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Thlunumbaros Lamaserai

Posted on January 5, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Thlunumbaros Lamaserai; The institution maintains the Standard Occult Reliquary of the Steel Realms for members.


The order has 1 guild house and 3 towers of power (where blood cauldron ceremonies are practiced).

Stone Tree of the South

Stone Tree of the South

The symbol of the Sundered South is the symbol of the order.

This order has only been established for two centuries, about CY 8912. Many orders come and go, especially when their founder dies. This order has proven especially resilient – and has risen to power in the far fringes of Balletogue and the eastern borderlands. They make their home in the desolate Dotham Valley Basin – in a small side valley called the Valley of Stone Trees as some horrible event in the past caused many of the trees to turn to stone. Most have crumbled over time, but many remain, creating a bizarre backdrop to the Guild’s compound – at the center of which is a massive tower called simply, The Palace.

‘In the palace no one is safe; every passage and corridor holds a web of intrigue. Each room a gathering of hidden currents. A word spoken in confidence at sunrise may be common knowledge to all by night fall – and him that spoke may not live to see another day.’

They seem to focus heavily less on the formal instruction of magi, but more on banding together for common cause – whatever these are remain a mystery to outsiders.

Rumored to all be Set worshipers… also rumored to be monks and other things. They are also rumored to be steeped in the practice of employing Blood Spirits and the Cauldron of Blood.

Prominent Members

Eaton Sandhurst

Brown Brother

Path of Influence: Arapia – Magus to the Baron of Reigel (one time apprentice to Eaton; broke due to ethical differences)

Ranks (low to high):

  • Gold
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Brown (only 10)
  • Black (only 3)

Mode of Sorcery Teaching: The occult mode for
the organization is Dokiel.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

Cults, Sects, and Orders of Djerduth (Life’s Cold Passing)

Posted on September 27, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

The Dwindor Covenant

Posted on September 13, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Covenant (pact) between The Witch of Dwindor Swamp and her agents.

The Ancient Covenant

The Witch of Dwindor is Dunstrand. Her will is the light that guides the hidden powers that move, make, and destroy the fortunes of the ancient vale of Dunstrand. Every creature in the vale is her eyes, ears, nose and mouth; what they perceive she may perceive. I too am an extension of her senses and agent of her will in all things. She is the shadowy mother of intrigue, the iron maiden of war, and the withered crone of disaster. She is the vengeance that flows down from the peaks, rivers, and clouds over those that would bring down her spirit and drench the vale in the blood of strife. I deliver wrath upon those she decrees. So to do i operate to ensure those she deems worthy flourish in her machinations. While i am within the vale, she is the ultimate power I look to, the answers to what I seek lies within her vision and so i align my efforts and goals to elevate her and the power of the vale.

The Dwindor Bond

In order to keep watch over and secure the sleep of the evil burried in the swamp, there must always be a “Witch of Dwindor” who takes the Dwindor Bond. It requires Meditation, and a familiarity in ceremony and ritual.

The ‘womb’ of Dwindor can only be entered by those who have been Blood Pledged to the Dwindor Bond.

Pledge of the Blood: The next generation must be pledged at any given time. If not, the next of kin of the current witch will be hunted and killed by the swamp denizens.

Oath of Service

The oath that those who serve her now is much abbreviated. It is simple, and goes thusly:

“While in Dwindor, I bow to her wishes in everything – though they be in opposition to mine. The Witch of Dwindor sees more than I and I, as her agent, will fulfill her requests with all the powers of my disposal.”

You recite the oath, and willingly open yourself to her power. You feel a protective shroud come down over you. You know that the Witch has protected you ever so slightly from outside forces of magic while in the vale. You also feel an itch in your gut. At first it is a gnawing sensation but quickly fades. Something has been planted in you that will take hold if you cross her.

D20 Adherent of the Dwindor Witch

The character commits themselves to the a power base of the Vale of Dunstrand and the interests of the Witch of Dwindor. Their power as an agent is measured in Pledged levels (# of levels the character has achieved while in service to her). While they do have an extra measure of power, none of them work against the Witch herself. The character fulfills as Geas and sacrifices 1 Essence at the time of their oath, and a Geas at each 4 levels. While within Dunstrand, her Adherents gain the use of one of the following powers per level pledged (does not change once taken):

  • Required: Under the effects of a Gentle Repose spell.
  • Advantage on saves vs. Poison and Disease from sources in the swamp.
  • Advantage on Sanity saves from sources of fear/fright in the swamp.
  • Advantage on Survival checks.
  • Advantage on Nature checks.
  • Immune to the Entangle spell.
  • Immune to Thorn Whip and Ray of Frost cantrips.
  • Ability to cast Fog Cloud 1/Short Rest; it does not obscure the vision of the caster.
  • Ability to cast Pass Without Trace 1/Short Rest.
  • Gain the benefits of Non Detection.
  • Ability to cast Purify Food and Drink 1/Short Rest.
  • No Moor Cat will attack the character.

