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Category: Aptitude

Empowered Occult Places

Posted on July 29, 2021 in Aptitude

This is just one form of Occult Empowerment.
Empowered Places are places that were formed using one of the energy pools (Mana Pool in this case) and/or a powerful [su_permalink id="6811"]Occult[/su_permalink] Principal or Agent. Places that leverage Occult Engagement are referred to by practitioners as Awakened. Empowered occult places, occult institutions (having their own Tenets), and occult individuals often share a Binding using Sigilry. Associated items most often use a Bond of Attunement.

Leveraging: Tapping into the power of these Empowered places imbued with Occult energy requires a measure of Occult Aptitude and/or Mana Pool.

Prestige in relation to places.


Incarna Core

Common Occult Empowered Places

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Community of Faith

Posted on July 28, 2021 in Aptitude

Shared Litany
Community of Faith

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Aptitude Talent

Posted on July 15, 2021 in Aptitude

Aptitude Talent measures the quantifiable potential of an entity to use Aptitude powers related to it on a scale of 0 (Familiar) to 4 (Mastery). Those who pursue the paths of talent have specific labels associated with them: “Follower” (Divine), “Adaptate” (Kinetic), “Magus” (Occult), and “Actualizer” (Psychic). The greater the measure of talent, the more emphasis is placed on addressing issues, solving problems, and accumulating power that rely on it. A character seeking to unlock, develop, and make best use of aptitude capabilities should have the Meditation feature. Additionally, Character Pathways may have specific Callings that have both Minimum Talent and Optimal Talent configurations associated with them reflecting a # of measures of talent to unlock their potential. A maximum talent level opens the door to Natural Talent mastery.

Familiar – Latent Talent

Measures of Potential: 0 + Has only a Reservoir (Well) of Energy

Only characters with a greater than latent aptitude can actively develop their powers.

Latent Perspective: The powers of the Latent Talent lay dormant. Without a positive measure of aptitude, an entity cannot acquire and develop powers under normal aptitude saturation levels. They are capable of activating related powers in Imbued Items and Imbued Places. Saturation levels may allow latent talents glimpses into the powers and the ability to use them temporarily or unconsciously, but they cannot be consciously developed. such powers are viewed as undependable at best, and sometimes a curse.

Competent – Undeveloped Talent

Measures of Potential: 1 (5 Essence Total)

Undeveloped Perspective:

Accomplished – Active Talent

Measures of Potential: 2 (5+4 = 9 Essence Total)

Active Perspective:

Expert – Developed Talent

Measures of Potential: 3 (5+4+3 = 12 Essence Total)

Developed Perspective:

Master – Apex Talent

Measures of Potential: 4 (5+4+3+2 = 14 Essence Total)

Potency Conduit: Each Aptitude has a means of enhancing a vital principle of powers related to it. It typically changes the dynamic of effort and effect. This typically manifests as an effect triggered by fuel from an Energy Pool. These ‘conduit’ related capabilities are [outside of time].

Apex Perspective:

Natural Talent

Measures of Potential: 4 [Apex] @ time of Character Inception.

If the character starts as a Natural Talent and has their permanent Aptitude drained somehow, they are still considered a Natural Talent.


Void Aptitude

Posted on July 14, 2021 in Aptitude


Void Engagement: Having Void Aptitude and/or void capability (powers, traits, features using void [Negation] energy) ties its possessor to The Void – the deepest powers of negation, of anti-being, the null of annihilation. It is fundamentally the power of negating every anima energy of creation to alter or sunder The Pattern. An entity possessing this quality is inimical to every aspect of life – its possessor is bound to the deepest powers of negation, anti-being, and the null of annihilation. Characters generally do not possess the ability to take this on as a primary path of character development. A permanent change in the score of this Aptitude triggers an Actuated Awareness.

Negation and Annihilation of the Nullification

The nature of Void Aptitude is nullification. Nullification chains those embrace it to The Void, where the deepest powers of negation collapse into an infinite mote of absence. Such a mote has no essence, pulling in all meaning and achievement nearby. Their powers manifest as something akin to a vortex of opposition and negation.

Void Aptitude provides a means of harvesting Essence to feed upon, and the Gleaning mechanism, though instead of releasing energy back to the Aether, it removes it from existence entirely, consigning it to the void.

Divine: Bonds of greater purpose though spirit and insight into mystic connectedness.
Kinetic: Mind-over-body through the rigors of health, concentration, and discipline.
Occult: Command of arcane powers & entities through understanding of The Pattern.
Psychic: Reality as a representation/reflection of Will Power and inner vision.


Adaptate – The Kinetic Character

Posted on July 11, 2021 in Aptitude

The Adaptate is a character with Kinetic Engagement that chooses a primary path of development based on kinetic power. The Adaptate is focused on the harmony of their inner and outer worlds, and the kinetic pillar of The Pattern. Empowered kinetic places, kinetic institutions (having their own Tenets), and kinetic individuals often share a Binding using Sigilry. Associated items most often use a Bond of Attunement. The prototypical Adaptate has an upbringing experience that better prepares them for the life they typically lead. Revealing characters with this particular Aptitude Talent follows some common discovery approaches for all.

Both Ritual and Ceremony are used in kinetic themes. These types of characters can make use of a myriad of kinetic empowered items and places that have similar properties (ex: Focal Point) to all characters following an aptitude path, by exercising their powers.

D20 Adaptate Character

Primary Kinetic Classes: Barbarian (Berserker), Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Monk, Rogue

Except where noted, this class conforms to the DnD™ base classes as presented in the ©Players Handbook. Class choice in Incarna is a role-playing challenge more than anything. While any class is possible in the right situation/background, the elements of race, culture, gender, regional issues, and social norms all factor into what path a character is able to take. It is these constraining elements that give additional role-playing challenge. A full Character Background and Perspective Stories can explain anything, even complete deviation from any setting or rule restrictions. Multi-classing has restrictions from both mechanics and what makes sense from a setting and story perspective. Aptitude, Trait Features, and enhanced classes may provide a better alternative.

Incarna Core Adaptate Character

Additional Information
