Posted on November 19, 2018 in Aptitude
Kinetic Engagement: Having Kinetic Aptitude and/or kinetic capability – Powers, Skills/Traits, and/or Features using kinetic [Chi] energy. It is fundamentally the power of equilibrium in space and time to alter The Pattern. A character who takes on Kinetic Engagement as a path of perspective and development (to seek/petition for, acquire, and build up powers) is referred to as an Adaptate. The act of manifesting specific Kinetic Power/Capability using Chi (see hereafter) is referred to as Demonstrating. A permanent change in the score of this (or any) Aptitude triggers an Actuated Awareness.
Requirements: Adoption of a [Kinetic] related Primary Class and Primary Ability. * No Aptitude power can be exercised unless the character’s level is equal to the Aptitude rating. *
All benefits from previous measures are inherited.
Rating | Cost | Description (Cumulative Effects) |
0 [Latent] | 0 Essence | A Latent Talent has no measurable aptitude, but does possess a related anima energy; Kinetic anima is “Chi“. |
1 | 5 Essence |
All the Basic/Proficient capabilities (as well as those of lesser measures) of the Common Kinetic Aptitude Powers. Natural Discernment: +1 on checks for Kinetic Phenomenon Natural Affinity: The character may Attune a single Empowered Kinetic Item without Pledging Essence. |
2 | 4 Essence(9 total) |
All the Accomplished capabilities (as well as those of lesser measures) of the Common Kinetic Aptitude Powers.
3 | 3 Essence(12 total) |
All the Exceptional capabilities (as well as those of lesser measures) of the Common Kinetic Aptitude Powers.
4 | 2 Essence(14 total) |
All the Masterful capabilities (as well as those of lesser measures) of the Common Kinetic Aptitude Powers. Vital Conduit: = Vital Body: [1 Chi] The next set of Death Saves (until an outcome is resolved) requires only a 9 or better for success. |
4 @ time of Character Inception |
Posted on August 29, 2015 in Aptitude
Aptitude is an Essential Aspect that represents the types of capabilities a character has a natural affinity for, to wield powers, choose Features, and accomplish Actions. These measures filter the character’s experiences and foster a natural pathway of development, providing a natural inclination for choices that shape their capabilities.
[There are 4 Pillar Aptitudes of The Pattern – Divine, Kinetic, Occult, and Psychic. su_permalink id=”36″]Aptitude[/su_permalink] is measured by a Talent Level of 0 to 4. A “Natural Talent” is a maximum talent level with a Talent Mastery feature that expands the limits of related aptitude powers.Other aptitudes exist, but the pillars are universally available to Lower Order Beings reflected in PC options. Such beings can only possess one Natural Talent at the time of Character Inception. Aptitude effects can be enhanced or suppressed through Saturation in a Locale or Setting.
Starting: PC’s start play with 4 measures of aptitude divided between material and the three mystical aptitudes of the pillars, divided however they want. Some races and/or pathways may adjust this or have minimums which must be met. This may even vary by Locale or Setting.
you can pl;ay just by meeting the minimums vy race and class and feature, no other effects – this is up to the GM and play group
Aptitude is the gateway to traits and aspects outside the core D20 experience and acquiring powers across classes without sacrificing levels. Many features have one of the pillars of The Pattern associated with it.
= link pattern/pillar/apt
Divine (Wisdom); Kinetic (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution); Occult (Intelligence), and Psychic (Charisma). Sanity does not have a specific pillar and is generally not something that characters have affinity with.