Her true followers are actual Druids, Clerics, Warlocks and as a patron of Eldritch Knights and Arcane Tricksters.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Quizmans Magusterum > Arcane Mercantile

Posted on August 24, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Quizmans Magusterum exists within many bazaars, apothecaries, and curio shops that cater to the occult in between the merchant cities of the north and south where Theurgi Emporium holds sway, you may find a stand or placard that offers the services of Quizmans Magusterum – “standardized occult formularies”. These are a series of ingredients that many a shop keeper will pay for to make several standard potions and elixirs and are made to order. There are terms of service from this mysterious outfit, and that it that certain limits be put on selling to a single group – as in don’t. They only sell to “licensed” franchises. Theft from one franchise can bar you from others. Messages can be sent to an address in Oerdney, capital of Gladnor. Like most traditions/orders of the occult, they share a common Occult Culture in the Steel Realms. The institution maintains the most common elements of the Standard Occult Reliquary of the Steel Realms for members.

Operating Principle(s): “Always on hand, to allow adventurers and glory hounds an equal chance at the aid they need to achieve great things.”


The competition between the institutions of Quizmans Magusterum and Theurgi Emporium stays peaceful and this is closely monitored to prevent violence by the Guild of Solars.

Goods and Services

These are typically limited to , careful ledgers are kept and reported. The materials confound attempts to reverse engineer. Most goods are in sealed containers and last for a couple rounds only when exposed to air; they are guaranteed to last at least a decade if they are not jostled. A “perma-seal” can be affixed to containers to last indefinitely for 50sc.

  • There is no “buying in bulk” discount; there is a hard limit on an amount any individual group may purchase that is tracked.


The standard Ryadian Oblis (Identification of Mystical Items and Effects) is provided; There is no limit on this service in terms of frequency/amount, per the occult accord of orders.


  • Fog in a Bottle: Produces a large cloud of fog to obscure the area.
    Value: 150sc
  • Feel Better: A normal healing Potion; this competes with Lily Healing items outside of the areas of western Dunstrand.
    Value: 250sc
  • Dust of Revealing: A dust cast over an area that glitters when it touches something magical.
    Value: 175sc
  • Spider’s Step: Allows the imbiber to climb, jump and scuttle/run like a spider.
    Value: 250sc
  • Liquid Courage: Imbiber gains Fear immunity for 10 minutes.
    Value: 250sc
  • Marching Powder: Increases the movement rate of the imbiber.
    Value: 250sc
  • Wizard Fire: Fragile bottle that shatters and self-ignites of fire that burns a single humanoid sized target and lasts 2 rounds.
    Value: 50sc
  • Compass of Evil Detection: A device that is reusable, a go that is poured onto it and fizzles and evaporates for 10 minutes, pointing in the direction of the evil.
    Value: 150sc device + 50sc per dose

i20™ Quizmans Magusterum Goods and Services

Common Elements

Made to order: 1 day to prepare. Cost: Common elements are around 100-300sc. A PC group can purchase a maximum of their 1 + the number of positive Reputation/Notoriety levels; negative levels increase the period by 1 month per.

  • Fog in a Bottle: Fog Cloud x2
  • Feel Better: Healing Potion
  • Dust of Revealing: Detect Magic over a 10×20 area 10’ high
  • Spider’s Step: Potion of Climbing and Jumping
  • Liquid Courage: Fear immunity for 10 minutes
  • Marching Powder: Longstrider for 1 hour
  • Wizard Fire: d6+1 fire damage
  • Compass of Evil Detection: Detect Evil spell

iCore iCore™ Quizmans Magusterum Goods and Services

Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None

iCore Text

Knowledge/Facts About Quizmans Magusterum

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

It is a highly secretive “service” and source. It is thought to be a venture of criminal minds, of the Sisterhood of Dohar Jaideen, and many a conspiracy theory abounds. In times of war and civil strife, the shipments generally stop coming.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

The reality of the operation of the mercantile organization is that it is backed by the Guild of Solars and the Salamanders Guild.


Do not read beyond this point unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will provide relevant information by check or story.

Hidden Knowledge is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Theurgi Emporium > Arcane Mercantile

Posted on August 9, 2023 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Theurgi Emporium is a network of arcane merchants mostly in The Merchant Cities of the South with connections in the Vale Evander and some in the Guild of Solars. They have offices in many places in the south, and some even in the largest of the Merchant Cities of the North. It has rumored connections to the elven kingdom of Ynth and mages there. Like most traditions/orders of the occult, they share a common Occult Culture in the Steel Realms. The institution maintains the most common elements of Standard Occult Reliquary of the Steel Realms for members.

Operating Principle(s): “Purveyors of the Mystical for All.”


The competition between the institutions of Quizmans Magusterum and Theurgi Emporium stays peaceful and this is closely monitored to prevent violence by the Guild of Solars.

Goods and Services

These are typically limited to , careful ledgers are kept and reported. The materials confound attempts to reverse engineer. Most goods are in sealed containers and last for a couple rounds only when exposed to air; they are guaranteed to last at least a decade if they are not jostled. A “perma-seal” can be affixed to containers to last indefinitely for 40sc.

  • There is no standard policy for “buying in bulk” discount; individual franchises have discretion.


The standard Ryadian Oblis (Identification of Mystical Items and Effects) is provided; There is no limit on this service in terms of frequency/amount, per the occult accord of orders.


Knowledge/Facts About Theurgi Emporium

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

The reality of the operation of the mercantile organization is that it is backed by the Guild of Solars and the Salamanders Guild.


Do not read beyond this point unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will provide relevant information by check or story.

Hidden Knowledge is not available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic
