Mercenary (Guilds)

Steel Realms
Mercenary Guilds ensure protocols are observed, reduce the loss of life, and help with economic stability. Mercenaries are not required the Code of Chivalry in any way. Only Guild Algaesh is allowed to operate north of Ynth within the primary fiefdom of Gladnor itself. Many smaller Bonded Bands and non bonded (unaffiliated with any institutions or Guilds) bands of fighters and individuals exist all over. The Holy Places of Mizras often offer for hire small bands or individuals as well. The last decade has seen a decline in mercenary companies as the Orrish have been quiet. Mercenaries are mostly just Soldiers for hire, and aside from the guilded/bonded aspects conform to the general Soldier’s Culture. Many mercenary bands have members of the Halas Blaze School for occult support.

Guilded Bonds

Funding the Bond:

Claiming a Bond:

Surrender for Bond:

Benefits of Full Guild Bond

  • Ransomed (person and armor kept in camp and returned when possible to guild authorities in exchange for weregild)
  • Replacement equipment (at reduced costs)
  • Equipment storage
  • Guaranteed food and shelter and spared life if captured
  • Healing (at reduced costs)
  • Expectations

    • Ransom Provision: A possible payment plan – Each payday 10% of pay is taken out (usually up to 200sc total) for pay for ransom.
    • Basic Code of Conduct: Always wear the brotherhood badge, displayed openly.
    • Surrender is honorable (no trying to escape); death if dishonored in this way.
    Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic