Ducateon of the Steel Realms

Steel Realms

Ducateon of the Steel Realms are approximately 1.5m high with long arms and three digited limbs ending in massive nails that can dig earth. They are covered in a coarse fur, quiet with deep voices, don’t wear much, and strong for their size. They are known to be able to see in the dark though are also near-sighted. The people are seen as alien, strange, and distrusted though not feared. They keep to themselves and Outkast’s (not at all like the others) are often the only example seen by outsiders. Much about their culture remains a mystery. They are renowned for their stone and metal crafting. They are a caste system with a strictly lawful life.
@RP Impact: Hands require an Adapted Grip for any weapon




The Ducateon culture is technically monotheist, referring to this entity as Him or MaĆ°r – though they openly individually venerate other deities as aspects of Him.

Most of the time, they answer questions beginning with a sigh, like speech is some sort of burden as they explain themselves to children.

They have a hymn which hardness their nails, causes them to vibrate and carve stone.

Ducateon Voice

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic