The Hypeasteron system is closer than most to the galactic core, though right on an active spaceway. Very little is known about it, as the system confounds telemetry, reflects sensors and scans, has multiple smaller free-floating black holes at the fringes, and has physical obstacles from its debris belts that seem to be controlled by an unknown force that threaten those seeking to transit through or into its space. For a great time has the Emperium been aware of this system, due to the tell-tale elector-magnetic and gravimetric signs it sends into space, but have been unable to make a close survey or land on one of its planets. It remains a mystery, and many have tried to solve or exploit it with no success. The system seems to be on a collision course with a gas cloud (estimated in over a few thousand years) that also seems to move purposefully towards it, breaking all known stellar behavior. The system is watched and probed constantly, but to no avail.
WARNING: The planetary orbits of the system seem to send out gravitational waves and electromagnetic pulses at intervals. It absorbs and diffuses outwards a stream of particles from its star. It is a dangerous system to pass through.
Stellar Classification: “Eusol” – A single F3V type star, 1.3 solar masses, 2 billion years old, est life: 4 billion years.
Galactic Presence: The Sun orbits the Galactic Center at a distance of 3,000 to 4,000 light-years. There is no stellar travel, though it is used as a way point because of the star’s unchanging luminosity and rhythm.
Planets: (in order, closest -> farthest) The system consists of 6 planets and several smaller planetoids. A single planet exists in the “goldilox zone”, three gas giants, two rocky planets (one inside and one out of the zone) and a smaller gas planet at the fringes.
Kripien-G’vorn’uen Belt: This is a debris belt between the inner and outer planets. It seems to be the source for a lot of the heavier “ammunition” for whatever presence is actively keeping explorers out of the solar system. There are several “planetoids” – larger solid masses as part of this region.
Denysavier Field: At the far edge of the solar system is the debris field. A pair of large conglomerations that include massive amounts of asteroids and comets. One runs parallel to the galactic plane and the other is a narrower band running at a 45° axial tilt from the galactic plane – another one of the mysteries that has perplexed scientist of the Imperium.
Information Sources: Mundane Reference | Associated Phenomenology Only | Specific Lore
Knowledge is broken down by ease of discovery/availability; Any attempt to know more than what's Pervasive will require a reference, source, knowledge, check, or access to someone who can get or provide either of these.
Overview: The Hypeasteron system is considered one of the marked Systems of the Imperium; Though it is a member of the Gohrmliht Imperium it has no presence or representation within any Imperium governing bodies. It was discovered, arguably, over 3 thousand years from current Galactic time, by human explorers following the signatures of rare metals in the system. This was the first significant claim, though it is believed the system has shown up several times under different names and is believed to have been charted for at least 10,000 years. Several corporations have tried to claim ownership as a way point, as well as multiple attempts to send colony ships, though all have failed.
Current Status: The Hypeasteron system is considered INTERDICTED – Ships of every kind are warned to stay beyond the star’s heliosphere boundary; No Imperium ships are bound by law to respond to rescue requests within the interdicted zone, no craft or entity are allowed by law or claim to establish a permanent system settlement. It is a disputed system.
Very little is known about the Hypeasteron system. The closest system is the Tevverus System, seeming unstable that was once a trinary and is now, recently (several thousand years), a binary system. Hypeasteron itself seems to have some ‘living’ defense mechanism that is aware of the activity in the space around it, and its inhabitants are unknown (though it is known to have them). No means of transiting or entering the system has proven to work, with drives and internal systems failing, massive solar flares, and asteroids that seem to comes from nowhere to smash ships into pieces. No matter species, intent, or level of capability, the results are always them same. Other means of entering, using mystic arts, also seems forbidden, with an aethereal wall encountered around the heliosphere that sends any travelers back to their point of origin.
Protected: Comets and asteroids avoid hitting Helca, the second planet, as if something is consciously protecting it for as long as its been observed (27,000 years – through one collapse of empire).
Ancient Inhabitants: It appears that one time, many millennium ago, that the Aelves were able to visit the world, and so guarded references exist, but it is said even their enigmatic race is not able to return. The name of the system’s sun comes from their records. Records of ur-ducateon visiting the planet far in the past have been suppressed. At several points the last 10 millennium, there has been detected an exodus (2 instances were detected of many individuals) of Draconic Emperius – ancient cosmic entities that sail between worlds and systems. It is though that it may have once been an incubator system for draconic entities – perhaps this is the source of the intelligence that defends the system. The Orrish tried stopping them to trap the younger entities and were burnt with the radiant breath of the great elder dragons – the ships massively irradiated have mostly decayed, come apart or were pulled into the sun, though a few wrecks still orbit at its edges.
Forbidden: Do not attempt to go here. There is a planetary beacon on Helca, but it is very weak and of lesser technology though it’s still powered. Ships attempting to approach lose power and the sun casts solar flares as if its alive and angry. The planet’s magnetosphere alters and craft are bathed in radiation. Intent is sensed psychically and this malicious intent draws asteroids from the two rings of inner and outer solar system objects to drive towards inbound craft. Mystical arts seem incapable of transporting any object or entity into system boundaries.
Black Hole(s): Within the last 10 millennium, 3 small black holes at the outside edges of the system have been discovered. They seem to be dormant, with no accretion disks or escaping gamma rays. Scientists are puzzled over this unusual oddity, with no precedent. They stay between the edge of the heliosphere and the Efyori Gas Cloud.
The Efyori Gas Cloud: About 2 light years away is a massive gas cloud that shows some strange behavior. It discharges so much radiation that nothing goes near it. It seems to scintillate strangely every so often, corresponding with a set of solar flares from the sun Eusol.