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Tag: PC Race

Wyld Elves of the Steel Realms

Posted on December 6, 2015 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms
Wyld Elves of the Steel Realms are one of the Faerie races in the Steel Realms; also known as “Plains Elves” because of their occupation of the Pale Plains.

Description: Life most faerie races, these characters have a Long Life Thread and certain magics do not work the same on them. They have a maximum lifespan of about 400-600 years.

Approximately 1.6m, slight build, quick, their affinity for plant and beast, love of certain drink and a great sense of mirth. When ‘elf’ comes to mind for most denizens of Helca, the Wyld Eves are the vision it conjures. Sleight, quick, fierce, boisterous and deadly. Wyld elves are seen as distinct from Ynthian elves – the later is recognized by their alien countenance and reserved behavior. Elves (and faeries in general) are seen as
@RP Impact:

Wild (Sylvan) elves – also called the Folk of Grass and Sky – are Faeries of the Steel Realms and have many of the common aspects, such as Soul Gems. They live their life drastically different from the Ynthian elves. From them are descended the Edraim. Each clan of elves, called a Weald, has its own Soul Well. Outside of Ynth, wyld elf clan sizes vary from 300 to 5000. They never congregated in large groups like the Kingdom of Ynth. They choose to disperse themselves to isolate the corruption they believe to be brought from the homeland of Greyhaven of Feathers.

Individual circumstances around Social Dealings will override any absolute predisposition.

Point of View (POV)

Defining Experience: The dominant, pervasive culture of the race/species that evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with characters in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).


@RP Impact:

Cultural Stigma: Strong in ; Weak everywhere else; Their Stigma Offset(s) are >


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Rejection by default.

(by Race) Grollen, Dwarven


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Neutral by default.


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Acceptance by default.

Any Weald

Further Race/Species Details

Official PC Races of the Steel Realms

i20™ Race/Species Details

i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.

Best Practice starting (@Character Inception) i20 Characters begin play with a PC Race/Species, a Background, and a Pathway of Experience all appropriate to their setting and no other CP unless noted by the Game Master.

Are you using Best Practice guidelines? (ask your Game Master)

Common Cultural Experience

The character comes from an area which has a dominant culture of the race/species and evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with them in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).
> This inherits from: None.

This race uses all the standard essential Attributes. Characters inherit the primary Developed Attribute Disposition by default (optional). Adjustments are noted as specific Attributes or Attribute Group(s).

  • Adjustments: -1 Charisma, +1 Reactions, +1 Perception, -1 Strength
  • Minimums: Reactions 10, Perception 12
  • Maximums: Strength 18, Reactions 22

Class Options: Barbarian (wolf and eagle/hawk only), Bard (“Rhapsodist”), Cleric (Nature, War, Trickery, Life), Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard

Open Cultural Experience

Wherever the character grew up, they eschewed the common cultural experience in favor of a more individualistic approach to life. While they are aware of the cultural norms, they chose not to be confined by them and not to benefit from them, and any unconscious behavior that reflects them gradually fades over time. Unless noted, all Archetype options are available.

Remining CP to spend on Features:

Shared Physiological Details

The following elements reference game details that are physically part of every character of this race/species:

iCore iCore™ Race/Species Details

Health and Biology

Lifespan Average: 500 years (those outside of Ynth)

Diet: Wyld elves love rich foods – yogurt, cream, etc. Their biology seems to burn these materials swiftly. Fermented milk is their alcoholic beverage of choice.

Aging: They only live about 500 years, compared to the near immortal Ynthian brethren. But they have Delayed Decrepitude, going into “Sundown Time” and knowing weeks in advance. Once it starts, the character has 8-10 days to live as they age rapidly, pain is minimal though if they are surrounded by other Heart Shine – a time of family and community. There is no sadness, only remembrance and laughter.

Slow Learners: The learning process for the long lived elves is slower, more meticulous and precise, painstaking, accurate, and cautious. Though not nearly is minutiae focused as their Ynthian brethren, it takes double the normal amount of time for them to learn something in order to be comfortable using it/attempting it. They are never swift learners and when learning, wholly engrossed when they are engaged.

[related-subpages pageid=”2639″ title=”Wyld Elven Materials”]
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Half-Elves of the Steel Realms

Posted on October 3, 2015 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Half-Elves of the Steel Realms
@RP Impact: Half elfs have a genetic imbalance giving them a Short Fuse.
Cultural Stigma: As a mixed race, they suffer Weak stigma everywhere; Their Stigma Offset(s) are > skilled, practiced, loyal

Further Race/Species Details

Reactions based on Point of View

This represents a general bias based on typical POV. PCs and NPCs may be able to change the Reactions through hard work and example… but face a major battle to change people’s biased opinion.

Unwelcome: Umbak, Kaald

Accepted: Dunstrand, Merchant Cities

Welcomed: N’lokrha

i20™ Race/Species Details

i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.

Best Practice starting (@Character Inception) i20 Characters begin play with a PC Race/Species, a Background, and a Pathway of Experience all appropriate to their setting and no other CP unless noted by the Game Master.

Are you using Best Practice guidelines? (ask your Game Master)

This corresponds to the HALFLING ( Race/Species)
The following aspects deviate from or add to the base race, though may also vary by setting, back story, and/or cultural experience; ‘Baseline’ values are just average/defaults to be used * without specific reference checks. *

Strong Faerie Features: The faerie ancestry is unmistakable.

Common Cultural Experience

The character comes from an area which has a dominant culture of the race/species and evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with them in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).
> This inherits from: None.

This race uses all the standard essential Attributes. Characters inherit the primary Developed Attribute Disposition by default (optional). Adjustments are noted as specific Attributes or Attribute Group(s).

  • Adjustments: -1 Sanity, +1 Perception
  • Minimums: Perception 10
  • Maximums: Sanity 19
Open Cultural Experience

Wherever the character grew up, they eschewed the common cultural experience in favor of a more individualistic approach to life. While they are aware of the cultural norms, they chose not to be confined by them and not to benefit from them, and any unconscious behavior that reflects them gradually fades over time. Unless noted, all Archetype options are available.

Remining CP to spend on Features:

Shared Physiological Details

The following elements reference game details that are physically part of every character of this race/species:

iCore iCore™ Race/Species Details

These halfbreeds are common – roughly about 80,000 exist, and most (half of them) in N’lokrha. Half elves are generally not welcomed, due to their alien features, temper and instability, but do not evoke the animosity Half Orks do. Half elves have the parentage of an elf and a human or other half breed. Sometimes dormant elven blood can evince itself in a generation – usually as twins of opposite genders. As children, they have distinctly elven features and grow slower (50-150 years longer than a human), making them more tolerable to an elven parent. Exposure to the sun and elements changes this as they go through puberty (age 18), and many are cast out by age 25. Half elves are universally shunned, often living at the outside of society and paying more for goods and services, and folk are less inclined to help them.


  • Grudge-Bearing: I remember every insult I’ve received and nurse a silent resentment toward anyone who’s ever wronged me.
  • Short Fuse: They are unable to overcome this, though their Short Fuse is greatly reduced when dealing with others of their own kind (where they are accepted). Otherwise, violence is the answer to almost any challenge.

Compensated Skill: Half-elves try and compensate for their ill-temper by focusing in their Charisma (to try and avert the threshold of of their Ill-Temper feature); Many choose to forgo this emphasis and change the focus to improving existing skills to compensate.

Weakened Presence: Those born without a Soul Gem or Faey-Sight ae physically less hardy.

Confident Amidst Nature: Half-elves growing up in the wild offset penalties to physical skills and survival capabilities from low Attributes.

Alien Countenance: The features of the half elves are a pronounced angular chin and cheek bones, odd color skin, strange hair colors and patterns, wide then eyes, left handedness (75%), and thin lips. Their fingers and toes are long, and they are typically thin for their size. Their features are ugly to both elves and humans. Half elves are normally born without an elvish Soul Gem (and cannot begin as Flora Bound, like full elves), though those few that are have eyes that “sparkle” with flecks of green and gold. The few born with Faey Sight have their eyes irritated around the edges from dryness, and have a tendency to stare unblinking.

The Cut Ones“: A half elf that has been exposed for days unblinking in the light of the full sun and moon, and cut the tips of their ears off, shaved their head and slicing their face. At the end of a week, assuming they dont die from infection, they heal. Their angular features and tell-tale signs of being a half elf are gone – eyes, skin, and hair color become washed out and human-like. Any soul gem they may have had cracks and turns to dust and its place is a deep scar (though they can be soul bound again, if they find a way). They are considered human for all intents and purposes. All powers gained through their ancestry and race are lost.

