Posted on January 17, 2022 in Mystic
Formulae – most often referred to as “Spells” (also prayers, visualizations, actualizations, etc.) – are prescribed elements of mystic power which can be affixed to a character through a Mystic Reservoir. It holds a configuration of mystic power that is manifested using a variety of Mystic Methodologies to evince an effect. Each Formulae has an associated name/title and level or rank of power that reflects the experience and/or knowledge required to learn and use it. The mystic origins of formulae often allow them to be leveraged by a multitude of practices. Not all of them are universal, and some are unique to a few or only one mystic practice. Access to them may vary by tradition, reservoir, setting, race, or character experience which denotes a specific way of viewing the universe that leads to their ability or inability to be able to work with a specific formula.
Spell Formulae are imparted through Classes (Pathways, etc.) as a set of Spell Slots of various levels (held in a Mystic Reservoir) that most often use Casting (a Mystic Methodology like runes, alchemy, etc.) to evince their effects.
Any Formulae (spell) with a ritual tag is Universally Ritualized and typically takes up 5x the space in Reference Work recordings of it.
These are all learned as part of a Mystic Tradition through research, inspiration, and/or a mentoring process that will dictate primary and secondary Attributes when manipulating them. Many appear in common with multiple Pathways, though can have their own labels by path, Setting, and/or locale.
Creatures of Higher Order, greater power, and/or Stature/Size can develop a (through Meditation with other capabilities) the ability to scale the Dimensional Facets of Mystic Formulae to match their scale.
Posted on January 6, 2022 in Mystic
A singular expression essentially mimics the properties and functions of an imbued item. The process of creating such an item instead transforms the creator (Expressionist), imbuing them instead. The capabilities granted are “Affixed” directly with appropriate elements of Ritual, Ceremony, and Meditation to the physical body of the Expressionist, and can be seen as part of their Aura. If the aura alteration representing the Expression is somehow destroyed or taken, or their physical body is destroyed, the character loses all related capabilities. A character can only benefit once from a specific Singular Expression once. The process whereby this happens varies by Aptitude:
The source materials of the Expression are referenced and empowered through written records. Such materials, especially those using advanced formulae and spells in the Magic Traditions using inscribed materials often employ Elderune as a cipher or basis for mystic texts. Other manifestation of the source materials other than a Grimoire or its like, are Spirit Visitation, Dream Quest, or Meditative Actualizing. They impart visions and insights that allow the Expressionist to intuit what might require massive backgrounds of mystic knowledge and processes that take years to understand.
Instead of a wand, you find a Singular Incantation that brings the power to create and shape cold, snow and ice. It behaves as if you had the item of power in question.
Learning: understand language/mode of communication of the manifestation, DC __ Intelligence (Arcana or Religion; must have one or the other). = calls on manifestation to
“Affix” the power.
Cost =
Time =
Priming: Each Long Rest, the character must spend several moments in Meditative focus refamiliarizing themselves with the experience of ingesting the related power. If fail, must be affixed again Practice/recite the specific …
Cost =
Time =
Posted on December 18, 2021 in Mystic
Occulash is an ancient language that uses elements of Draconic, Celestial and Feyloise. It is more of a proto-language than a full one, being able to only express language elements to the level of fluency, though it has several abstract words that express high magic concepts in ways that more modern languages do not. It is held, where it is known, as a form of ancient mystical “common tongue” for teaching and expressing advanced magic concepts between species and cultures. Elderune is its written form – a universal symbolic/runic descriptor of mystic communication that incorporates unique hieroglyphs and elements of its base languages written forms. It requires a set of faculties that limits its use to only highly gifted or Higher Order beings. Its nature of inscription and the very act of reading without these faculties often makes translations of the work difficult – prone to unintentional errors and even magical confusion or backlash. Those that are unused to thinking in multiple forms of communication or languages will have a great difficulty in translating or speaking.
This form of communication must be introduced into a setting. Given that most have, at some point in their history, made the inference of one of the species of its foundations, it could be inferred that the knowledge of it would have been introduced and passed on through some means. It is not a language spoken by any culture or race – it is specifically for the use in the mystical arts. Druaeda is a lesser version of Occulash that is predominantly a written with Primitive spoken capability/Conversational literate capability.
The runic and magical nature of Elderune means it is prone to corrupt any digital works that use it as a means of inscribing knowledge.
d20 [specific] Requirements: Sanity 11, Intelligence 13, Charisma 8; three other languages that are not derivative of each other.
Posted on October 6, 2021 in Mystic
Most of the Mystic Methodologies gain an advantage from being Unfettered.
Posted on October 2, 2021 in Mystic
Uses existing modalities, Methods, and Manifestation techniques to augment or accomplish a mystic outcome, typically involving Ritual and/or Ceremony and Offering. The offering, be it self or others, is of vital life energy. This can be temporary, or more long-lasting/permanent nature depending on the power sought in exchange for the Offering. Using Blood Magic will often leave a Mark of Wickedness, regardless of the intent or nature of what is to be gained.
Are there any drawbacks to using blood magic? Is it considered “Forbidden” knowledge? In most cases, blood magic is highly controversial. It is considered both a shortcut to power, and a doorway to the sacrifice of others or other things in order to gain power and exceed the normal limits of spell manipulation. This perspective is, of course, culturally dependent within any given setting, but in general it is seen as such. A character using blood magic regularly may find themselves sanctioned by a Divine Principal or Granting Authority. Extreme use of Blood Magic has been known to involve Entrophy as well – a naturally corruptive influence leading to potentially, the worst outcomes. The Cauldron of Blood is an example of using risky Blood Magic to gain mystical power.
Vital Reserves represent the types of life energies that can be used in Blood Magic. The process of using each of the Vital Reserves is one which Requires Study (Expert).
Vital Threshold: How many measures of Vital Reserves an entity can provide in sacrifice (Offering) over a prolonged period of time. If the entity has Blood Deficiency, this value is halved (min. 1). Exceeding the Vital Threshold: Normally it kills the practitioner. Where possible, this is specialized knowledge that allows the practitioner to exceed even the normal limits of the boundary pushing Blood Magic itself.
The Blood Magic tradition provides for a means to enable a Blood Oath between a Fiendish entity and/or Divine Principle to support a Compact of Dark Shelter. The cementing of the compact is always done through a offering of Blood and Souls. The breaking of the compact triggers a violent and harsh Transgression.