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Category: iCore

Iron Will

Posted on May 6, 2021 in iCore Trait

Type: Physical

Iron Will indicates the character has a reserve of will (developed as a High Cost learned ability) they can tap to increase abilities in some life and death situations.

D20 Iron Will Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: 1 Essence, Sanity 8
  • A Bonus to any Save that would mean the immediate direct death or Incapacitation or similar condition – including ALL Death Saves.
  • If fatigue damage would make the character unconscious, each point of Iron Will grants them a round of additional consciousness and activity.
  • A modifier to any check that would allow them to fulfill allegiance to the Cause or Higher Purpose through self sacrifice.
  • Spending 5 Chi as an Action can negate the affect of Charmed, Stunned, Frightened, or Incapacitated for a number of rounds = the character’s Iron Will score.

iCore Iron Will Feature Mechanics


The character has a reserve (developed as a High Cost learned ability) of will they can tap to increase abilities in some life and death situations. If fatigue damage would have caused unconsciousness, a single check staves that off for an encounter or Iron Will level x hours if not in an encounter (or until another wound). Abilities or resistance ratings can be increased for a single check to a maximum of the Iron Will level, at a cost of 5 point of Chi per level increased. Spending chi and making an Iron Will check can negate the effects of exhaustion from encumbrance (not illness) for an encounter; 10 points per measure. Spending 20 chi and making an Iron Will check can negate the effects of Incapacitation for an encounter.

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.

Good Luck

Posted on May 6, 2021 in iCore Trait

Type: Transcendent

Good Luck represents a character’s positive accordance with The Pattern. With Good Luck, the character generates a series of happenstances leading to a better outcomes. It takes no time or specific activity to trigger. This aspect is visible with Aura Sight.

Fortune’s Favorite: In addition to the normal benefits of the personal luck, the character can positively influence random checks being made for them by the GM. This does not include any other character’s biased, direct actions. For example, the character could force the GM to re-check a result wherein a random weather check provided cover for the enemy they are tracking, or if a random check indicated a grenade bounced in their direction. They could not influence an opponent’s attack.

Incarna d20™ Good Luck Details/Mechanics

This content is part of the i20™ Variant for the d20 System™.

d20 [specific] Requirements: 1 Essence

Luck in basic d20 is to essentially be granted an improved, unearned inspiration three times a day, and goes against everything the game designers planned for inspiration itself.

Good Luck: This Represents a change to the d20 Rules. More reflective of the Good Luck and Bad Luck represented as Bane and Bless. Good Luck is changed to each instance providing a bonus of +4 to every attack and saving throw or any ability check for a single round from the point it is invoked until the end. Alternately, it can be used to gain an a automatic Simple Outcome on a single check if announced before its made, OR Advantage after a check (a new check, take the best of the two). It does not effect opponents actions. Use of personal Good Luck is once per Short Rest. The character can use the indirect Fortune’s Favor once per Long Rest.

Losing the Feature: The character adjusts their Essence as long as they possess this trait; returning towards their normal base 1 per Long Rest after they rid themselves of it.

iCore Good Luck Details/Mechanics


Once, during the course of any session of gaming, the GM may allow the character to gain a free minor (AP cost) Infused Feat – applying an automatic Simple result, +4 , +1 MQ on success, or re-check the result of an action after. The character loses Essence as long as they possess this trait; returning 1 per month after they rid themselves of it.

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.


Focus Reservoir ( Psychic Anima)

Posted on May 6, 2021 in D20 Feature iCore Trait

A Focus Reservoir is the Psychic form of Anima Reservoir (granting both Well and Pool). This energy is also used to make and/or trigger Psychic Empowered Items and Places. The act of manifesting specific Psychic Power/Capability using Focus (see hereafter) is referred to as Asserting.

Feature Type: Psychic

This reservoir grants a measure of the Anima energy known as Focus.

Acquiring and Improving Synergy Reservoirs: Follows standard Anima Reservoir’s methods. Its applicable aptitude is Psychic.

Meditative Flows

The following capabilities can be enacted using Chi, but requires Meditation.

Dangers and Weaknesses

The reservoir can suffer Focus Corruption from several external sources.


Super Senses

Posted on May 6, 2021 in iCore Trait

Super Sensory capability relies on a specific mystically enhanced physiology or aptitude based sensory enhancements.It is typically extended through the fundamental elemental faculties or an developed aptitude expression combined with elements of Meditation and/or a specific expression similar to Aura Sight. Aura Sight is a capability that is developed for altering the perception and seeing an individual entity or object’s aura – which reflects their attunements, alignments, and expressions within them or attached to them. It is different than Super Sensory capability which reads an area through filters of understanding – either conscious or innate.

D20 Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: [contentblock id=essence1]

d20 version INCOMPLETE

iCore Feature Mechanics

Type: Physical

Need ideas for role-playing this? See the Roleplaying your Character's Capabilities or ask the Game Master how it is best expressed in your Setting.No matter what restrictions exist in the setting you use, many GMs will allow anything with the right context or character backstory.


Deep Sleeper

Posted on May 6, 2021 in D20 iCore Trait

Deep Sleeper is a condition in which the character is deeply in a trance or dream-like state in which disconnects the user from their surroundings. Attempting to Skip Sleep may be affected by Deep Sleeper and Light Sleeper.

D20 Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: [contentblock id=essence1]

Any attempt to wake them takes 2 rounds. The first round, the character is unaware of what is going on. The second round the character is aware of what’s going on, but can only take defensive actions. Any chance to detect assassins or Stealthed opponents suffers Disadvantage.

iCore Feature Mechanics

Type: Physical

If you are having trouble thinking how this might play out after reading this, check out the Players Roleplaying Guidance content.

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