpose are the narrow focus of their actions – they do not generally play into the politics or bureaucracy of the institutions and followers of their faith. They are subject to the divine Voice of Authority commanded by avatars, priests (Clerics), and even institutional ranks.

Primary Aptitude(s): Divine. Followers generally use Conviction and progress through the States of Grace.

LEVEL-UP: The GM rewards a character a level based on Merit. By default, i20™ assumes by campaign milestone and limited by Experiences using Improvement Limits. Multiclassing follows i20 multi-class parameters in addition to the base requirements. Sanity increases by 1 every 4 character levels.

Magic/Spell Changes


Paladin Spell Casting: They come from the Mystic Tradition of Inspiration. This class uses Adjuration type castings for determining Casting Constraints.

Changes to the PHB Paladin Class

  1. Starting Equipment and Money: By campaign setting – DO NOT USE THE ©PLAYERS HANDBOOK.
  2. The Paladin’s Holy Symbol is a form of Focus Point.
  3. Paladins (all faith based operations) use Wisdom, not Charisma. All powers based on Charisma also change.
  4. The Oath that a paladin takes depends on the faith they profess and/or the order that they are part of. Often these have all standard options available, but have elite orders and institutions that restrict and augment the options available. These often have additional principles and tenets the character must abide by.
  5. Essence: In order to facilitate the bonds of faith, the Paladin has several points of required Essence use (outside of possible Aptitude).
    • Basic Bond: 1 @ 1st level – The character has deep commitment to their faith/deity (Divine Principle) to gain Good Standing in relation to the faith’s tenets.
    • Holy Symbol Attunement: 1 @ 1st level – If Paladin is their primary class at the time of Character Inception, their Basic Bond includes this Attunement. Replacement holy symbols only need the Ritual of Attunement, no additional Essence.
    • Confirmed Bond: 1 @ 3rd level – When they choose their path (Oath) to reflect their deeper abiding bond.
  6. Liturgical Participation: If this is their primary class at the time of Character Inception, they gain Lore: [Characters’ Faith] +1
  7. The Paladin’s Holy Symbol is a form of Focus Point. They are provided one as part of their induction into the faith.
  8. Tasha’s Cauldron: Fighting Style Options, Martial Versatility (Optional Features); Paths – Oath of Glory


  1. Paladins always start off with better armor (Medium Armor) than normal starting characters (Light Armor).
  2. Offering: The [greater] holy symbol of an enemy of the faith may be offered up for Divine Aegis (a single use of Shield of Faith).
  3. Aptitude Synergy: Optional; If the character chooses to spend Essence to acquire the aptitude combination.
    • Divine 1 + Kinetic 1:
      • Divine Sense: Per Short Rest (instead of Long Rest).
      • Aura of Protection: The 30′ radius effect is at 9th level.
      • Aura of Courage: The 30′ radius effect is at 9th level.


  1. Paladins need to follow their guiding principles or lose all spell casting and channel divinity until atoned for. Role playing wise it means they are constantly asking those around them to prove their faith.
    • Single Combat: Should a paladin challenge a foe of their faith to single combat, in the name of their faith, and win, they gain a Divine Blessing (typically one-time use of the Bless spell, Inspiration, or Channel Divinity). Should they refuse such a challenge made to them, they fall under a Bane spell (and cannot gain Divine Blessings) until it can be atoned for. This does not apply if the situation is obvious suicide.

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[Base] d20 Ranger Class Variant

Posted on October 12, 2015

These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on d20 use.

ONLY Applicable to the i20 Variant

This class employs the Incarna Ranger class pathway and all its features. The specific for these features will be laid out herein.

Universal for all classes: Starting Equipment and Money = By campaign setting

Rite of the Land: This is used to signify the acquisition of a Druid’s (iD20 variant)powers of the Circle of the Land.

Druidic Druid-Sign is the equivalent of Sylvanic sign.

LEVEL-UP: The GM rewards a character a level based on Merit. By default, i20™ assumes by campaign milestone and limited by Experiences using Improvement Limits. Multiclassing follows i20 multi-class parameters in addition to the base requirements. Sanity increases by 1 every 4 character levels.

Magic/Spell Changes


Changes to the PHB Ranger Class

Class choice in Incarna should be a role-play challenge more than anything. While any class is possible in the right situation/background, many other factors constrain the path a character may take. These may include race, culture, gender, regional issues, and social norms, social class, etc. A full Character Background and Stories of the character's development can explain anything, even a complete deviation from any setting or rule restrictions. However, it is also these constraining elements that give the most role-play challenge (and reward) and should be encouraged. Multi-classing after character creation has only the limits the story and setting provide (aside from any normal limits).

Incarna iDnD prefers the UA Revised Ranger, NOT WOTC Ranger Options. We have adopted this well knowing that discussions seem to indicate there is no future for the UA version (as noted at reddit and tribality).

  1. The Favored Enemy feature is replaced with the Incarna Enmity feature.
  2. The Rangers Bond/Oath – What makes the Ranger, a Ranger. Primarily, this accounts for the mystical powers of the Ranger, without necessarily having to have a specific Divine Principle to answer to.
    • Basic Oath/Bond: The Ranger has a simple bond of One with the Land. They sacrifice 1 Essence at 1st level for the deep ties to the world around them through Shared Litany (good standing with their faith’s tenets). They lose 1 additional Essence at 3rd level when they choose their path and abiding bond with their animal spirit.
    • High Oath/Bond: One with the Land. Rangers taking this path must choose the Hunter archetype at 3rd level. A Ranger does NOT need the Psychic Aptitude requirement for this oath. The Aptitude costs cover all the benefits – Rangers continue to get additional Favored Enemy (now Chosen Prey) and favored Terrain at levels without additional costs.
      Role-Play ++

      This presents a good opportunity for adding Roleplaying elements to the Character.

      Story Hook ++

      This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.

  3. Tasha’s Cauldron: Favored Foe/Foe Slayer is replaced by the Incarna Enmity (a new Chosen Prey is gained at 6th and 14th level) feature, Fighting Style Options, Spell Casting Focus, Martial Versatility (Optional Features)
  4. Normal [Incarna] Rangers do not have Spell Casting capability. Instead, at 2nd level they gain Second Wind and at 4th they gain Action Surge; both of these operate exactly as the Fighter class abilities, but at Ranger level, not Fighter.
