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Divine Quests

Posted on October 31, 2024 in Aptitude

A Divine Quest is an form of Worship that makes an Offering of the Followers service; Often some sort of Pilgrimage is part of this. Materials, time, money, etc. all spent on a quest has no compensation other than in the further glorification of the Divine Principal in who’s name the character quests. Formal quests may stipulate some expected reward by a Principal Entity (divine or not) such as Blessings (Divine Favor), and Elan is automatically accumulated in recognition of the service itself. Incidental improvements to the questors’ life or condition may be promised, such as Community or Institutional recognition and benefits that may be attached, are not guaranteed, whereas in a simple quest they tend to be.

Surging Quest: A Divine Principal may often collect the Elan their followers gain (who willingly give up claim on it) as temporary power in furtherance of a goal or milestone only their power can unlock. These are often based on the portents of prophecy, and have dire or deep ramifications to the setting they are tied to.

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Proclamation of Censure

Posted on September 30, 2021

A Proclamation of Censure is when the authorities (community, institutional, or principal) have decided that the Follower is not allowed to act as a representative among the community. It does not remove any granted individual powers, but it does remove the benefit of offices, community roles, and Empowered Divine Places or Empowered Divine Items. Entities under censure do not necessarily lose their Good Standing.

Withdrawal of Divine Favor: The Principal will make this status manifest. Minor signs, omens, and significations (mystical or mundane) will accompany most Censure. Actions performed under Censure will not trigger any effects that rely on their community standing. Seals and stamps, sigils and signatures are invalid.

Restoration of Divine Favor: The Rite of Atonement will always restore divine favor.

Minor Censure

The authorities or Principal have decided that the character is not a fit community representative. Minor Censure prohibits the character performing any liturgical duties, community roles, proselytizing, and must abstain from speaking or acting in a way that is not clearly exactly inline with the tenets or institutional policies as perceived by the public and without knowingly offending or confronting any section of the populace outside faith authorities. The wearing of a holy symbol is to be covered so that the character is not perceived as speaking for the faith or its institutions by outsiders. Any Follower individual obligations must still be met.

Violating the Terms of Minor Censure: This is typically regarded as imposing a longer period of Censure. The signifying events of Censure will become more prominent and frequent, including minor mystical manifestations. If these events in any way benefit those under censure, the divine will will manifest an angry and obvious persistent effect.

Major Censure

The authorities or principal has decided to make an example of the character or entity for committing to a path or action counter with the withes of said Principal or authorities. They are barred as per Minor Censure, and must also sequester themselves away in contemplation until any other terms of the censure are fulfilled. Any obligations must still be met.

Violating the Terms of Major Censure: Unless they are using their divine powers directly in the service of the faith (a quest, etc.), they operate as if they had one less measure of all factors (Aptitude, Conviction, etc.).

i20™ Censure Details

  • Infrequent or persistent Thaumaturgy effects.

iCore iCore™ Censure Details

Impacted by Attribute 1: None | Attribute 2: None | Lore(s): None

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text


Divine Principal (Divine Entity/Voice of Authority)

Posted on July 31, 2021

A Divine Principal is the higher order deity/entity/patron or empowered animus (as spirit or creature) that the Follower is bonded/dedicated to through the Rite of Dedicated Grace. This is regarded as the wellspring and incarnation of the Tenets and actively works toward them through the worship/veneration of followers using Shared Litany and Abiding Litany. These type beings exist out of time for the most part. The bond with the Principal acts as a Higher Order conduit that is the interface point to The Pattern that channels power and perception to the community of faith.

Within any given setting or locale, a Principal Entity, especially a Divine Principal, will have a Dominant Presentation.

Nature of Divinity

Divine Union: The main qualifying element of being a Principle, or having “Divinity” is the ability to grant and gain Synergy and the ability to be pledged to and channel their power through followers using Conviction and Connexion. Collectively, this is based on Divine Union. A Principle can restrict Divine Union when they need to, and are aware of every pledge, Bond, and draw upon their power.

Principal Endeavor

The effort of manifesting divine power is provided mainly by the Divine Principal and guided with Divine Intent through Conviction. The source of the power is not tied to the time, place and conditions of its manifestation and the power from this makes the endeavor difficult to stop or interrupt.

Principal Dominion A divine Principal’s full power is most often limited to what they claim as their domain (the area their power is greatest in). It is the Conviction generated in this domain that they claim dominion over and concentrates and amplifies their power. The greater the Conviction and recognition, the greater the Principal Endeavor is within a power manifested.

Major and Minor Divine Principals

Generally a character can only possess the benefits of a single Major (elevated above all others), and a number of Minor Principals equal to their Divine Aptitude or Synergy Pool/10 (or a minimum of 1; whichever is greatest). Each entity has its own set of Prime/Principal Pools tied to it. These are measures that ties a Follower to a specific Principal. The measures is granted by and can only be recognized by that specific Principal. Some measures may only be used in service to the Principal they are associated with, depending on the Follower status of the one possessing the pools.

  1. Blessings
  2. Conviction
  3. Elan

Entity Divine Aspects

An Aspect is a label that represents an ideal, manifestation, type, or kind of place or force in the Multiverse. All Principals and most Prime Entities represent or are associated with one or more Aspects. This relationship between entity and aspect defines the types of powers the entity is able to control and to a certain extent, pass on to Followers. Aspects are not [generally] explicitly unique to Principles. Each entity has many orders, cults, and institutions which each focus on different aspects of the deity in the life of followers and the world at large. Ex: One Aspect of Thor is thunder.

Collective Divine Aspect

Principals do not have to have a singular defined domain of related ideals, power, and causes that they represent. They may be known for, and have extra powers with one type of power, but in general reflect a collective Aspect. This is where a group of Prime Entities are part of a compact and together, collectively represent a set of aspects or ideals. This is typically a Unified Pantheon.

Serving/Service to the Entity

Elan Building: This particular activity, along with Mystic Offerings to or time serving a Prime Entities, Time in Service to Prime Institutions or Entities, acquiring knowledge and experience arduously and over great amounts of game time (beyond Character Inception), Acts altering the outcome of great conflicts or the lives of many in general, and enhancing capabilities to an epic level can all build Elan.

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Community of Faith

Posted on July 28, 2021 in Aptitude

Shared Litany
Community of Faith

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Synergy Reservoir ( Divine Anima)

Posted on May 6, 2021 in D20 Feature iCore

A Synergy Reservoir is the Divine form of Anima Reservoir (granting both Well and Pool). This energy is also used to make and/or trigger Divine Empowered Items and Places. The act of manifesting specific Divine Power/Capability using Synergy (see hereafter) is referred to as Adjuration.

This reservoir grants a measure of the Anima energy known as Synergy.

Feature Type: Divine

Acquiring and Improving Synergy Reservoirs: Follows standard Anima Reservoir’s methods. Its applicable aptitude is Divine.

In the still cold of your thoughts, your mind is cleared of all things except one focus: your faith. In the unrelenting dark, a mote of light appears. The mote becomes 2, until a swirl dance before your inner eye. They swirl around you until you feel like a strand of energy connects to you as they enfold you in their embrace. Once the embrace of the divine has left you feel another conduit stretching across time and space, another bond between you and your faith.

Meditative Flows

The following capabilities can be enacted using Chi, but requires Meditation.

Dangers and Weaknesses

The reservoir can suffer Synergy Corruption from several external sources.
