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Cathwell’s Silverworks

Posted on November 4, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Cathwell’s Silverworks is located in the primary section of the Hawktail Hills within the Riverdan of Pelmon. The original mine was discovered in CY 7341. It is a massive strike, multiple veins and was quickly brought under control of the High King’s Mintworks. Nestled deep in the hills, its location was its primary defense.

Chronicle of Cathwell’s Silverworks

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

Cathwell’s Silverworks is located in the primary section of the Hawktail Hills within the Riverdan of Pelmon. The original mine was discovered in CY 7341. It is a massive strike, multiple veins and was quickly brought under control of the High King’s Mintworks. Nestled deep in the hills, its location was its primary defense.

Ore processing and refining is done on site by dwarves and humans in collaboration. It is one of several sources for the minting of new coins and trade bars. Remote and built with hardened defenses, the silverworks have operated in a controlled and highly managed facility that ONLY provides for the Mintworks.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

The World Watchers are regularly in the area, mostly through the Wylder Wends rangers. It is said that there are stamps and dies on site.

Dunstrand Rising Living World A n c i e n t   Blood – A Living World storyline
Set in the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms.

They have retreated and sealed up the mine. The place is partially sacked and a lot of it destroyed. A force of two dozen or more goblins is stationed to keep a watch out and fire projectiles to make sure they keep the miners bottled up. They are waiting for reinforcements to dig into the tunnels. The whole camp has had all the tools and weapons stolen, and taken to the the nearby caves where the army from the Dark Lands is holed up.

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

The mining camp is fortified, and large. There are about 350 on site, including mining operations and ore processing. About 20-30 soldiers have a permanent barracks in the camp, and mercenaries are hired to augment shipments of silver leaving the area every other month or so. Additionally, another 50 camp followers and a similar amount of workers for stores and hauling.

Scarce Knowledge / Hard Difficulty

A small group of about 6-9 dwarven senior miners from Redlaen are on site (in every work shift) for consultation at any given time.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Obscure/Hidden Knowledge is not generally available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.
DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will typically provide relevant information by check or story.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Stones of Isich

Posted on November 3, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Stones of Isich are strange magical stones that make make the wielders’ presence mutable in relation to their own conjuration spells. They have a faint glow and each had a symbol cut into it that had meaning only to their creators. Little is known of their creator, only that the name he went by was Isich. Isich was said to have used an enchanted blade of a Frost Giant’s ax to cut the unique markings of each. It is estimated that a dozen or so were made, before their creator and his apprentices who possessed them were swept up in the fall of the northern kingdom of Dundaria (now “Lichrya”) to the Lich Lords.

Knowledge/Facts About/Chronicle of [Thing]

Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/accessibility. If nothing is indicated, assume it is Pervasive.

Pervasive Knowledge / Very Easy Difficulty

The Stones of Isich are strange magical stones that make make the wielders’ presence mutable in relation to their own conjuration spells. They have a faint glow and each had a symbol cut into it that had meaning only to their creators. Little is known of their creator, only that the name he went by was Isich. Isich was said to have used an enchanted blade of a Frost Giant’s ax to cut the unique markings of each. It is estimated that a dozen or so were made, before their creator and his apprentices who possessed them were swept up in the fall of the northern kingdom of Dundaria (now “Lichrya”) to the Lich Lords.

The stones were made in the Kroneminas Reach – a low ridge that runs east to the high mountains separating the far north of Dundaria from the ancient lands of Orrishai. It is a hard region, on a rift plateau that made its temperature barely tolerable at the height of summer.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

The mine or location they were found in is now lost to history. In this remote place was the Tower of Isich, named after the conjuror Isich that slew the last Frost Giant in the area. The magus, his traditions, location of the mine and the secrets around mining and crafting the crystals all vanished when the Lich Lords took control of the north. Some apprentices may have survived, but after millennium, there is no evidence. A few purported sightings of one or two and a rough description of the marking on them have been recorded, but no one has stepped forward to claim the legacy of their power for either position or reputation.

Item Purpose: Protect the wielder from the detrimental effects of their own conjurations.

Greater Attunement (2 Essence total )

Conjuration Spells cast by the wielder become as mutable to them as a shaper of the highest art of magic. They can see through conjured clouds, weather, and walls, walk through a cloud of conjured weapons or an area effect damage from their own spell without being damaged, terrain changes done by the wielders’ spells do not affect the wielder, and creatures conjured by them – even if they lose control – cannot harm them.

i20™ Stones of Isich Details

  • Create Food/Water gives no sustenance!
  • Find Familiar has no telepathy benefit.
  • Extra Concentration for a conjuration spell.
  • @ 4th: 1/Long Rest: Sleet Storm; @6th 2/Long Rest
  • @ 3rd: Unseen Servant is recovered in Arcane Recovery (if it is known/in the occult reservoir) in addition to normal recovery
  • @ 6th: Misty Step is recovered in Arcane Recovery (if it is known/in the occult reservoir) in addition to normal recovery
  • @ 8th: Summon Fey is recovered in Arcane Recovery (if it is known/in the occult reservoir) in addition to normal recovery
  • Unseen Servant has the movement rate of the wielder and the capabilities of Mage Hand – any facet they overlap in (weight moved, speed, etc.), the effect with the greatest value takes precedence.
  • Minor Conjuration: You can have a second item, as long as its an item wielded or worn by the conjuror. A staff, a jacket/robe, a shield, a cap/helmet. When you conjure it, it will appear worn or held as appropriate.

iCore iCore™ Stones of Isich Details

Estimated Value: ? (Silver Crowns)

Item Source: i20™ 10/2024

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Isich made several forays into the Fallen East using the stones. During that time he had several apprentices – all of which he seemed willing to sacrifice for his own ends. Who knows what his ultimate plans were, but the Lich Lords brought those, like most others in the north, to an abrupt end. He did not survive, and did not make a Cold Bargain like some of the powerful magi of the north did, like Thebadoux.

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Isich was an elf-hunter, and managed to kill several elves under a different name, taking the Soul Gem of each and using it as the basis for the Stones of Isich. He told people they were mined from a hidden source in the region where he settled, and cut/shaped with the enchanted blade of a Frost Giant’s ax, but this was just a cover. Whatever it was that produced them, he sought out a hard and remote place, where he could work without leaving a trace of whatever it was that he did. The secrets he possessed to transform them have been long lost, but suffice to say Isich was not a magus of scruples or altruistic drives. He stayed far enough away from elven wealds and forests where they are normally comfortable living.

  • Elves will recognize it if they see it directly because it still gives off a faint hint of Heartshine.

Obscure/Hidden Knowledge is not generally available in known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden.
DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT unless a character has the capability to gain such knowledge [through association, organization, or relation] if they do not possess it themselves or the reader intends to participate in scenarios using this material as a PLAYER! GM Narration will typically provide relevant information by check or story.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Posted on November 3, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

The Kroneminas Reach is a low ridge that runs east to the high mountains separating the north of Dundaria from the ancient lands of Orrishai. It is a hard region, on a rift plateau that made its temperature barely tolerable at the height of summer. It is from this region that the Stones of Isich come from – though the mine or location they were found in is now lost to history. The high valley of Norbrin’s Call was where one of the last of the actively menacing Frost Giant clans and their allies in the north were destroyed. This hard and remote place was home to the Tower of Isich, named after the conjuror Isich that slew the last Frost Giant in the valley. The magus, his traditions, and the crystals he was famous for making all vanished when the Lich Lords took control of the north.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Faerie Faith in the Steel Realms

Posted on November 2, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

All Faerie genus in the Steel Realms share the typical animistic outlook. There is a distant awareness by the faeries on Helca that there is a greater sphere of planets upon which they have related faerie kin flourishing. The Faerie Faith in the Steel Realms encompasses this as well as the more organized faiths adopted by the elves.

Elven Faith on Helca

The Aelfpaths of Helca have been closed going off Helca for as long as the records of the elves show and tests reveal. Many elves follow either the Green Church of Wyld Faith. A few have local connections to the wyld host of numinous spirits of beast and land, and all of these can tie the elves with their Flora Bound feature, activating it to its full potential on Helca.

Common Amesha Element of the Wealds

In the Steel Realms, the elves of Ynth have a special connection to Phelaedea, Lady (goddess) of Air – and her djinn servant Pahlavi. Elsewhere on Helca, the Amesha are all animal spirits; Those of the Pale Plains are known for their wolf companions.

i20™ Faerie Faith Details

Beast Sense 1/day; no concentration within the Weald.

iCore iCore™ Faerie Faith Details

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Faerie Species of the Steel Realms

Posted on November 2, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

There are multiple species within the Faerie genus in the Steel Realms.

Faerie Names of the steel Realms

Long ago were the ancient Aelf names abandoned, though because of their long lives, some still persist… or echoes of them. The use of last names has never been of importance among the elves, most adopt of “of _X_”, where _X_ is the clan, Weald, of Soul Well they are closest bound to. All faeries follow the same conventions, regardless of sub species. Generally naming is universal for faeries across Helca, with nuances as normally provided for in Feyloise of the Steel Realms.

  • Female: Lirazel, Lurulu, Vilael, Thyliel
  • Male: Orion, Cuhic, Urael, Runnaer
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

