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Germaena, Lady of Earth (winter)

Posted on November 15, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Germaena – Elemental Consort of Earth (gair-meen-a) – The Bringer of Earth; The divine Wyld Entity principal of natural world cycles and forces of physical manifestation; the cleansing, cycling, healing, and restorative nature of earth, soil, growth and associated symbols, concepts, and metaphors.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a secondary part (mostly guided by Gaia).

Role: The Bringers of the Earth; Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature

>General Motto: “Without soil there is no life.

They are an entity that reflects the powers of Conviction through Essence. They are part of the pantheon of Wyld Faith. They are a seasonal manifestation of the Grey Feather Calendar.

Lady of Earth

She is known as the female (life giving) manifestation of the helpful outcomes with her associated element; There is an associated male (destructive) manifestation. This Great Numinous Spirit which has manifested through the will of living Helca and is directed by Gaia in most things. While this ‘goddess’ has not affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord of the realms, she generally follows the stance of Gaia. She has been known to manifest to fight against those who would kill sacred beasts, places, and environmental manifestations under their protection without thought or bias to Light, Dark, Grey, or even Green foundations. She is considered by related elemental creatures to be the supreme arbitor of their behavior within the shere of Helca itself, and can summon and bind several of the associated elementals with ease.

Aspects Known/Common Associations

Major Aspects: ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.

Minor Aspects:

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s): The fertile ground that grows, the receiving soil that recycles the dead, the stable dirt and rock for building, the wall that protects, the road that transports, the habitat for beast and plants.


Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)

  • Sacred Events: [Sacrosanct festivals and milestone celebrations] >
  • Sacred Places: [Sacrosanct locations and Pilgrimage sites] >
  • Sacred Dates/Days: [Sacrosanct times of the year, recurring days of celebration or rest] >
  • Sacred Times: [Sacrosanct period of a day, week, month, season, or year in a cycle] >
  • Sacred Life: [Sacrosanct plants, animals, monsters, and entities] >
  • Sacred Forms: [Sacrosanct colors, shapes, material (minerals, fabric, etc. )] >
  • Sacred Works: [Sacrosanct documents, books, jobs/activities] >
  • Sacred Items: [Sacrosanct utensils, tools, machines, clothes, armaments] >
    • Sacred Armor/Defenses:
    • Sacred Weapon/Offenses:

Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers: Druids and those who venerate the Wyld Faith are the primary adherents.

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.

Belief Made Manifest – Beyond the General Litany

Manifestation and Favor

Connexion Range = Varies (enhanced through the Rite of Offering) > Conviction Limits = None; Elan Building is allowed (if used).

Favored Avatar: A thick, shambling woman in rough cloths of homespun and burlap. Her skin is brown, eyes large and green and black hair long
(to her waist) and straight – though it often gets tangled. The ground shakes slightly nearby when she walks.

Minions and Servants

Armaments of the Faithful

Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.


  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Rites of the Faith

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Phelaedea, Lady of Air (spring)

Posted on October 13, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Phelaedea – Elemental Consort of Air (fell-ay-dea) – The Bringer of Air; The divine Wyld Entity principal of natural world cycles and forces of physical manifestation; the cleansing, cycling, healing, and restorative nature of air, movement and associated symbols, concepts, and metaphors.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a secondary part (mostly guided by Gaia).

Role: The Bringers of the Air; Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature

>General Motto: “Without breath there is no life.

They are an entity that reflects the powers of Conviction through Essence. They are part of the pantheon of The Wyld Faith. They are a seasonal manifestation of the Grey Feather Calendar.

Lady of Air

She is known as the female (life giving) manifestation of the helpful outcomes with her associated element; There is an associated male (destructive) manifestation. This Great Numinous Spirit has manifested through the will of living Helca and is directed by Gaia in most things. While this ‘goddess’ has not affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord of the realms, she generally follows the stance of Gaia. She has been known to manifest to fight against those who would kill sacred beasts, places, and environmental manifestations under their protection without thought or bias to Light, Dark, Grey, or even Green foundations. She is considered by related elemental creatures to be the supreme arbiter of their behavior within the sphere of Helca itself, and can summon and bind several of the associated elementals with ease.

Aspects Known/Common Associations

Major Aspects: The wind that scatters the seeds and pollen, that which dries the wet and cold, that uncovers the trodden, that moves the clouds and waves. ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.

Minor Aspects:

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):


Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)

  • Sacred Events: [Sacrosanct festivals and milestone celebrations] >
  • Sacred Places: [Sacrosanct locations and Pilgrimage sites] >
  • Sacred Dates/Days: [Sacrosanct times of the year, recurring days of celebration or rest] >
  • Sacred Times: [Sacrosanct period of a day, week, month, season, or year in a cycle] >
  • Sacred Life: [Sacrosanct plants, animals, monsters, and entities] >
  • Sacred Forms: [Sacrosanct colors, shapes, material (minerals, fabric, etc. )] >
  • Sacred Works: [Sacrosanct documents, books, jobs/activities] >
  • Sacred Items: [Sacrosanct utensils, tools, machines, clothes, armaments] >
    • Sacred Armor/Defenses:
    • Sacred Weapon/Offenses:

Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers: Druids and those who venerate the Wyld Faith are the primary adherents.

