Posted on March 9, 2021
This is the Rite holding the litany to trigger the relief of being under Censure or who has transgressed (either by Act or Proclamation) against the observances or will of their faith must seek the Rite of Atonement. A member of a holy order, clergy, or institution who has broken a bond or vow typically seeks Atonement as well. The absolution and penitence must come from the Divine Principal or from a similar Follower who shares his or her faith and/or sect. Acts of privation and contrition, denial of worldly comforts, prayer vigil or service among the community of faithful may be part of atonement. Regardless, the confession and forgiveness by the faith and its representative(s) must also accompany acts of contrition.
Divine Scrutiny: Atonement can only sought if the Follower is genuinely contrite. Seeking Atonement to restore powers only for the purpose of repeating the transgression will not be recognized by the Divine Principal. The Conviction of the Follower allows the divine principal to know the truth of their actions.
Common Resolutions: Most faiths will have known and followed activities, observances, and/or full rites that resolve their fall from grace, and restore their status among the Followers.
Common Requirements: All Rites the Character performs or participates in must adhere/conform to the Tenets of the faith that it is directed at.
Recitations of Contrition: Stage 1 of 3 of this Rite Trial; Success by ‘Simple Rite’ success or checked as a Rite Trial; 1 time cycle.
The sacred space allows you to detach from all the worries of the world and focus on the Conviction you have to your faith. You follow the precepts of contrition. All must be laid bare. What covenants did you violate? What tenets have you broken? Why did you violate them? Why was it wrong in regards to it? You breathe in the holy fumes, and lay yourself bare and the eye of your faith is upon you. You know if must be told with conviction. The truth must be spoken aloud.
Acts of Penance: Stage 2 of 3 of this Rite Trial; 1 time cycle;
The Cleansing of Conscience: Stage 3 of 3 of this Rite Trial; 1 time cycle.
Elan Building: This particular activity, along with Mystic Offerings to or time serving a Prime Entities, Time in Service to Prime Institutions or Entities, acquiring knowledge and experience arduously and over great amounts of game time (beyond Character Inception), Acts altering the outcome of great conflicts or the lives of many in general, and enhancing capabilities to an epic level can all build Elan.
Posted on November 19, 2018 in Aptitude
Divine Engagement: The Harmony of Unity: Having Divine Aptitude, a Synergy Reservoir, and/or divine related Features.
A permanent change in the Talent Level of this Aptitude triggers an instance of Actuated Awareness.
transcendent beings?
It is fundamentally the power of a community united in beliefs and purpose through a devotional bond to a Principal in order to alter The Pattern. Its focus lies in supporting, boosting, empowering, and fostering the well-being of the community.
> A character who takes on Divine Engagement as a chief path of development is referred to as a Follower.
> The act of manifesting divine power is referred to as Adjuration. Such powers are typically learned through the Mystic Tradition of Inspiration.
Petitioning for Divine Power: Divine practitioners most often use Adjuration (petitioning) for spells and Inscription (scrolls) Methodologies to make scribed magics. For more information of the actions and perspectives on this, see the Guide for Followers.
Requirements: Adoption of a Primary Class and Primary Ability at the time of acquiring the first measure of Aptitude for d20 (see full details on acquiring d20 Aptitude). * No Aptitude’s granted powers can be exercised unless the character’s level is equal to or higher than the Aptitude rating. *
Primary Classes: Cleric (Inspiration tradition), Druid (Inspiration and Spark/Anima traditions), Paladin (Inspiration tradition); Note Multiclassing Options changed.
Commitment to Mystic Tradition: If a character decides to commit to a single Tradition as well as using Aptitude for d20 and no Multiclassing, they gain a Committed Spell Progression.
Primary Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom; it must be one of the Primary Class’s proficient abilities.
Rating | Cost | Description (Cumulative Effects) |
1 | 5 Essence |
Divine Aptitude Common Elements (at Every Level)Inspired Litany: The Character gains a bonus equal to their Aptitude to their Religion checks for their own faith(s) as represented by the Tenets of it’s Abiding Litany. Natural Affinity: The character may Attune a number of Empowered Divine Item equal to half their Aptitude (minimum of 1) without Pledging Essence. Natural Discernment: The Character gains a bonus equal to their Aptitude to their Divine Phenomenon checks. Natural Foundation: The Character sets their Conviction equal to their Aptitude. If the Aptitude measure is equal to or less than their current Conviction, Conviction increases by 1. Mystic Insight: The character gains a total number of Prepared Spells from Aptitude for the Primary Class equal to their Proficiency Bonus or their Aptitude rating (whichever is higher). Additional Aptitude Powers
2 | 4 Essence (9 total) |
3 | 3 Essence (12 total) |
4 | 2 Essence (14 total) |
4 @ time of Character Inception |
Rating | Cost | Description |
1 | 5 Essence | |
2 | 4 Essence (9 total) |
3 | 3 Essence (12 total) |
4 | 2 Essence (14 total) |
4 @ time of Character Inception = Natural Divine Talent |
Posted on November 19, 2018
The Power of Conviction
Followers gain access to leveraging their Conviction with other followers, share Blessings, etc. through Shared Litany, and employing Connexion. Conviction, along with Divine Aptitude, determines the followers rank in assessing what powers they might wield.