D20 Half Elves of the Steel Realms

Half elves gain no extra languages, and have only a DC 10 Intelligence check chance to know Feyloise (elvish), and unless their background, cultural experience, or class provide an academic or literary tradition they do not gain literacy in known languages to start. They have a DC 20 Constitution check as a chance to be born with a Soul Gem; Those growing up among the elves (they cannot have other Cultural Experiences) or with a full elven parent, they are taught spoken languages of Feyloise, Primilate (Primordial), and Celestine (Celestial) languages (DC 10 Charisma check for each as a chance to be taught the written version by their elven parent). Additionally, they have a DC 18 Constitution check as a chance to have Faey Sight; If they have a Soul Gem, the DC is 15.

Weakened Presence The character begins play with 1 less HP if they are missing Faey-Sight or a Soul Gem.

Compensated Skill: A character may choose to trade 1 of their Charisma Attribute’s bonus points for Expertise in a starting skill. This can only be done at the time of Character Inception.

Confident Amidst Nature: If a half elf character chooses both Athletics and Survival as their starting racial skills (reflecting a rough upbringing in the wild), they receive no penalties for low Attributes.

Half Elf Class Adjustments

Barbarian: The half-elves of N’Lokrhia have ONLY the wolf totem available to them – imprinted deeply by the left over remnant of their wyld cousin’s wolf-bond.

Incarna Core Half Elves of the Steel Realms

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Halflings in the Steel Realms

Posted on September 18, 2015 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Halflings of the Steel Realms
@RP Impact:
Cultural Stigma: As a mixed race, they suffer Weak stigma outside The Noble East; Their Stigma Offset(s) are > charming, curious, useful

Individual circumstances around Social Dealings will override any absolute predisposition.

Point of View (POV)

Defining Experience: The dominant, pervasive culture of the race/species that evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with characters in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).


@RP Impact:

Cultural Stigma: Strong in ; Weak everywhere else; Their Stigma Offset(s) are >


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Rejection by default.


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Neutral by default.


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Acceptance by default.

Further Race/Species Details

i20™ Race/Species Details

i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.

Best Practice starting (@Character Inception) i20 Characters begin play with a PC Race/Species, a Background, and a Pathway of Experience all appropriate to their setting and no other CP unless noted by the Game Master.

Are you using Best Practice guidelines? (ask your Game Master)

This corresponds to the HALFLING ( Race/Species)
The following aspects deviate from or add to the base race, though may also vary by setting, back story, and/or cultural experience; ‘Baseline’ values are just average/defaults to be used * without specific reference checks. *

Common Cultural Experience

The character comes from an area which has a dominant culture of the race/species and evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with them in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).
> This inherits from: None.

This race uses all the standard essential Attributes. Characters inherit the primary Developed Attribute Disposition by default (optional). Adjustments are noted as specific Attributes or Attribute Group(s).

  • Adjustments: +1 Charisma, -1 Strength,
  • Minimums: Charisma 10, Perception 10, Sanity 11, Intuition 10
  • Maximums: Strength 17
Open Cultural Experience

Wherever the character grew up, they eschewed the common cultural experience in favor of a more individualistic approach to life. While they are aware of the cultural norms, they chose not to be confined by them and not to benefit from them, and any unconscious behavior that reflects them gradually fades over time. Unless noted, all Archetype options are available.

Remining CP to spend on Features:

Shared Physiological Details

The following elements reference game details that are physically part of every character of this race/species:

iCore iCore™ Race/Species Details

Culture and Society

Flight of Fancy: Close to the cultures of their Skraeling kindred, they possess a strong sense of fanciful style and constant humor. Constant invoking or irony, sarcasm or jokes; especially laughing at their own jokes. Bright colors, adopting a posh or crude accents/manners (sometimes to mock and ridicule), hum and whistle a lot. Talk or refer in third person to themselves. Though amusing, shopkeepers, guardsmen, crafters, bureaucrats and the like have no patience for such obvious superficial things and often become irritated and have a negative reaction. A common merchant saying is that “A halfling never knows when bartering is done.”

Think of combining the comedians Jim Carey, Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, Richard Ayoade, and Dave Atell.

Faith and the Divine

The halflings as a race have no set faith. By default, most make up an a-la-cart menu from the Wylde Horde, The Rimbus (faerie earth-spirits; Uorfek), Rempheros (dead faith of the Bronzemen) and other more obscure and esoteric offshoots of mainstream doctrine.

The Afterlife: Really, the halflings dont care much. If pressed, most will say its “just like here, but better!” Thinking too far into the future is not really something they are terribly interested in – much like their Skraeling kin. Most would love to believe the game of life never really ends, the rules just change as you go from one square to another.


Halfling are the result of the original blessing of the Tear Gift of Ezrilus, interbreeding the Skraeling and Human stock.


Halflings have a unique temperament (shared with their Skraeling kin) that, while welcome in small doses, most find irritating and annoying. For this reason, they have congregated together in scattered smaller communities, or in three places especially in the realms.

Free States: The halfling folk are not especially fond of tight laws, and “bowing and scraping” to lords. They band together for defense and to have a place where they are safe. They use terrain as barriers to these “Free States” (Freeholds) that keep outsiders from making easy inroads. At the edges of the states, they trade, conduct diplomacy, and keep many active scouts, called “Freewardens“, on the lookout for incursions by other races and forces outside their casual outlook. In several places they are under a formal charter of a Protectorate and there they are protected as a Duty Station for the High King’s Army.


Other References

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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Grollen in the Steel Realms

Posted on September 18, 2015 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Approximately 2m – 2.3m tall,
@RP Impact:


The [contentblock id=playlink1] is the defacto starting point for characters and races of the Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca). Where the appears notes a Role-Playing challenge/opportunity.

The Grollen of the realms a fierce, prideful peoples. They are descendants of ancient Gnolls but consider themselves a separate race. At one time they ranged across the entire realms, but their numbers are diminishing due to competition. Grollen warriors are some of the few who can stand toe-to-toe against the fearsome Ork. They are desired for their fighting prowess by the other races though little else. Wherever they go, a party, mad sounds, dancing, violence, and broken crockery is sure to follow…

Individual circumstances around Social Dealings will override any absolute predisposition.

Point of View (POV)

Defining Experience: The dominant, pervasive culture of the race/species that evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with characters in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).


@RP Impact:

Cultural Stigma: Strong in ; Weak everywhere else; Their Stigma Offset(s) are >


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Rejection by default.


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Neutral by default.


Encounter Reaction predisposition is Acceptance by default.

i20™ Race/Species Details

i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.

Best Practice starting (@Character Inception) i20 Characters begin play with a PC Race/Species, a Background, and a Pathway of Experience all appropriate to their setting and no other CP unless noted by the Game Master.

Are you using Best Practice guidelines? (ask your Game Master)

This corresponds to the GNOLL? ( Race/Species) – See more at Characters of the Steel Realms.

The following aspects deviate from or add to the base values, though may also vary by setting, back story, and/or cultural experience; ‘Baseline’ values are just average/defaults to be used * without specific reference checks. *

Common Cultural Experience

The character comes from an area which has a dominant culture of the race/species and evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with them in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).
> This inherits from: None.

This race uses all the standard essential Attributes. Characters inherit the primary Developed Attribute Disposition by default (not optional). Adjustments are noted as specific Attributes or Attribute Group(s).

  • Adjustments: -1 Charisma, -1 Reason, +2 Vigor (Constitution)
  • Minimums: Vigor 12, Strength 10, Perception 10
  • Maximums: Vigor 22, Charisma 18, Sanity 17, Reason 18
Open Cultural Experience

Wherever the character grew up, they eschewed the common cultural experience in favor of a more individualistic approach to life. While they are aware of the cultural norms, they chose not to be confined by them and not to benefit from them, and any unconscious behavior that reflects them gradually fades over time. Unless noted, all Archetype options are available.

Remining CP to spend on Features:

Shared Physiological Details

The following elements reference game details that are physically part of every character of this race/species:

iCore iCore™ Race/Species Details

Shrouded History: They were not as they once were. Grollen were once the mortal enemies of… all. Their origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is known that they once fought for the gods of evil and darkness and were as great a foe as the Orrish. But the Grollen walked from the dark and into the light. Their very countenance has changed from the ancient depictions of them.

Further Race/Species Details

Children of the Moon Mistress: They venerate Ezrilus the Moon Mistress as their patron goddess. In their past, the warlords ruled the clans and families, but since adopting (or rather being adopted) by their new patron, they have reorganized as a matriarchal society – their pack-mothers and seeress’ having control of their migrations and settlements. They channel their rage and fury into moots of howls, dance, feasting and wrestling.

Goddess Power: Grollen with Shared Litany of the goddess and who spend 1 Essence to activate the power may 1/Short Rest use the Moon Faculties of Ezrilus followers for 1 encounter/10 minutes. If not done under moonlight itself, their own eyes shine forth with soft moonlight. Characters bound to the goddess heal an additional HP each short rest under the light of a moon which is 3/4 full or more.
Goddess Bound: Grollen who choose to follow a different deity must pay an extra Essence for any divine bond other than the goddess.

Thirst for Blood: They have an uncontrollable compulsion of blood-lust. All Grollen still possess the deep spark of chaos and violence of their origins. They must make a DC 10 Sanity check when starting battle to avoid falling into a blood-lust frenzy wherein they forgo all tactical advantage in their desire for bloody hand-to-hand melee combat.

Dead on Your Feet: Grollen have a reputation as being very hard to kill. Their fierce loyalty and blood-lust allow them to hold off death to protect their tribe, kin or brethren – committing themselves to their service in afterlife in return for the moon goddess’s inspiration. Grollen choosing to employ this are bathed in soft moonlight, and must make a Constitution check each time they are hit, DC = the last damage they took; a natural 20 always succeeds. Success means they stay conscious and on their feet to the next round. There is no limit to the negatives HP from attacks, as long as the save is made. If the save is failed, or there are no more opponents, they die at the end of the round (no death saves; Spare the Dying will not work, requires Raise Dead or better to overcome). When those with Shared Litany choose this fate, for each other Grollen with Shared Litany for Ezrilus that sacrifice 1 Essence within 5m can join their essence to the effect and the fated Grollen gains 1 Resilience.

Grollen Characters

PC’s are “Seekers” PC characters are viewed without bias, as Seekers.
The Grollen never call those who have left the tribe ‘outcast’ or the like. The tribe will always welcome them back. Instead those who leave are considered ‘seekers’ – searching for something they could not find within the tribe itself, and to be admired for their bravery, not shunned. Seekers are still considered pack-brothers by their tribe and themselves alike. Leaving the tribe physically rarely breaks the bonds of tribe, family, and childhood pack-mates.
Players should read the What PC’s should know for Steel Realms.
[contentblock id=species-aspect0]
[contentblock id=species-aspect1][contentblock id=species-aspect2]

Character Backgrounds

Dog Soldier

Professional scouts for the armies and forces that maneuver across the lands of Gladnor, as well as the premiere tribal warriors. They are also the ones that serve in Northgate Garrison or in bands in the south sometimes working with the High Kings rangers.

Requirements: CHA 8; -1 Essence (they “tame” themselves); CON 14
Skills: Perception
Languages: Speak Gladnorean (Understandable level)

Combat Discipline The character gains their proficiency bonus on Sanity checks to resist Bloodlust.

Fighting Spirit The Grollen on campaign are renowned for their ability to take punishment and keep going and to come back from the brink of death. On any specific death save check (the final one resulting in death) which may kill them permanently, they gain their proficiency bonus.

Shield Bite: A Grollen on Rampage wearing less than Heavy Armor that successfully bites can choose instead to bite a shield of an opponent. That shield no longer counts in AC, and the Grollen and target both lose half any Dexterity AC adjustment until the Grollen lets go or the opponent spends an action to disarm the shield.


Culture and Society

Tribal Matriarchs: Grollen tribes are organized around a Matriarch.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic


Faerie Elves in the Steel Realms

Posted on September 18, 2015 in Steel-Realms

Steel Realms

Faerie genus in the Steel Realms have more variety even than humans, though their population size is much smaller. Like any population, the normally life-allied elven population has its share of Faey, as well as the fallen ones that dwell in the underlight and persist by blood – Faet m’un. There are those which breathe underwater (Glyddin; “Sea Elves”), which fly and breathe the thin high air (Syphim; “Winged Elves”), and all manner and size of land dwelling variety. These are divided into two ‘camps’ as seen by the rest of the species on Helca; The deep forest dwelling Ynthian Elves and the Wyld Elves of open plains and natural places outside of the Forest of Ynth. There are no known settlements of the ancient Aelfs left on Helca – if there were ever any. Faerie races are treated with suspicion, as they are nearly as adaptable as humans and in direct competition most of them, but inscrutable to most humanoids.
@RP Impact: Reaction penalty in some places. Most faerie enclaves have some group that are Faerie Wind Weavers.

Official PC Races of the Steel Realms

i20™ Race/Species Details

i20 assumes you are familiar with the 2014 DnD 5.0 SRD and the PHB it is based off of.

Best Practice starting (@Character Inception) i20 Characters begin play with a PC Race/Species, a Background, and a Pathway of Experience all appropriate to their setting and no other CP unless noted by the Game Master.

Are you using Best Practice guidelines? (ask your Game Master)

This corresponds to the HALFLING ( Race/Species)
The following aspects deviate from or add to the base race, though may also vary by setting, back story, and/or cultural experience; ‘Baseline’ values are just average/defaults to be used * without specific reference checks. *

Common Cultural Experience

The character comes from an area which has a dominant culture of the race/species and evinces it’s common physiologically and sociologically developed features. As they develop, the cultural norms are ingrained and stay with them in absence of consciously ridding themselves of them (and their benefits).
> This inherits from: None.

Open Cultural Experience

Wherever the character grew up, they eschewed the common cultural experience in favor of a more individualistic approach to life. While they are aware of the cultural norms, they chose not to be confined by them and not to benefit from them, and any unconscious behavior that reflects them gradually fades over time. Unless noted, all Archetype options are available.

Remining CP to spend on Features:

Shared Physiological Details

The following elements reference game details that are physically part of every character of this race/species:

iCore iCore™ Race/Species Details

Faey elves become incredibly powerful, very quickly, twisting their powerful soul-gem into a dead one, an intuitive tunnel to the power of the void.

Long Life Thread

Nearly ALL faerie races have a Long Life Thread, living more than 200 years.

d20 Raise Dead and equivalent/d20 Revivify and equivalent: Creatures with a Long Life Thread (ex: Elves) cannot be targeted by either of these spells (they simply fail) – it takes stronger spells to impact the character enough to bring them back from the dead.

Folk of copse and hill, folk of glade and wood, folk of sea and wave, folk of cloud and breeze, folk of grass and sky

the [contentblock id=playlink1] is the defacto starting point for characters and races of the Steel Realms. The Faerie of the Steel Realms correlate to the (Fey) Elves of DnD.

Common Aspects

D20 Feature Mechanics

COST/REQ: [contentblock id=essence1]
  • Soul Gem
  • Faerie Meditation (the Dream Sleep): The faerie tap into the Feywild and Aelfpaths to take their mind to a different place. The 4 hours of Meditation for [most] faeries counts as Deep Sleeper and grants them the equivalent of a human 8 hours of rest, but the hour prior to and after can only be spent in contemplative state, resting, relaxing, reading and the like. The last 2 hours of the normal 8 required for rest can be spent in heightened alert – such as standing watch. If the hour before or after is interrupted, the character must make a DC 5 Sanity saving throw or the entire meditative effect must be started over again; Characters not resting suffer 1 point of Malaise (cumulative) until they can.

iCore Feature Mechanics


Elves: Wild (sylvan) and Ynthian

Making Contact

The target will find themselves ‘watched’ by the tiny natural allies of the faeries. They will pointedly stop and stare, unblinking, and the targets pass – it should be obvious if the PC’s are paying attention that something is amiss. The small animals will generally not scurry away unless the targets approach threateningly. Those with Lore: Faerie or any sub race may make an Insight skill check DC 15 to understand the ‘faerie watchers’ are relaying what they see as a prelude to the faeries making contact.

Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty

Displacement of the Aelfs: Only the elves of Ynth know that at one time about 500,000 years ago, their ancient brethren, the Aelfs, once dwelt on Helca. Were it not for only trace evidence of their spirits in Ynth, no one would know. The Aelfpaths of Helca were made by them, discovered by the elves of Ynth, and their existence kept secret. Once Ynth began its decline, more have become aware of them and started to explore them. The Elves of Ynth only know that at one point, they were on Helca, and then they were gone – before the coming of the Celestials. They do not know about the massive amount of Augmentum ( as it is known in the realms) that drew them. It also drew the dragons, and made powerful their dreams. Before a terrible war between the two could break out, the Aelfs left Helca completely, after only about 50,000 years of living peacefully and quietly.

[related-subpages pageid=”659″ title=”Other Materials”]
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic

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