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.

Belief Made Manifest – Beyond the General Litany

Manifestation and Favor

Connexion Range = Varies (enhanced through the Rite of Offering) > Conviction Limits = None; Elan Building is allowed (if used).

Favored Avatar: A sinuous, dancing woman in diaphanous white silken coverings. Her skin is white and golden hair full of trailing mists, and always appears to be being blown and tousled.

Minions and Servants

Armaments of the Faithful

Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.


  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Rites of the Faith

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Maðr, The One (“Him”; Ducateon faith of the Steel Realms)

Posted on June 22, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

>General Motto: “There is The Way, and all else is secondary.

Quick Reference: Maðr is a Divine Principal associated with discipline, order, hierarchy, stability and stone; They are an entity that reflects the powers of Conviction through Essence. This deity has NOT affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord.

The Ducateon are technically monotheists. Although they acknowledge that there are many aspects to this divine entity, they refer to it as “Him”, “Maðr”, or “The One”. Maðr, pronounced “Mann” by most (also ‘ma-thur’, ‘mod-r’), though being grammatically masculine, it usually refers to the entity irrespective of gender. They openly individually venerate other deities as aspects of Maðr. There is even rumors of a sect of Gloom Bringer among the Ducateon, that follow the ways of “The Encroaching Darkness” and are killers of the priests of Maðr.

Promise of the Afterlife

There is a universal Afterlife for all of the folk who follow Him. It conforms to the standard Afterlife processes and manifestation.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which he seeks to escape playing a significant part.

Aspects Known/Common Associations

Major Aspects: ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.

Minor Aspects:

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):


Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)

  • Sacred Events: [Sacrosanct festivals and milestone celebrations] >
  • Sacred Places: [Sacrosanct locations and Pilgrimage sites] >
  • Sacred Dates/Days: [Sacrosanct times of the year, recurring days of celebration or rest] >
  • Sacred Times: [Sacrosanct period of a day, week, month, season, or year in a cycle] >
  • Sacred Life: [Sacrosanct plants, animals, monsters, and entities] >
  • Sacred Forms: [Sacrosanct colors, shapes, material (minerals, fabric, etc. )] >
  • Sacred Works: [Sacrosanct documents, books, jobs/activities] >
  • Sacred Items: [Sacrosanct utensils, tools, machines, clothes, armaments] >
    • Sacred Armor/Defenses:
    • Sacred Weapon/Offenses:

Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers:

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.

Belief Made Manifest – Beyond the General Litany

Manifestation and Favor

Connexion Range = Varies (enhanced through the Rite of Offering) > Conviction Limits = None; Elan Building is allowed (if used).

Favored Avatar:

Minions and Servants

Armaments of the Faithful

Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.


  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Rites of the Faith

Cults, Sects and Orders

The Pillars of Strength

Said to be located in a Rhenclave with a Resonance Chamber of immense power, the Ducateon Collective are believed to sponsor this cult in order to watch over the most powerful items in the collective’s possession. It is mentioned a few times in the ancient histories of heroes, but its exact location has remained a secret forever.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Kaerslein, Lady of Water (fall)

Posted on January 1, 2021 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Kaerslein – Elemental Consort of Water (care-slayin) – The Bringer of Water; The divine Wyld Entity principal of natural world cycles and forces of physical manifestation; the cleansing, cycling, healing, and restorative nature of water, tides, rivers and associated symbols, concepts, and metaphors.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a secondary part (mostly guided by Gaia).

Role: The Bringers of the Water; Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature

>General Motto: “Without water there is no life.

They are an entity that reflects the powers of Conviction through Essence. They are part of the pantheon of The Wyld Faith. They are a seasonal manifestation of the Grey Feather Calendar.

Lady of Water

Kaerslein is known as the female (life giving) manifestation of the helpful outcomes with her associated element; There is an associated male (destructive) manifestation and a third countenance because manifold are the forms of water! This Great Numinous Spirit which has manifested through the will of living Helca and is directed by Gaia in most things. While this ‘goddess’ has not affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord of the realms, she generally follows the stance of Gaia. She has been known to manifest to fight against those who would kill sacred beasts, places, and environmental manifestations under their protection without thought or bias to Light, Dark, Grey, or even Green foundations. She is considered by related elemental creatures to be the supreme arbitor of their behavior within the shere of Helca itself, and can summon and bind several of the associated elementals with ease.

Aspects Known/Common Associations

Major Aspects: Ice, cold, water ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.

Minor Aspects:

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s): The water that hydrates, the waves that washes away dirt and ash, the cleansing shower, the river that transports, the feeder of oceans, the habitat for beasts and plants.
All aspects of transport.


Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)

  • Sacred Events: [Sacrosanct festivals and milestone celebrations] >
  • Sacred Places: [Sacrosanct locations and Pilgrimage sites] >
  • Sacred Dates/Days: [Sacrosanct times of the year, recurring days of celebration or rest] >
  • Sacred Times: [Sacrosanct period of a day, week, month, season, or year in a cycle] >
  • Sacred Life: [Sacrosanct plants, animals, monsters, and entities] >
  • Sacred Forms: [Sacrosanct colors, shapes, material (minerals, fabric, etc. )] >
  • Sacred Works: [Sacrosanct documents, books, jobs/activities] >
  • Sacred Items: [Sacrosanct utensils, tools, machines, clothes, armaments] >
    • Sacred Armor/Defenses:
    • Sacred Weapon/Offenses:

Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers: Druids and those who venerate the Wyld Faith are the primary adherents.

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.

Belief Made Manifest – Beyond the General Litany

Manifestation and Favor

Connexion Range = Varies (enhanced through the Rite of Offering) > Conviction Limits = None; Elan Building is allowed (if used).

Favored Avatar: A sinuous, dancing woman in diaphanous white silken coverings. Her skin is white and golden hair full of trailing mists, and always appears to be being blown and tousled.

Minions and Servants

Armaments of the Faithful

Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.


  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Rites of the Faith

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Delleth (Guide of the Seekers)

Posted on November 2, 2020 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

>General Motto: “The path to knowledge is reveals as much as knowledge itself.

Quick Reference: Delleth is a Divine Principal associated with ___ ; They are an entity that reflects the powers of Conviction through Essence. This deity has affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord. They are part of the pantheon of ___.

Promise of the Afterlife

The deity himself offers no Afterlife to followers, instead charging them to see their own path among other options.

Delleth is an old demi god, god or great spirit from the mists of time. It is most often cast as a man, but also has a strong feminine association throughout history. Most often, Delleth is a patron of those seeking knowledge. The deity is often depicted as standing astride a crocodile, facing east. In truth, each of the cardinal points has a visage/Avatar for Delleth. There is no record of this god being present for The Godspeak Accord. Though no formal recognition of the Oath of the Day Watch, adherents to Delleth support it. Adherents of Delleth possess a deep seated belief in the fundamentals of the great primeval duality expressed by many esoteric traditions of Helca.

Delleth is also sometimes seen as the companion to Ezrilus.
Delleth is rumored to be associated with The Horakhty Heresy.
Delleth’s adherents are known to see The celestines and

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which he seeks to downplay his part in.

Aspects Known/Common Associations

Major Aspects: ; These are common knowledge; Other aspects/symbols/emblems may vary by specific sect/cult or institution.

Minor Aspects:

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):


Sacred Observances: (These are reflected in the faith’s General Liturgy.)

  • Sacred Events: [Sacrosanct festivals and milestone celebrations] >
  • Sacred Places: [Sacrosanct locations and Pilgrimage sites] >
  • Sacred Dates/Days: [Sacrosanct times of the year, recurring days of celebration or rest] >
  • Sacred Times: [Sacrosanct period of a day, week, month, season, or year in a cycle] >
  • Sacred Life: [Sacrosanct plants, animals, monsters, and entities] >
  • Sacred Forms: [Sacrosanct colors, shapes, material (minerals, fabric, etc. )] >
  • Sacred Works: [Sacrosanct documents, books, jobs/activities] >
  • Sacred Items: [Sacrosanct utensils, tools, machines, clothes, armaments] >
    • Sacred Armor/Defenses:
    • Sacred Weapon/Offenses:

Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers:

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Expectations & Obligations: Good Standing in relation to their faith’s tenets reflected in Liturgical Observations tenets. Nominally, the Tenets of the General Liturgy are followed by the Laity of Congregations and those of higher Grace and the few Institutional Ranks alike.

Belief Made Manifest – Beyond the General Litany

Manifestation and Favor

Connexion Range = Varies (enhanced through the Rite of Offering) > Conviction Limits = None; Elan Building is allowed (if used).

Favored Avatar:

Armaments of the Faithful: Typical Elemental Divine Weapons; More powerful Magic/Mystic items are typically Singularly Bound if not Institutionally Bound.


  • Average:
  • Major:
  • Extraordinary:

Rites of the Faith

About/Chronicle of Delleth

Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability. If nothing is indicated, assume Common Knowledge.

Common Knowledge / Easy Difficulty

Uncommon Knowledge / Average Difficulty

Rare Knowledge / Very Hard Difficulty

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty

Note: Secret Knowledge is information not available in any known references; It is not necessarily Forbidden Knowledge.

The origins of the Essence of of this divine being are shrouded in history before recorded time. Delleth is thought to be a proto-human, of a Higher Order through sheer self-will and achievement. Those who record such things mark its appearance as the god Delleb of Oerth. His material body was destroyed by the Unholy Trio of Oerth, and his Essence transported through space and time – given birth into the vessel that would become Odin. Once it was done with that age of gods, it once again moved himself through space and time, re-manifesting as Delleth, Guide to the Seekers (of the Steel Realms), in order to work with the Celestine entities of Egypt that had fled to Helca, and their plan to elevate its inhabitants. This ‘god’ is a singular strange entity known to rival and have many of the properties of the Great God manifestations of one of the Greate Ones.

See Campaign Events of Ancient Futures – A Light Rekindled, for a full timeline.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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