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Locales and Settlements of the Dark Lands

Posted on October 11, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Locales and Settlements of the Dark Lands are defined organized areas of Places in the Dark Lands.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Geological Features of the Dark Lands

Posted on October 11, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Geological Features of the Dark Lands are the natural features of the Places in the Dark Lands

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Places in the Dark Lands

Posted on October 11, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Places in the Dark Lands are a listing of geological and built locales within the Dark Lands. Everything in the Dark Lands is covered by the Curtain of Night to protect the Orrish.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic



Cultural Experience of The Riverdans

Posted on October 8, 2024 in Character-Experience Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Although each Riverdan is slightly different, the Riverdans of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand all share much of the same values, traditions and values that form to make a defined Cultural Experience of the Riverdans (known as “Reiverdanian“; rie-ver-dan-ian). This is in addition to the common cultural exposure of Steel Realms characters and the soft cultural aspects of the Culture, Education & Traditions of the Riverdans. Characters from The Riverdans are NOT required to accept the specific Cultural Experience, though must accept all elements if they do chose it. A group of characters with the same cultural experience can come together to form a shared Cultural Bond.

Story Hook ++

This presents a good opportunity for adding Character Story elements to the Character.

Character Facets

Cost: 1 Essence for the Basic Cultural/Regional Experience

Attribute Emphasis: Aggression over fortitude.

Racial Composition: Human (dominant), half-elf (10%), dwarven (10%), Grollen 5%; Due to the connection between the ruling families and the Fallen East, you will never find hal-Orrish of any kind in the Riverdans – they are not tolerated.

Communication: The folk of The Riverdans are not known as good communicators. Their tight cultural bonds leads them to make many assumptions and speak less than most folk of the realms, relying on cultural values and minute visual prompts and clues. That aside, they do have a formal Education in the Riverdans and 80% are literate to some degree.

i20™ Character Facet Details

iCore iCore™ Character Facet Details

Perspective: How they see Themselves

COMMON NAMES: Masculine > Rhemaxos, Sodasa, Hagamasha, Madyes; Feminine> Artimpasa, Tirgatao, Tabiti, Zarinaea

Common Cultural Perspectives of the Character Concept

  • Behaviors/Mannerisms/Traits:
  • Values/Principles/Ideals:
  • Motivations/Goals/Bonds:
  • Faults/Weaknesses/Flaws:

Prevalent Cultural Themes of the Character Concept

Reiverdanian vs. Easterling: The folk of The Riverdans are aware of their ancestry from The Fallen East, but have made a very acute and specific distinction of their culture from their ancestors. One is anchored in the past, the other is looking to the future. They know their deep (but mostly forgotten) ties to the conquering of Dunstrand Vale; And resolved to find their own modern way forward that does not rely on the weight of their people’s past accomplishments. In this, they are similar to the Cultural Experience of The Saelish.

Independence and Honor:
Their legacy faith of Osten-Paullus (brought from The Fallen East and a slowly vanishing part of the Faith of the Riverdans) yet persists in many places here, though tempered with the powerful feminine free spirited Elemental Consorts and Gaia of the Wyld Faith.

Family Honor and Loyalty:

Purity of Bloodline:

Perspective: How Outsiders see Them

Insular, quick to anger, prideful, passionate; Traditions are strong in The Riverdans. They rise to the occasion of combat and defense of the innocent and are brave to a lethal fault. Diehard traditionalists do not venerate the Lightbringers – they feel they failed them when the east fell to darkness, and are not generally orderly enough for the Green Church. Their strange ancient faith of Osten-Paullus (brought from The Fallen East) is seen as heretical by outsiders who are devout to the current major churches.

Races: The Riverdans are VERY human-centric in the sense that there are no non-human leaders because bloodline purity descends from human only, though many other races are welcome (especially because the population levels are barely staying current). Although the elves live in forests, they are wild elves and not Ynthian; They are a bit xenophobic and chaotic, and viewed with distrust and not generally tolerated in positions of leadership as are most of their kind in the Steel Realms by other humanoids. Any of faerie ancestry are seen this way, and half-bloods are outsiders. There are no local halfling settlements, although isolated families may exist they are generally outside the main cultural experience. The Ancient Hatred prevents Orrish ancestry characters (goblin, ork, etc.) from participating in the cultural experience. The alien Ducateon have no enclaves in the Riverdans. Grollen and Dwarves are welcome and are seen as sharing of the same independent spirit of the region. There are a couple Dwarven settlements in the Riverdans. The Grollen have a few smaller settlements in the region – trying to escape their bloodlust and population decline through remoteness.

Perspective: How they see Outsiders

Ancient Hatred: Individuals of Orrish (goblin/ork) ancestry is going to have a hard time of it (negative reactions). The Riverdan bloodlines and culture come from The Fallen East – where the Orrish drove them from and is now claimed as The Dark Lands.

Only those with a Cultural Experience of the Riverdans can become members of the Asked and Answered Riverdan Militia.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Mountain Ranges of Helca

Posted on October 7, 2024 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Mountain Ranges of Helca. The Orrish try and tunnel under all of these places, connecting the Underlands of the Steel Realms to use as a weapon.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