Conviction is measured in levels and represents the depth/and or strength of belief and commitment. It does not necessarily reflect absolute adherence to the tenets – it is mainly for the goals and causes (not mundane Signifying events). Each measure represents a greater level of sacrifice, danger, and involvement in the operations of the Principal, and defending or promoting its institutions, societal position and reputation. This differs from a clerical or priestly caste or office, which represents rank and function in the administrative ranks of those that serve the Principal – typically an institution such as a church, outreach program, sect home, or the like. The benefits of Conviction are the direct notice of the Principal, and its intervention regarding certain powers and activities of divine nature. The rating of each measure of Conviction is specific to the Principal it is tied to – a character may have more than Conviction rating. Only one Conviction rating can rise to the level of Zealot for any given follower.
Common COST/REQ:
A Principal Endeavor empowering Divine Intent. Access to Shared Litany and Abiding Litany; wielding holy weapons.
A character may not possess a Conviction rating greater than their Character Level.
Conviction 1: [COST = 2 Essence] Rite of Dedicated Grace For each measure of Conviction, characters that are Clerics casting a spell of that level or lower need not make a Concentration check if they are interrupted during a spell’s duration.
> Group Binding: If the player/character is absent from a session, they can contribute to the success of the group by providing a single Blessing for a session. The members of the group decide how this will be used, but can only affect characters with Shared Litany. This last until the session ends, and renews each session that they are absent from the group (barring them not meeting the requirements to sustain the group). The character shares the same fate of the group if all the other characters are killed, captured, etc.
> Epic Removal: If the character is removed from the game by GM or story [the player invents] through character death (an “Epic Removal”), the group earns a Twist of Fate. The use of this is to be decided upon by the group.
Conviction 2: [COST = 1 Essence] Abiding Litany (Follower of Faith)
Conviction 3: [COST = 1 Essence]
The following require no Concentration is cast by a source that has Shared Litany: Beacon of Hope, Stoneskin
Conviction 4: [COST = 1 Essence]
The following require no Concentration is cast by a source that has Shared Litany: Enhance Ability, Protection from Good/Evil
Posted on October 12, 2015
These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on ©D20 system & d20 use.
Paladins are the individual [holy] warriors of the faith dedicated to a Divine Principle – they choose this upon assuming the class. As long as they remain in Good Standing with their patron, they are empowered with mystic powers and a purpose (related to their oath) that gives them crystal clarity that their actions are righteous. They are the martial examples, and the militaristic arm of a faith in fighting its foes – they are not community or follower oriented. Like Clerics though they may organize around institutions for logistical support. Characters of renown are typically found wielding holy weapons. Unlike a priest, the paladin’s oath and purpose are the narrow focus of their actions – they do not generally play into the politics or bureaucracy of the institutions and followers of their faith. They are subject to the divine Voice of Authority commanded by avatars, priests (Clerics), and even institutional ranks.
Primary Aptitude(s): Divine. Followers generally use Conviction and progress through the States of Grace.
LEVEL-UP: The GM rewards a character a level based on Merit. By default, i20™ assumes by campaign milestone and limited by Experiences using Improvement Limits. Multiclassing follows i20 multi-class parameters in addition to the base requirements. Sanity increases by 1 every 4 character levels.
Paladin Spell Casting: They come from the Mystic Tradition of Inspiration. This class uses Adjuration type castings for determining Casting Constraints.
Posted on October 12, 2015
These materials represent the Incarna i20™ approach based on ©D20 system & d20 use.
This class employs the Incarna Ranger class pathway and all its features. The specific for these features will be laid out herein.
Universal for all classes: Starting Equipment and Money = By campaign setting
Rite of the Land: This is used to signify the acquisition of a Druid’s (iD20 variant)powers of the Circle of the Land.
Druidic Druid-Sign is the equivalent of Sylvanic sign.
LEVEL-UP: The GM rewards a character a level based on Merit. By default, i20™ assumes by campaign milestone and limited by Experiences using Improvement Limits. Multiclassing follows i20 multi-class parameters in addition to the base requirements. Sanity increases by 1 every 4 character levels.
Incarna iDnD prefers the UA Revised Ranger, NOT WOTC Ranger Options. We have adopted this well knowing that discussions seem to indicate there is no future for the UA version (as noted at reddit and tribality).
This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.