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Tag: Presence

Phantasmal Presence

Posted on December 23, 2017

A phantasmal Presence has a greater tie to its material manifestation over the formless Aether, decreasing or negating effects that target them. Spark: All but Tainted; the all-spark which it may use to pass on its own powers to others. Entities with a Presence of this type are susceptible to effects which leave a Spiritus type manifestation upon their true death. The farther away their Presence is from the Material or Numinous, the less likely it is for such effects to accomplish this. These entities often require, or at least desire, Eternal Repose.

Appearance: The manifestation of such a presence becomes vague, and less distinct. It loses or has one less maximum a level of appearance/beauty that is impactful.

D20 Phantasmal Presence Mechanics

They gain resistance to non magical physical attacks (bludgeon/pierce/slash) and damage. They have Magic Resistance against any form of magical attack. They cannot be paralyzed, petrified, or diseased, poisoned. Checks for physical grappling, restraint, unconsciousness, or knocking prone are all resisted with Advantage or have their attempts made with Disadvantage. Sources of damage which themselves are either Ghostly or Phantasmal cause harm normally.

iCore Phantasmal Presence Mechanics


Luminous Presence

Posted on December 23, 2017

Energy which feeds those around it – Dreamwyld based. It’s powers reflect those which reveal, illuminate, expand, detect or make known, or produce light. Luminous Presence’s by their nature possess Quintessence. Luminous Motes of the Umbragen are a manifestation of a Luminous Presence. Most Luminous entities use a communication form of Oiflalha. Entities with a Presence of this type are susceptible to effects which leave a Spiritus type manifestation upon their true death. The Luminous Presence corresponds closest to the Luminous Spark.

  • Can have a Bond
  • Has an associated Presence Trait
  • Foundation of spheres and dimensions manifesting as ‘planes’ of existence

Spark: All-Spark, Principle, Vestigial


Glooming Presence

Posted on December 23, 2017

Cost: EssenceReq/Limit: By Species/Supernatural*/Spark

Spark: Tainted, Principle, Vestigial; The Glooming Presence corresponds closest to the Glooming Spark.

A Glooming Presence is energy which drains those around it – Nightmaria based. It’s powers reflects those which hide, obfuscate, dim, cover or enshroud, or produce darkness. Glooming Presence’s by their nature possess Quintessence. Glooming Motes of the Umbragen are a manifestation of a Glooming Presence. Most Glooming entities use a communication form of Vezpyr. Entities with a Presence of this type are susceptible to effects which leave a Spiritus type manifestation upon their true death.

  • Can have a Bond
  • Has an associated Presence Trait
  • Foundation of spheres and dimensions manifesting as ‘planes’ of existence

D20 Trait Mechanics

Incarna iCore Trait Mechanics

