Posted on August 26, 2021 in Steel-Realms
The Unified Pantheon of Lightbringers gathers the “Lightbringers” of the Steel Realms into a single unit that share the same purpose: destroy the Dark Trinity and their minions forever. It follows the normal hallmarks of a Unified Pantheon working in Harmony. The afterlife promised to ALL followers of light is the Home of the Safe Hearth. All followers look to The Dawn Star of Etrius as a sacred point in the sky (it is easily found at night, and still visible during the transition to dawn during the day).
Although the Amarata is not official outside of Umbak, many of its principles and teachings find their way into the shared litany of The Church of Light through The Houthas.
Each deity of the faith has their own clergy and sects, but there is the Office of the Primarch of Light. It is located in Umbak. The office coordinates activity between the clergies as a whole. There can be no declaration of war, peace, or effort of any kind that affects the entire faith without it coming from this office. The Primarch is always male – there has never been a female. The Primarch is said to be an agent of the combined will of the Lightbringers.
These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.
All reaffirm the Oath of the Day Watch.
Posted on August 2, 2021 in Steel-Realms
Steel Realm Celestines
These creatures are from another realm entirely, and came to Helca long ago as part of their ascension into Higher Order beings.
The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which they play a significant part.
Posted on June 29, 2021 in Steel-Realms
In early days, at the end of the battle of the Valley of Sighs, the gods of dark, light, grey, and green met at the top of Mt. Doom. There they agreed not to manifest physically/directly – Proxy would be the way of battles – this was modelled on the way of the Celestine Powers on Helca. No more direct confrontation, no more direct interference. Little else is known of this, other than it has governed their interactions since. The accord allows for the deities to speak directly to their followers or against their enemies, but nothing else. It is a Sworn World Oath and is known as The Godspeak Accord.
The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which it plays a significant part.
The power of a divine Principle can be invoked by Connexion, to make a pronouncement of Weal or Woe, a Blessing or Onus, vision/dream revelation, an Observance of the sojourn or even a pronunciation of Agenthood in extreme circumstances.
To violate the Accord will break and stretch and bend the aether envelope that surrounds the planet of Helca itself. Divine principles will lose connection temporarily to their own sources of power – and banishment or death of a sorts becomes a genuine concern. They will be unable to provide their powers and knowledge to their followers. The breaking of oaths has serious effects including those of the gods. Their followers become vulnerable, their places of power become vulnerable, their items of power become vulnerable and this jeopardizes the mission of their followers and institutions. The breaking of such bonds carries with it a certainty that all those who have made the same bond know of the entity who breaks it. They are poised to take advantage of such an event. Elancil has some strange, limited capability of Violating the Godspeak Oath without repercussions.
A prayer of warding must be uttered here since the god has directly spoken, it can be fought against by devout. Speaking can cause onus and curse. And triggers for augury. It can be countered using a prayer with Connexion. Pronunciation of weal or woe or vision/dream revelation.
General knowledge…
Mt. Doom was given its name at the time the accord was enacted.
Whenever the gods clashed directly, some terrible natural event happened elsewhere in the world. There would be nothing left of the world for the victor but a ruin. And so, the came together to form a pact, an accord between them.
The Celestials were not present when it was made, and have never agreed to abide by the agreement.
Posted on June 22, 2021 in Steel-Realms
>General Motto: “There is The Way, and all else is secondary.“
Quick Reference: Maðr is a Divine Principal associated with discipline, order, hierarchy, stability and stone; They are an entity that reflects the powers of Conviction through Essence. This deity has NOT affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord.
The Ducateon are technically monotheists. Although they acknowledge that there are many aspects to this divine entity, they refer to it as “Him”, “Maðr”, or “The One”. Maðr, pronounced “Mann” by most (also ‘ma-thur’, ‘mod-r’), though being grammatically masculine, it usually refers to the entity irrespective of gender. They openly individually venerate other deities as aspects of Maðr. There is even rumors of a sect of Gloom Bringer among the Ducateon, that follow the ways of “The Encroaching Darkness” and are killers of the priests of Maðr.
There is a universal Afterlife for all of the folk who follow Him. It conforms to the standard Afterlife processes and manifestation.
The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which he seeks to escape playing a significant part.
Major Aspects: ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.
Minor Aspects:
Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):
Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)
Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:
Favored Followers:
For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.
Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.
Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.
Said to be located in a Rhenclave with a Resonance Chamber of immense power, the Ducateon Collective are believed to sponsor this cult in order to watch over the most powerful items in the collective’s possession. It is mentioned a few times in the ancient histories of heroes, but its exact location has remained a secret forever.
Posted on April 28, 2021
Rastur – /The Beast Bringer; The Numinous entity of the Wylde Horde of natural world cycles, predator and prey, fertility, ecosystem and balance, cycles, and associated beast and animals as well as the symbols associated with them.
The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the “Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a tertiary part (mostly guided by Darupet).
Role: The Finders of the Way (Predator & Prey); Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature
This Great Numinous Spirit Spirit has NOT affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord of the realms. It has been known to manifest to fight against those who would kill sacred beasts and threaten the the species under their protection without thought or bias to Light, Dark, Grey, or Green foundations. This narrow focus to which few enlist it for keep the ire of other powers n the realms from interceding. Where their allegiance to the greater Wyld Faith enjoins them, they adhere to Gaias’ and Darupets’ own perspectives on issues.
Truly, he is the lord of all that is feline. Rastur is primarily a deity in the south, where he is venerated as the family patriarch and for his courage and virility. However, because of the prevalence of cats across the realms, he is paid homage in many places – in both male and female forms. His many aspects include hunter, fearless warrior, family protector, dominance, group loyalty/oaths, and virility. His power is often invoked in pledges and unions of all kinds – not just familial. Typically such bonds represent servitude such as those of the banner-man, or an oath to protect those. Many of the most powerful followers of this principle have embraced its most powerful primal aspect and are of the ranks of the classic Lycanthropes.
Rastur has a small variety of Cults, Sects, Orders, & Splinter Groups as well as incorporated into the Wyld Faith itself.
Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):
Expectations & Obligations: To respect and observe the Basic Drive to Flourish of all the animal spirits. Respect for elders, tradition, and adherence to bonds that attempt secure this for continuing generations.
Emblem: Each animal spirit’s emblem is derivative of the Life Loop symbol common for the Wyld Faith.
Sacred Observances: There are few great spirits that have any strict observance of specific sacred acts – it is not critical to acknowledge them to stay in good standing. The Rites of Passage for Rastur are commonly conducted at the Pack Gatherings.
Within the largest sect – that of lion worship in the south, female followers keep their hair short, while male followers are obliged to keep their hair long, and must grow long sideburns at least (though few grow full beards in the heat, it is practiced in the northern climes). Followers must not put their hair in a ponytail regardless – it must be unfettered.
Sacred Events: There are few great spirits that have any strict observance of sacred days (though spring/birth is universal) or specific sacred acts – it is not critical to acknowledge them to stay in good standing.
> Annual Pack Gathering: Every local church or group may have an annual gathering of all its members. Here oaths of fealty and allegiance will be renewed, new ones made, and challenges for authority settles. This is usually done in spring.
Clothing & Item Decoration: Followers must adorn their equipment with the images of their deity and the creatures related to them.
Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places: Within the city of Dunstrand in the Duchy of the same name is Rasturs greatest temple of the north, the entrance proceeded by a pathway lined with golden gilt covered lions. Inside is said to be a statue of solid gold. To this den many make a pilgrimage from the north, even the elusive druids are said to seek it out.Sacred Dates:
Sacred Times:
Sacred Creatures:
Sacred Colors/Shapes:
Favored Followers: There are few favored peoples, races, places, etc. which gain better abilities or starting powers. Any corresponding tribe of Merovin would be deeply connected to the primordial power of The Wyld. For those friendly with the associated natural animal population, they may be favored or appreciated regardless of their tie to the faith itself. Those protecting of the related animals can receive Intervention through the Godspeak accord.
Rastur promises nothing but a continued, healthy existence in whatever world waits beyond.
A successful hunt, a life of ease where there is no hunger, disease, cold, or predation on his followers. Often times, this place is referred to as the Endless Vedlt – although truly, the cats of all sizes and climates roam here. The courage of the lion will always be with the follower. In addition, Rastur is part of the standard Wyld Faith afterlife promise.
For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.
Rite of Cleansing: The follower symbolically becomes one of the ‘pride’. This rite always takes place on higher ground, where the senior members preside over the pack, and the follower must be ‘born’ into the group – a gauntlet of followers pressing them and herding them until they are forced to their knees before the presiding followers and swear their belief in the pride, pack, and god.
Rite of Consecration: The followers are acknowledged as a raw power, untamed and wild. The follower must spend a month wearing nothing but minimal coverings, carrying to weapons or items other than their holy symbol, fighting with only their natural weapons and using only the powers
of the faith. Once complete, they must return to hold ground and spend a week in worship and
prayer – supplicating before Rastur for the wisdom to find the inner strength of a higher state of grace.
Rite of Dedication: The follower is symbollically ‘tamed’ and given reward for their service and loyalty. The initiate must go and track down a great cat, spending a prolonge period of time in territory the cat hunts in and return alive. Upon returning, they must return to hold ground and spend a week in worship and prayer – supplicating before Rastur for the wisdom to find the inner strength of a higher state of grace.
Rite of Devotion: The follower must do something particularly brave and bold, witnessed or spread by both followers and non followers. After completion, they must return to hold ground and spend a week in worship and prayer – supplicating before Rastur for the wisdom to find the inner strength of a higher state of grace.
Rite of Piety: The faithful must defeat a powerful creature that inspires fear, and return to hold ground with its skin. There they must shed all material items and drape themselves with the skin, spending a week in worship and prayer – supplicating before Rastur for the wisdom to find the inner strength of a higher state of grace.
Common Wyld Rites: This Great Spirit and their followers have access to all the common Wyld Rites practiced by followers of the wyld faith(s).